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ftp - commandline another problem page2 - help


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ok im getting into command line on windows (if thats wot they actually call it on windows ,)

and i can now use it to contact my ftp and download from it.

only problem is were do thefiles end up ?

dont recommend me to use a ftp prog cos i wanna get used to this , i can use filezilla but wanna do it this way .... .

also is there a way to change the destination folder ?

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They go to the working directory of ftp. The working directory changes depending on what directory you are currently in. For example, if you are in C: and you run ftp, C: will be the working directory for that session.

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yeah, what he said. when you launch CMD, it might say something like:

C:Documents and SettingsUser>

right before your cursor. If you use the DOS command CD you can change the directory you're in and it will download the files to there.

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You can't recursively delete on FTP with a single command.

When you use a graphical client you'll also see it run a HUGE amount of DELE commands against the server to clear out a folder before removing the folder itself. Worse yet, I don't even believe the FTP protocol allows wildcards in a DELE command. Your client may accept it, but in the background just get a listing, figure out which files match and then delete those one-by-one.

Since FTP has 2 sides to consider when moving around in directories, command line FTP has slightly different commands for the local side. For instance 'CD <dir>' will move you to <dir> on the remote side, but 'LCD <dir>' will move you to <dir> on the client side. Just use the HELP command to get a listing of supported commands, and use a bit of logical thinking to figure out what the commands do. It's not as easy as FTP using a graphical client, but it will be a version of FTP that will be available *EVERYWHERE*. UNIX, Windows, Mac, they all have one that works pretty much the same way. It's a good fallback to be familiar with.

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...t's not as easy as FTP using a graphical client, but it will be a version of FTP that will be available *EVERYWHERE*. UNIX, Windows, Mac, they all have one that works pretty much the same way. It's a good fallback to be familiar with.

thants the reason i'm trying to get the hag of it :D

+ i can use it @school (it aint blocked)

What about if the directory has tons of files? Is their a command to delete everything rather than each file indevidually.

well i guess u could try making a ftp script ...

to point back to the link darren gave me earlyer this thread :


it gives a example :

An example FTP Script to retrieve files in binary and ascii mode





get /usr/file1.exe

get file2.html

mget *.jpeg


mget *.txt


To run the above script:

FTP -s:GetFiles.ftp [hostname]

This will connect as the user:User_id with password:ftp_password

now i presume the same should work when u replace the mget command with the mdelete or delete command aswell

justa guess tho , havent tested it yet

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on my school they block the internet connection

but i guess they only block most progs n ports

u cant surf the web with a browser or anything but when i tryed connecting to my ftp with commandline it worked , even dl ' ed some files :D

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on my school they block the internet connection

but i guess they only block most progs n ports

u cant surf the web with a browser or anything but when i tryed connecting to my ftp with commandline it worked , even dl ' ed some files :D

Reminds me of a guy who called up to find out why his internet wasn't working in windows. Turned out that he'd been barred for non-payment, but for some reason the browser he'd written himself worked.

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Why do they have a internet connection if they don;t let any body use it?

well they do but only unlock it when a certain class needs it , like for a certain assignment ..... to prevent ppl surfing the web all the time , or useing msn , ....

btw i noticed that in the room with the best pc's in school an 21 inch screens they also have VNC installed on em :D .... 2bad i hardly never am in that room . ffs most of the time in the one with the worst pc's (that take friggin 10+ mins to fire up and crash if u attempt to run all office apps @ 1ce :P :lol:

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im having another problem

it wont seem to let me dload files with a space in the filename in commandline ....

i tryed the old way to do it in a browser (replacing space with %20) but still wont let me ....

the filename is "wrox - beginning php5, apache and mysql web development.zip" ......

ftp> get wrox - beginning php5, apache and mysql web development.zip

200 PORT command successful.

550 wrox: No such file or directory.

ftp> get wrox%20-%20beginning%20php5,%20apache%20and%20mysql%20web%20development


200 PORT command successful.

550 wrox%20-%20beginning%20php5,%20apache%20and%20mysql%20web%20development.zip:

No such file or directory.

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