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Some of you may have noticed that the temperature of some parts of the world is getting rather high now, so I wondered if any of you have rigged up any ghetto cooling devices for your desk/room/office...

Here's mine (soon to be rearranged, I think):


Powered by a variable 12v/600mA wall adaptor.

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Since I have had nothing to do for weeks (and I still have weeks of nothing to do), tomorow (today, what ever) I intend to make a exause for my room which will be room fan powered and use black bin bags (that will probably melt) as a method of controling the air flow.

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The fan is sucking air out of the room thus lowering the air presure in the room. The lower air presure in the room then sucks air from else where, namly down stairs, which is very cool, the air down stairs is cool that is. It also keeps out flying insects.

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Talking to Horza (who hasn't been here in a while) about heat discharging, I came up with a stupidly brilient idea.

Nearly every modern house in England and america is equiped with central heating (that is, pumping heated water thogh out the house in to big metal heat sinks which heat the air). Well, why can't you use the same system to remove heat from the air? Of course they would not work at full efficency mounted near the ground, but so what? It's better then nothing! Any way, this is another idea of mine thats fairly barking mad. The way I see it is you could just pump the same water that is used to heat the house in summer but make it cold. The problem I see with this is that if you have plastic pipes they might ruptur if you have the water too cold. Other wise it should work! Another problem is heat distrabution, obviusly the heat absorbed out of the house has to go some where. So now you have a big heat sink atached to the back of your house (or garage) whcih gets hotter then a big peive of metal in summer shoudld, you probably want a fan blowing over that as well.

Any one see any problems with this?

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Could you not just hook in a series of electronic coolers in-line with the output from the boiler, then run the heating with the boiler swtiched off, but the pump working? Just turn off the gas to the heating and run it normally?

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That method works as well, but that leaves open the posability that the very cold water (cold but not frozen water = 4 degrees C) could damage the inside of the boiler. It depends on what the boilers internals do and what they are made of. Normal copper piping should beable to widthstand 4 deg C water, not ure about the internals of a boiler.

On another note, my system seems to be working, only had two flying insects so far, and tehy where probably in here since the preiviuse night.

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I found a problem wih my madness!

Condensation, cold metal in a room full of warm moist air = condensation on the metal. Other then dehyumidifiyers I see no way around this. There is no way that I can see that will prevent condensation. However, the best solution I think would be to desighn the radiators so that any condensation that does form is gathered in a sort of drip try underneither the radiator, whcih then disposes of it down a waste pipe.

I also propose that radiators stop been desighned for been installed horazontily, and that they be vertical. There by giving them optimal performance for both heating and cooling a room.

Ye, I'm a crack pot inventor.

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