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windows server 600$??!?!?


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I work at a restaurant and we recently got a pos system. It sucks balls btw.. The program has a serious memory leek, and the harddrive is fragmented to shit. Either way i was browsing through the best buy for business magazine.. Windows server 2003 for small businesses is 564 dollars. lmfao what a ripoff. Microsoft FTL.

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It is a rip off, fortunatly most coperations opt for linux servers, but small buisnesses offten have to use windows servers becasue setting up linux servers is offten more expencive (becasue of the man power it takes, not becasue of the cost of the software).

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There must be a decent linux based POS (piece of shit or point of sale?...) system around, but until the current genortation of linux bedroom hackers grows up and start working, linux is going to be at a disadvantage support cost wise.

Having said that, Win2003 server is a really solid OS, but maybe it was just deployed in the wrong place? Everything in its right place, right?

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Linux Golden Standard? Would be a start. There needs to be a consolidation in the Linux world, instead of people contioiusly reinventing the wheel. Just how many more distros does the world need?

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Linux Golden Standard? Would be a start. There needs to be a consolidation in the Linux world, instead of people contioiusly reinventing the wheel. Just how many more distros does the world need?

*BING* idea =P why dont we make a generalised HAK5 LINUX DISTRO!!!! =D

haha i read on digg that linux might be made into one flavour like mac n windows n so on. which is a VERY good idea. i think there should be ONE version of linux

but thats me

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Yes, if Linux does not become more standardised (like BSD), then most likly it's going to remain *difficult*, redhat tried (and failed) with RPMs, what Linux realy needs to get it moving is a Linux equivilent of the "InstallShield" that windows has. It also needs Photoshop, but i belive about a month ago Adobo got punched in the face discovering that most poeple who want to use Photoshop use Linux as there main OS.

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Only one type of Linux? nah... Linux will always be the OS you can tailor to your own needs where as Windows provides a standard enviroment across many different types of hardware. (anyone who was gamming before directx knows what a nightmare it was hardware wise, much respect for the concept of directx).

But for fucks sake, have standards and keep to them. That way Adobe doesn't have to do 80 slightly different photoshop builds, it can do 1, and be damn sure it works on any linux distro thats certifed as standard. Where you have a distro that isn't on said list, Adobes offical tech support stance can be "hmmm... suck it and see? ooh and while your at it, tell us how it went". And at the other end of the scale, you can put Linux on grandma's computer, safe in the knowledge that if the software has a golden linux badge on it, she can use it.

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VMWare manages nicely on all those funky Linux distro's. And they even mess around inside the kernel!

Really, all they need to do is say "We officially support distributions X, Y and Z" and provide some tarball with a list of its dependencies for those who think they can help themselves on their own distro.

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Not sure of the specifics of VMware on linux to argue either way, so I won't.

As for distro's, who do they choose? And where do they draw the line? I really hope they do, because i hardly play games (aside from x-plane which is on linux anyway) and photoshop/premier/after effects are the things I need to use all the time. Adobe really is the only thing holding me back from linux atm.

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linux should b centralised in to one installer n made like as one package. n made more friendly to new users.

hmm... that pretty much makes it windows...

Linux needs to be "fluid" to fit whatever application is being used.

Redhat tried but as redhat grew it started to bloat and fedora was born.

Fedora has always been bloated.

ubuntu is about as userfriendly as it gets and check out Automatix for some even more friendlyness!

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Apache + PHP + MySql = FTW

What's FTW?

OS fanboy. :D

OS = Operating System

OSS = Open Source Software

Given the fact that the 3 mentioned pieces of software run on multiple platforms including Windows, I father you meant OSS.

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