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Back Track 4!


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Tried the ISO and found that it's still running Slax.....thought BT4 was moving to a Ubuntu/Debian base?

BT4 is supposed to be Debian/Ubuntu based. Not sure what the beta is, but where did you get your copy of BT4?

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Wow, my photo made it to the HAK5 forums, even if it's only from the shirt down to my shoes. Mister_X is in that one, too :D



Manager of Online Training and Certification


Hey there mr ziplock. I don't think we have ever met or talked but I'm the one that has been working with Chris and Mati to do all those updates on the Offsec site and the banners, stickers, etc..

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I just realized that's not me in the photo, and not Mister_X as I'd thought. Yes I recognize your nick and have long admired your work on the graphics, very nicely done!

Hey there mr ziplock. I don't think we have ever met or talked but I'm the one that has been working with Chris and Mati to do all those updates on the Offsec site and the banners, stickers, etc..
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hey um.. this is gonna sound really noobish, but I downloaded the iso, threw it in virutal box, and it wants teh user and pass, but it said nowhere on the download site what that would be.

And yes, I tried Root w and w/out root as a password and no go.

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UN - root

PW - toor

Downloaded it earlier, haven't had time to test it, but that's next on my schedule.

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hey um.. this is gonna sound really noobish, but I downloaded the iso, threw it in virutal box, and it wants teh user and pass, but it said nowhere on the download site what that would be.

And yes, I tried Root w and w/out root as a password and no go.

How to tell that some one is new to backtrack :) :P

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I am disappointed to see ndiswrapper out of their package set, it's something I use rather frequently.

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Ziplock, I will have your babies if you can get me some stickers.

I sent Chris an email to let him know people want some Back Track stickers, so best bet is go and register on the Remote Sploit forums and start the asking there. You will probably get a better response since that is their main site and I'm not sure how often any of them check these forums. You could also go to Mati's BT4 blog and request them on one of his blog posts. I think if he see's a real interest in them, maybe he will get some more printed for the community so they can buy some stickers, but the ones I designed for him, I think are for students of his Offsec Courses. Now, don't quote me on that, because frankly I don't know exactly what they are doing with them at this point, but I know they needed them for Shmoocon and the training labs they were planning at the con.

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Thanks for the tip, will do.

has anyone ctually installed this as an fulltime os yet?

BT4 is still a beta, but I see no reason not to treat it like previous versions. BT4 is supposed to be the first in their series to have an automatic update system and act as a full distro, so I can see it being used full time once it comes out of beta. I downloaded my copy but haven't had time to mess with it yet. Im still plying with Server2003 and Active Directory. I need to learn it for a potential postion at work to move out of my mainframe job and into a Sys Admin postion since my department is going away after September. I haven't had time to really "play" with all my other toys lately. They are feeling neglected :(


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lol... I actually found the password later on, but the funny thing was I told a guy at school that I gave a copy to, about he password, and he said 'yah, all linux distros have that for the default' I'm like, when the F89K did this happen? lols~ far as I was evr concerned it was root, and either root for pw/ or no pw. hmm...

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sigh it does not detect my wireless card and no ndiswrapper. I like the idea of an all in one type distro but there are others that work better and i ccan install the applications I need. I know it is a Beta and I will check out future releases.

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sigh it does not detect my wireless card and no ndiswrapper. I like the idea of an all in one type distro but there are others that work better and i ccan install the applications I need. I know it is a Beta and I will check out future releases.

Did BT3 see your card wireless? If it did, I can't see BT4 final not having them in there. It wouldn't make sense to remove working hardware drivers.

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No BT3 does not see it either.

Is this for a laptop? If so, when you boot into it, try using the function key to turn on the radio in the laptop. On mine, its like "Function+F2". Once the little radio light comes on, then get a consol and type dmesg and see if it gets anything for the hardware. You might even be able to google for some drivers. Ndis wrapper will not allow you to use monitor mode or most of the tools properly anyway, so its really no fun without the right drivers. Easiest thing to do is pick up a linksys WUSB54GC adapter for like $40-50.

Have you ever checked to see if your card is listed: http://backtrack.offensive-security.com/in...hp/HCL:Wireless

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