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Debricking -- Console access via Serial

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Have you successfully flashed the fon? If the flash fails then you won't get Jasager, if it succeeds then why are you bringing it up?

If you have had a successful flash then what happens if you nmap the Fon, what ports are open? Can you ssh to it if it has ssh open?

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i successfully flashed the fon. But when i change dhcp on opewrt and since no work openwrt webif and no jasager :(

here: http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/3745/11webifdhcp.png i change connection type to DHCP and i set ip and netmask (number 2) , but when i click on save so ip and netmask disappeared adn i clisk on apply changes and since fonere give ip adress and netmask and did not work.

this is my nmap:





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the nmap results show that you've got a working device, the ports I'd expect to see are open and listening so I can't work out what it is you are having a problem with, the device is there, has an IP and has the right number of open ports.

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No, la fonera not giving IP, i set manualy. When not, i have exclamation on connection. When i set manualy ip and netmas with gate, connection is ok, but nmap say host down..

it is complicated. How reflash fonera with rs232 with this problem?

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Flashing with either windows app or over serial gives the same result. If you want to re-flash it then fire up the windows app I can never remember the name of and flash away. The only time serial flashing wins over the app is when redboot is locked to an IP you can't access, either because you forgot it or it is a UK one set to

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  • 9 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, so ya, I set my fon to get an IP form a DHCP server.... boy I don't really know any more it was along time ago. I don't know what IP it has anymore and it will not give me one. I figure I'll just reflash it. I tried to use the fon-flash program on Linux but I got the...

No packet.

No packet.

No packet.

Peer MAC: 00:18:84:1e:97:88

Peer IP :

Telnet for RedBoot not enabled.

I bought the fon form Darren a wile back form the hack shop. So, it was pre-flashed. I am guessing now I need to connect a serial cable to it. I have a USB-DB9 connector and a Cisco Console cable DB9-RJ45. My Question is, Do I connect to the fon like this.

USB-to-DB9 -> TO-> Pins on Fon


USB-to-DB9 -> TO -> DB9-to-RJ45 (Cisco con Cable) -> To pin's on the Fon

The First option right? Because the Cisco console Cable is just like a Rollover Cable correct. So, I don't need it; I can just do the Tx->Rx when I attach the wires to the Pins on the Fon...... Right ?


Or, is there some way I can connect to the Fon on Layer-2 over the Ethernet port?


Okay, I don't know why I ask questions I already know the solution too. Sure, don't 'need' the cisco console cable, but it is much easier to just cut the RJ45 off off the console cable. Then solder the wires to the pins on the Fon. When I'm done I'll just connect a new RJ45 to the console cable agin.

Edited by echoblack
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Owe boy :P This is why I almost never ask for help. I always feel so stupid when I solve the problem.

[root@CrossTalk:~]# for each in {1..254}                                              Linux Powered
for> do
for> ifconfig eth0 192.168.$each.58
for> nmap -T4 -F 192.168.$each.0/24
for> done

Starting Nmap 5.51 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2011-02-20 16:32 HST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.000010s latency).
All 100 scanned ports on are closed

Nmap done: 256 IP addresses (1 host up) scanned in 27.30 seconds

Starting Nmap 5.51 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2011-02-20 16:32 HST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.0000090s latency).
All 100 scanned ports on are closed

Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.023s latency).
Not shown: 97 closed ports
22/tcp open  ssh
53/tcp open  domain
80/tcp open  http
MAC Address: 00:18:84:1E:97:88 (FON)

Nmap done: 256 IP addresses (2 hosts up) scanned in 44.51 seconds

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You've found the IP the device is on once it has booted but just so you know that isn't the redboot IP if you try to flash it again.

And the quick way to do the nmap you did is

nmap -T4 -F 192.168.*.0/24

and give yourself an IP address with a netmask of

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  • 9 months later...
  • 1 month later...


Okay I have a TTL to serial adapter. My question is, what are the pinouts for the Mk III?

EDIT: The ddrt wiki ascii diagram might be wrong, the open mesh wiki shows a different layout. Sorry for any confusion. I'm going to connect and test, and correct the diagram.

EDIT: If anyone still cares, the pinout for the OM1p (confirmed working) is:

With the ethernet jack in front of you, the pinout should look like this:










+-----+ +-----+ +---+

|Power| | LAN | |Ant|

Thanks for the photo of the pins but the pinouts are missing:

Looking inside, with the connectors at your left hand (see attachment). Note in the photo in the above post, the board edge

is the edge nearest to you, in my clip the same board edge is away from you.

thanks ddwrt wiki

The AP51, and Open Mesh OM1P are the same board.

Edited by csystem
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