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Is it me, or is there a lot of one post forum spams lately?

No, I don't need a home equity loan, penis enlargment, sex toys, drugs, stocks, watches, etc, etc...

EX: http://www.hak5.org/forums/profile.php?mod...file&u=5626

One of many accounts only to send spam to us on the forums.

Maybe the signup process should be changed with some captcha and email questions that need answering, like you have to take a hak5 quiz and get the answers in order to verify your account.

What are your opinions?


Cooper, VaKo and myself are the resident despammers, we do our best but we don't get paid, so sometimes it's there a few minutes longer than perhaps people would like.

Thanks for your patience, just ignore it if you see any, it'll be gone before you know it.


Sned an email verification that make you go to a page and you have to enter your IP address to verify account, or something.

Also, add captcha to all post pages. I know its a pain, but it at least slows down the spammers.

Also, start making all ip addresses shown for posts. Not for admins or specific users, but for people with, say under 100 posts so you know they are part of the hak5 community and not some nutty spammer.

Add a spam button to posts, so forum users can flag the post. This way, if say you set it to 10 flags, it locks the account and needs an admin to unlock it. Also, make it so only people with certain number of posts can flag the item so we don't get a bunch of n00b wiitards thinking its funny to lock someones account.

I don't know, but I guess it upsets me more than most people. If only I could reach through that damn monitor and strangle the f*cker, i might get some satisfaction out of them.


Many suggestions have been made and it will eventually be dealt with but currently the situation will stay as it is. Thanks for the ideas but no major modifcations will take place in the near future, or at least to my knowledge.

As I said, ignore it. At least one of us is usually around and spam doesn't stay for more than a couple of hours.


We can't stop spam, but we can manage it and keep it at a reasonable level. Its gone within a few hours and every few weeks i delete a couple of hundred users. Its not a battle, its maintenance.

And yes, we can bolt on a load of addons to the forums but I don't think its worth it. Better to move to a better forum software which isn't targeted so much.

Ye, lots of spam. We need a full time de-spamer who has a clue about php!

double post i know, I'm allowed to.

Sparda, do you remember my call for people to make a Hak.5 anti-spam mod? Get your arse down to dev5 and start coding. ;-)

Sparda, do you remember my call for people to make a Hak.5 anti-spam mod? Get your arse down to dev5 and start coding. ;-)

I did, it was very basic but it would (if nothing else) discourage the human spammers and stop bots dead in there tracks.

Didn't you put up a 'beta' forum for testing this kind of stuff?


I did, but its on a private IP range so you can't come to visit lol. This contract I'm on finishes in 2 weeks so I should have a bit of free time before the next one starts to have a proper look.


Sned an email verification that make you go to a page and you have to enter your IP address to verify account, or something.


Also, add captcha to all post pages. I know its a pain, but it at least slows down the spammers.

Never going to happen, would piss of to many people.

Also, start making all ip addresses shown for posts. Not for admins or specific users, but for people with, say under 100 posts so you know they are part of the hak5 community and not some nutty spammer.

With the amount of script kiddies and "hackers" here, not a chance.

Add a spam button to posts, so forum users can flag the post. This way, if say you set it to 10 flags, it locks the account and needs an admin to unlock it. Also, make it so only people with certain number of posts can flag the item so we don't get a bunch of n00b wiitards thinking its funny to lock someones account.

No automation, but it could work. Main problem is that we know who the spammers are, we just can't delete them fast enough.

I don't know, but I guess it upsets me more than most people. If only I could reach through that damn monitor and strangle the f*cker, i might get some satisfaction out of them.

Go get 'em... but bare in mind that we won't ever beat it. If we let people in to post, they can get in to spam. Only way to stop the spammers getting in is to delete the forums. Otherwise we just need to be able to delete them faster.

We can't stop spam, but we can manage it and keep it at a reasonable level. Its gone within a few hours and every few weeks i delete a couple of hundred users. Its not a battle, its maintenance.

And yes, we can bolt on a load of addons to the forums but I don't think its worth it. Better to move to a better forum software which isn't targeted so much.

which better Forum suit stops spam outta the box though? IPB i had to mod, and VB is even worse, the same style of spam bots attack both.

Also, start making all ip addresses shown for posts. Not for admins or specific users, but for people with, say under 100 posts so you know they are part of the hak5 community and not some nutty spammer.

I liked some of your other suggestions, but... as for this one.... lets not and say we didn't. :D


Maybe the signup process should be changed with some captcha and email questions that need answering, like you have to take a hak5 quiz and get the answers in order to verify your account.

What are your opinions?

well being a forum admin (<plug> www.1337computers.co.nr cheek it out </plug>) that would be very difficult to set up.


I killed the spam on my IPB by doing the following PHP stuff:

- Modified the captcha image. To hinder the bots that are auto programmed to decode IPB captchas.

- Made a few If statements to stop spam posts. The bots were always using a :) as the post icon, < 5 days old, < 5 posts. So i just made a mod to the post.php to not allow posts matching that and it worked :) I also made it so if it was a loose match, maybe the icon wasnt there...i just made the post unapproved so it would have to be approved or deleted by an Admin or Mod.

Not a bot since...that was a bout 3 weeks ago :)

Heres the post on my forums about the CAPCHA mod: http://www.martin2k.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=2558

And about the progess of the mod: http://www.martin2k.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=2575

If you want to know the IPB mods i did just drop me an email and ill send it to you.

Im not sure about phpBB...im guessing it would be similar, if not easier to implement.

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