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Hey all, I posted about creating VPN tunnels a while back, see post below.


Note: If there is something out there similar to this and working, do not read ahead. However, I couldn't find something that was working properly.

My initial post didn't seem to raise much interest, which really surprised me. The pineapple, as it stands, can attempt to attack/exploit clients using modules that are installed on the pineapple. This is great, and big thanks for all those who have developed these modules. The only issue I see is that attacks are limited to what the pineapple can support. Now, I know there are like 1000s of OPKG packages, BUT some stuff like Metasploit is simply irreplaceable in my opinion.

Enter the VPN. The VPN is simply an extension of the pineapple network to your home PC. I configured a VPN between the pineapple (after some messing around) and my BT5 PC at home. Now, the pineapple has a routed VPN tunnel and my BT5 has fully IP reachability to all the wireless pwned clients. Any and all tools supported by BT5 can now be launched :) I successfully tested this just and was able to pwn a client PC via the VPN using Metasploit (pineapple was connected via 3g).

I am not saying this is a replacement for modules, but I really do believe this is a game changer for the pineapple - the ability to lauch full on attacks remotely from a BT5 machine.

Maybe, this calls for a 'mad props' from the main man Darren Kitchen (and Seb) ??


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This looks great Razzlerock! Mind posting a quick how-to on it? That way others can experiment and enjoy and perhaps add something to your project. I'm excited to try this out myself! Thanks


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Ok, I'll call myself a hacker simply 'cause I do not have any better word to explain how my mind works. But I am NOT able to figure everything out on my own. I'm incredibly self taught.

That being said; can you please elaborate?

I try to do everything that people say can be done with this thing. This really helps me in my quest for knowledge but also creates alot of confusion for me. I won't bug you if I can't get it @ first. I almost always assume that I am not yet advanced enough and thus wait til I am. But let me try it? I learn some things quite quick.

I have been using autossh since the mkiv came out back in march. And I have learned more about linux since then than I have in the past 10 years of computing. This vpn action would be like icing on a cake? I don't like icing, so....

..more like ....

...this vpn action would be the extra bandwidth on my internet connection.

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i have setup a linux cloud vps with digitalocean.com and have the pineapple reverse ssh connect to the vps, ontop of that i have a hostname from dyndns.org point to the vps ip address so incase the ip ever changes i would only need to change it on dyndns and not reconfigure pineapple with a new ip address.

Edited by saeed662
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I couldnt wait any longer n decided to try this out my self, i managed to a VPN connection between pineapple and my remote backtrack VM using openVPN.

I setup and configured openvpn server on my backtrack machine and the openvpn client on the pineapple and managed to get the two to work n connect.

now im thinking if this next step is even possible,

but what i want to try and do is have reaver run (which is on the backtrack vpn server) and use the remote pineapple (which will have the alpha card attached to it) try n attack the wps enabled AP.

im guessing i would need to bridge mon0 from pineapple to tun/tap ? any experts pls if u could comment on this...

Edited by saeed662
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Hey guys. Good work saeed662 :-)

Seb, I DO plan on doing a module for the VPN. I tried to create an account last week (on the WiFi Wiki) to submit modules, but I don't think it has been approved/created?


Could you register again and send me a PM with your chosen username?

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