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Introducing the Screen Crab


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The Screen Crab by Hak5 is a stealthy video man-in-the-middle. This covert inline screen grabber sits between HDMI devices - like a computer and monitor, or console and television - to quietly capture screenshots. It's perfect for sysadmins, pentesters and anyone wanting to record what's on a screen. Out of the box it saves screenshots to a MicroSD card every few seconds. And by editing a  simple text file you can configure every option, including capturing full motion video. Planting the Screen Crab is easy. Just plug it in, power by USB, pop in a card and get instant feedback from the multi-color LED. Coupled with a large MicroSD card - you can discreetly save nearly a year's worth of data. And with the Screen Crab, remote monitoring is built right in. Connect it to the Internet over WiFi and exfiltrate those screenshots, or watch the screenshots live from anywhere online with Hak5's Cloud C2.

Screen Crab - covert inline screen grabs.

screen crab.jpg

SHOP: https://shop.hak5.org/products/screen-crab
DOCUMENTATION: https://docs.hak5.org/hc/en-us/categories/360002117873-Screen-Crab

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On 3/17/2020 at 1:29 AM, systemsplanet said:

Does this device clone the displays EDID data and return it to the computer?

I.E. is it completely transparent or easily detectable and stored in the registry?

If not, what does it report back to the computer OS? I.E. could Admins write scripts to search for it in the registry and flag the computer?

Extended Display Identification Data


Hi systemsplanet.

I've just tried it and it appears to be transparent like you said. Very powerful gadget.

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