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Philadelphia Area M33tup


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anyone interested in starting a meetup group in the Philadelphia region?

i'm a net admin in the area and i'd like to get something going if there are like-minded folks in the area.

please let me know if you're interested and if you have any thoughts of convenient times and places.

i'm thinking monthly evening meetups with open discussion and show and tell :)


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There are a few hackerspaces in philly. Hive76 is the first that comes to mind. This sounds pretty cool, so let me know if you finalize a place and time

Awsome! Can you elaborate on the existing hackerspaces (btw, what's a hackerspace). I'll read into hive76 cause I've never heard...

Once I get a little more interest we can collab and decide on a convenient destination

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these people charge money though if you wanna join. thats a big negative for me. i think that contradicts the hacker culture right there.

Hacker spaces are generally rented unless someone donates the space, so it helps pay the bills, as in keep the lights on, access to the space, etc, etc. These things don't grow on trees nor pay for themselves. I was thinking of the costs to start one in my area, and after looking at what a few charge and thinkiung about rent, electricity, internet, (water, sewage - if costs extra in some places), trash removal, it starts to add up. These arent publicly open spaces, they are member supported and paid for.

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Find a Barnes and Noble or Borders in your area. Coffee and Wifi. That would probably the easiest solution.

There is a fairly large Barnes and Noble in Moorestown just across the bridge on the Jersey side, near the highways and easy to find. I'm personally not much for wanting to drive through Philly and look for parking or have to pay for it either. Also near the Barnes and Noble are some restaraunts and bars, like TGI Fridays, Bertucci's, FishBone Bar and Grill, PJ Whelihan's Pub, and a Best Buy. What? Best Buy is as good a place as any to geek out. Oh, and there is the Moorestown mall and Movie Theater right next door. Used to have a skate park inside the mall, but not sure if its still open or not. I think they closed it.

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i noticed the $50 a month membership. it does seem like a cool resource, but i was more interested in starting a general computer/security kind of group. the hive76 guys are more into the electronics and circuitry kinda stuff.

i don't think i'd want to meet at a best buy, but thanks for the suggestion. i was thinking a more private atmosphere, as some of the subject matter may be taken the wrong way by eavesdroppers, or people looking for geek squad tech support. i'd imagine that bringing a "pineapple" into a best buy some red lights might start going off, to say the least.

the group i would like to get going would be open to the public and without a membership fee. we could discuss the latest goings on with computer and network security, software and devices for pen testing, and just general computer and network related juice.

and it would be a cool way to meet like minded folks in the area

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i noticed the $50 a month membership. it does seem like a cool resource, but i was more interested in starting a general computer/security kind of group. the hive76 guys are more into the electronics and circuitry kinda stuff.

i don't think i'd want to meet at a best buy, but thanks for the suggestion. i was thinking a more private atmosphere, as some of the subject matter may be taken the wrong way by eavesdroppers, or people looking for geek squad tech support. i'd imagine that bringing a "pineapple" into a best buy some red lights might start going off, to say the least.

the group i would like to get going would be open to the public and without a membership fee. we could discuss the latest goings on with computer and network security, software and devices for pen testing, and just general computer and network related juice.

and it would be a cool way to meet like minded folks in the area

Yeah, I wasn't saying have a meeting at Best Buy, but that there was one right near the Barnes and Noble, so if anyone want to drop in there after the meetup, its something to do afterwards, like dinner, movies, the mall or the bar for drinks, depending on the age group attending. I don't know, I just like browsing all the shit and messing with their stuff, games, etc. Plus their network is visible from the street via wifi(cough) not that I would do anything though.

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  • 2 months later...

FUBAR Labs, Located just outside of Rutgers New Brunswick, is a hackerspace that has open hack thursdays, where you can go there without a membership. It's a little small though. It could probably fit about 20 or so people comfortably. One of the good things is that one of the founders of the hackerspace is also one of the largest contributors to the arduino community, and they are always willing to help someone out with an arduino project. Also, it has it's own parking lot, so parking will not be a problem either. I'm sure they probably won't mind if we all show up on a thursday night, but I think they would also like it if everybody would chip in like $10 or something to help out with the utilities



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FUBAR Labs, Located just outside of Rutgers New Brunswick, is a hackerspace that has open hack thursdays, where you can go there without a membership. It's a little small though. It could probably fit about 20 or so people comfortably. One of the good things is that one of the founders of the hackerspace is also one of the largest contributors to the arduino community, and they are always willing to help someone out with an arduino project. Also, it has it's own parking lot, so parking will not be a problem either. I'm sure they probably won't mind if we all show up on a thursday night, but I think they would also like it if everybody would chip in like $10 or something to help out with the utilities



thats sounds great. new brunswick is very close to me.

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