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[Contest] Design the new WiFi Pineapple ASCII Banner


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Hey everyone,

I am sure you all know (and love?) the current SSH banner for the Pineapple Mark4, but we think it may be time to update it and make it more relevant for the pineapple.

Rather than designing our own, we though we could put together a small contest and let the community design and vote for a new banner!

The rules are simple:

  • There has to be a recipe for an alcoholic beverage. This beverage should be pineapple related and have a fitting name
  • There has to be a spot for a version number, in the format X.X
  • There should be an ASCII Pineapple

That's it really.

The submissions will then be featured here and on our website. We will then have a voting period that will determine the winning submission.

To take part in the contest, simply reply to this topic with your ASCII banner!

Best of luck!

-The Jasager Team

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 __        ___ _____ _   ____  _                              _      
 \ \      / (_)  ___(_) |  _ \(_)_ __   ___  __ _ _ __  _ __ | | ___ 
  \ \ /\ / /| | |_  | | | |_) | | '_ \ / _ \/ _` | '_ \| '_ \| |/ _ \
   \ V  V / | |  _| | | |  __/| | | | |  __/ (_| | |_) | |_) | |  __/
    \_/\_/  |_|_|   |_| |_|   |_|_| |_|\___|\__,_| .__/| .__/|_|\___|
                                                 |_|   |_|           
	Pineapple Fuck-Me-Up            (MK4 version X.X)
	 * 2 oz Barcardi 151   
 	 * 3/4 oz Pineapple Juice
	 * 1 splash triple sec                                  \\||//
	Pour Barcardi 151 into cocktail glass.                  \/\/\/
	Add pineapple juice, a splash of tripel sec, and serve .<><><>.
-------------------------------------------------------------- .<><><>.

Are we allowed multiple submissions?

Edited by computerguy241
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__ __ __ _____ ____________ __ __

/ \ / \__|/ ____\__\______ \__| ____ ____ _____ ______ ______ | | ____

\ \/\/ / \ __\| || ___/ |/ \_/ __ \\__ \ \____ \\____ \| | _/ __ \

\ /| || | | || | | | | \ ___/ / __ \| |_> > |_> > |_\ ___/

\__/\ / |__||__| |__||____| |__|___| /\___ >____ / __/| __/|____/\___ >

\/ \/ \/ \/|__| |__|Mark IV v2.8 \/

*Patron Pineapple \

\ \ \

| <> 1 oz. Tequila | \ \ \ \

| <> 1/4 oz. Orange Liqueur | >> > > > >

| <> Fresh Pineapple juice | \||/ / / / /

| <> Lime squeeze | \||/ / / /

|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | .<><><>. /

| Pour Tequila into glass | .<><><><>.

| Add your Orange Liqueur | '<><><><>'

| and your fresh Pineapple Juice | '<><><>'

| plus a squeeze of lime. Serve | _____________________________________________

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 _    _ _  __ _  ______ _                              _      
| |  | (_)/ _(_) | ___ (_)                            | |     
| |  | |_| |_ _  | |_/ /_ _ __   ___  __ _ _ __  _ __ | | ___ 
| |/\| | |  _| | |  __/| | '_ \ / _ \/ _` | '_ \| '_ \| |/ _ \
\  /\  / | | | | | |   | | | | |  __/ (_| | |_) | |_) | |  __/
 \/  \/|_|_| |_| \_|   |_|_| |_|\___|\__,_| .__/| .__/|_|\___|
                    Mark IV Version 3.0.0 | |   | |           

            (_)   | Pineapple Martini Mixup |             ____
            /     | ----------------------- |      ||    (||||)
  \        /   /  |     1 1/2 oz Vodka      |    \\||//    ||
   \      /   /   |    1/2 oz Malibu Rum    |   \\\||///   ||
    \    /   /    |  1/2 oz Pineapple Juice |   .<><><>.   ||
     \______/     | 1/2 Slice of TCP Packet |  .<><><><>.__||
        ||        |                         | .<><><><><>.__|
        ||        | *********************** |  .<><><><>.
        ||        |  Shake well and serve   |   .<><><>.
        ||        |   Ice and fresh pwn.    |
     --------     | *********************** |

Thats supposed to be an antenna, but w/e man xD


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		   \			[Mark IV: Ver 2.8.0 ]
     ``+':       \  \
     `+'+#`    \  \  \	.  ...--.  .-..                .    
     +.+,+;  )  )  )  ) |/\|.|- .  |-'..-..-,.-. .-..-.| .-,
   `+`+++,'+   /  /  /  '  '''  '  '  '' '`'-`-`-|-'|-''-`'-
    `++.;+;`     /  /                            '  '       
      `+;          /
     #:##;#`     	Zombie
    :::;+#'#     	1/2 oz Bacardi® 151 rum
    #:+;;#'#     	1 oz pineapple juice
   `,';#''#''    	1 oz orange juice 
   ;'#;++''+#     	1/2 oz apricot brandy
   #;;#''+;;#    	1 tsp sugar
   ##+'++''#'    	2 oz light rum	
   '++'+''#++    	1 oz dark rum
   .''+;'#;;#   	1 oz lime juice 
    ,';#;;;'     	Shake together.

[ 119 105 102 105 112 105 110 101 97 112 112 108 101 46 99 111 109 ]

Bonus easter egg included :)

Edited by RebelCork
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