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Keylogging options?


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Hi folks,

Just wondering if a javascript keylogger or any type of keylogger would work on the mkv.

Also, would a key logger by-pass ssl security? I would assume that it would, but it if anyone can share their experience on how / if it is possible, it would be great.


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A keylogger needs to be connected directly to the computer, or installed on the computer, to capture keystrokes from the keyboard. You could use JavaScript in a captive portal to log keys but there is really no point if you are already using a captive portal.

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Well the idea would be to capture keystokes after disconnecting from a captive portal.

But in that case i think a victim would have to install a server file or someting like that. I'm not sure if a javascript could somehow deploy the server file onto te victim as they log into the captive portal.

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I don't think you understand how a keylogger works. Since it captures keystrokes from the keyboard it's local to the machine. Every time you press a key on a web page the data isn't sent over the network. It's done locally and then the form is sent over the network. You won't be able to capture keystrokes from the Pineapple unless if you build something like this: http://www.networkworld.com/article/2868663/microsoft-subnet/hacker-builds-wireless-microsoft-keyboard-keylogger-disguised-as-usb-wall-charger.html.

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Actually i do understand keyloggers. I've used many of them in the past. (It's been a while though)

As far as i rememer the victim has to have a server file that contains the code as well as sending information. (similar to a trojan horse). Of course the information is sent in a stealth manner using smtp server. The cool thing about the keylogger, when compared to a trojan horse, is that it will continue collecting information while the user is offline. The trojan horse is more like a live key logger. Only useable when the victim's online thus opening a port.

Although key loggers are leagle, they do tend to raise some red flags when Anti-virus detect them. Companies and parents use them.

I think keyloggers can be used in a responsible manner. I really don't see any good in trojans though.

Going back to the topic, i guess it can't be done for now.

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My apologies. You asked if the MKV could function as a key logger so it sounded like you were looking for a solution to send the keystroke over the network as it was being typed without first setting anything up on the victim machine. Of course the Pineapple could log data but again the victim is going to have to install a keylogger first.

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What about the keylogger that was implemented for the mark iv?

Could that not be made for the MKV?


Nice find, I didn't know that existed. However, it is exactly what I've been talking about. The only way it will work is by essentially using a captive portal but at that point these is no need to log keys because they will be giving you credentials anyway.

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@sud0nick, No harm no foul :)

I'm always eager of learning something from you guys.

Would it be possible for a javascript to deploy / install on the victim's device without knowing?

For example, the victim enters a portal and upon clicking the "accept and connect" buton maybe install something like, KIDLOGGER?

I doubt it, but I wouldn't it past anyone here in this forum. There are a lot of creative minds out there.

@Xrad, do you have a Mark IV? If so, any issues with the keylogger?

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The "key logger" infusion on the MKIV was just some javascript that was injected onto a page and sent you back the information that someone typed into a field, since you have to modify the traffic that the user see's it would not work on websites protected with SSL but it did let you get data without having to download anything, however since it has to be in plain text and you're the man in the middle you could get the same data without having to inject anything. It was a cool concept though. And if you want to execute code on a victim's machine you are going to need to exploit a vulnerability in their browser that allows for code execution

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Not sure if its relevant here in means of a full blown keylogger, but xss logger could be one way

I Googled this a little but I'm not exactly sure how one would implement it. Would you make your own vulnerable site as a captive portal? How would you get their keystrokes when they navigate to other sites?

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I Googled this a little but I'm not exactly sure how one would implement it. Would you make your own vulnerable site as a captive portal? How would you get their keystrokes when they navigate to other sites?

You would need to inject the JS onto the web pages, you could use the strip-n-inject infusion for this on the pineapple

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