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isp disconnection due to torrent


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On Thursday of last week I was downloading an episode of a TV show from the piratebay but after 10 mins into seeding I was disconnected. I get a message on my screen that says they have received information that I was violating mpaa rules (something to that extent) it continued on to say remove any applications such as limewire kazza etc. from your computer and then call so and so at cox to get reconnected. well now I have one strike against me. what I would like to know is how would I go about downloading torrents without my isp dropping me again

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wow this is fucked up. What country is this in?

I call shanagins!

They can detect that your using bit-torrent but to detect that its copyrighted shit they would have to be monitoring you directly. i.e on the same torrent as you. Doing it via traffic is illegal. It kinda negates an isp's 'carrier' status. i.e if they monitor for this they would be forced to monitor for everything else.

Dont admit to anything. Cuss them. Then change isp.

Are you sure you didnt go over your quota?

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Well unless your ISP has some sort of policy on torrents/p2p then I imagine that it would be illegal for them to snoop and find out what your doing. I would definately read your terms of use very carefully. I would you have a good case against them depending on their policy. Personally I think they just saw you using torrents from a well known tracker and the red flag went up.

However you also mention something about the MPAA etc, it could be that your ISP has recieved an email from them concerning you in general or just a general threatening letter to your ISP. Usually you would be getting sued by now if it was targetting at you specifically. But alot of ISPs have been intimidated into a legal grey area when it comes to disconnecting users for pirating.

As for stopping them from detecting you, it really depends on how exactly they are detecting you in the first place. Only thing I can think of right now is to use non-standard ports or even randomise the ports you use, most torrent clients have a few options for these sorts of things.

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use azurues and encrypt your data. Make sure u click the option that only allows you to connect to other clients that have their trafic encrypted. Azurues is popular enough that ur speeds wont take that big a hit.

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most decent torrent clients have encyption available and it is cross client compatible usually. so enable that (you might see you speed up because you packets don't get traffic shapped then by your ISP) and also you could get something like PeerGuardian going as well, which blocks connections to black-listed IPs.

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most decent torrent clients have encyption available and it is cross client compatible usually. so enable that (you might see you speed up because you packets don't get traffic shapped then by your ISP) and also you could get something like PeerGuardian going as well, which blocks connections to black-listed IPs.

Yeah, I have found that a few times on friends machines that there ISP’s have started shaping there traffic and as soon as you start using encryption with your torrent client the speed shots up dramatically.

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and also you could get something like PeerGuardian going as well, which blocks connections to black-listed IPs.

PeerGuardian is what made me switch to the Smoothie. It takes entirely too many resources, especially if you have a lot of connections going.

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I've been using Peer Guardian for a while now too, so far so good. I also try not to download so much that I will draw attention to myself. I also have a huge list of legitimate torrents that I download just in case I have to call and scream at someone.

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I haven't used it in a few years, but I recall it taking 10-20% of my CPU time and I think a good bit of memory. I do not recall what processor I was running at the time.

I just ran it to see while seeding a file and it hit ) CPU and less than 3k mem use on an Athlon 64 3200 with 1GB RAM.

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azurues has safepeer as a plugin. You can search for it and install via the azurues plugin. uses the bluetack list and is lighter :) ... although i do run SuSe

Take a few extra secs for azurues to start up tho...meh small price to pay.

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I've been with Cox Communications for the last 6 years now and have been quite happy with the cable modem speeds here out in Virginia. I'm currently paying $60/mo for unlimited 15 megabit down / 2 megabit up service. (We don't have crazy bandwidth quotas here in the U.S. normally).

That said, I have been disconnected twice. The first time was due to a worm. I had a LAN party and one of the guys had some nasty infection that was SMTPing all over the place. Cox shut us off and when I called they transfered me to the abuse department where they informed me of the problem and provided me with the tools to remove the worm. They turned us back on and within 10 minutes everything was normal again (except for the LAN party goer being humiliated and later duct taped to his chair in his sleep).

The second time I was disconnected it was the same drill, I called and they transfered me to the abuse department. I broke out my infection removal while on hold and when the opperator picked up I was shocked to find that I had been disconnected for "Downloading Spiderman 2".

WTF?! First of all, I don't download crap movies. But the torrent traffic came from my IP and they said they had a letter from the MPAA. I asked about the letter and they said it was *not* a subpoena or a C&D, but it was a friendly letter asking Cox to deal with their naughty customers. Weird hu? So I pleaded the 5th. Ok, actually I said I had my wifi wide open and that it could have been a neighbor, and they told me to use *WEP* and I said I'd get right on it. 10 minutes later my connection was back and I was yelling at my roommate (before Wess) about downloading crappy movies.

So yeah, that's my $0.02

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Yeah it just struck me as weird because I’ve never had a problem with them either and didn’t get anything before when I was downloading or seeding. Now I got some info from you guys that will hopefully keep me out of the spotlight, thanks

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I'm currently paying $60/mo for unlimited 15 megabit down / 2 megabit up service. (We don't have crazy bandwidth quotas here in the U.S. normally).

You lucky bastard.


I had seen them advertising that service on their site a while back, Almost convinced me to move back to Hampton, VA

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I'm currently paying $60/mo for unlimited 15 megabit down / 2 megabit up service. (We don't have crazy bandwidth quotas here in the U.S. normally).

Unlimited 10/1 for 30 euros here. And I actually get those speeds too.

I can upgrade to 16-24/1.3 for 55 euros. The 16-24 is dependant on your distance to the access point. My home's practically on top of one, so I should get pretty high in that range, but 10/1 is enough for me.

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I don't understand "I get a message on my screen that says they have received information that I was violating mpaa rules (something to that extent) it continued on to say remove any applications such as limewire kazza etc. from your computer and then call so and so at cox to get reconnected."... In what way a message on your screen?

Did it by any chance look like this:


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I don't understand "I get a message on my screen that says they have received information that I was violating mpaa rules (something to that extent) it continued on to say remove any applications such as limewire kazza etc. from your computer and then call so and so at cox to get reconnected."... In what way a message on your screen?

Did it by any chance look like this:


yeah thats the one :wink: nah it was a page that they directed me to that had the information on it

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Know what sucks about cox? Every now and then I'll be surfing for a keygen or something and I'll find myself on a page from cox saying "blah blah blah illegal files, phishing attempts, yata yata"

Ok sure, cox, that's nice of you to filter that. I mean, you might have saved me from something bad. But again I feel like I'm not getting "Internet" access when it's being filtered like this.

Sure, they start with filtering the phishing sites, which I can recognize anyway, then they start filtering the warez and the gambling and the porn and the hak5 because it doesnt fit their business model. And damnit what if I want to pirate software while gambling with porn stars?!

Right. ok, so maybe I'm just a bit off my rocker tonight. disregard the above statement.

Winners don't do #Warez

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I'm currently paying $60/mo for unlimited 15 megabit down / 2 megabit up service. (We don't have crazy bandwidth quotas here in the U.S. normally).


no way

that gets you 512kb/s and 20GB/month in .au

that's so not fair.

it somehow hurts everytime i hear about nice bandwith deals for the non-geographically challenged

i don't have any nasty stories though

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