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OS switch


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It doesnt have to be "Why I switched from Windows to Linux/Mac/ect", but any thing. I

Why did I switch from Vista to Linux. I've always been fond of MS operating systems, I grew up with them. Although I used a proprietary OS many of the applications I used were/are open source. I went to a con, 1st time, and decided to sit in on a "r00twarez". I thought it looked like fun, and never having done this before I didn't realize that my system was at risk of bing attacked unknowingly by other participants. Some where between the metaploits and nmaps I was rooted. Not a big deal, I have back ups and what not... But it was kind of scary at how easily my system was compromised. So now I run Linux Mint, because I am familiar with it, and have built a fire wall.

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i was always scared to move from Windows to any other os because well im sure alot of us would agree that you grow acustom to something and feel that you dont want to move away from it. But anyways i was always interested in Linux so one day i said what the hack let me switch to fedora since that was the only linux i had, man was i surprised to find i couldn't run exe files and maneuvering around the place was all scary (this was way before i came on hak5 and way before i had any skill) So i quickly moved back to windows. Now not to long i decided argh what the hack i know that my knowledge of computers now will help me and i knew alot more about linux so i moved to linux and now im on it ever since.

Ive noticed the improvements in performance of my computer and how easy i found it to work with linux packages and getting around things. It grew on me and loved the fact that when ever you stuck a quick trip to google and the answer would stare you in the face on the first link. Now im a die hard Linux fan, In one month i managed to gather about 6 different distros and tested it a little but when i got time ill delve deeper into it....

Sorry for the long post but just thought id share my story in case someone felt also scared to move from Windows to linux and is indecisive ^_^

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windows is shit but i still need it so i have 1 windows machine and the rest are nix

Yeah I completely understand. I had to figure out how to run a VM in linux for a few things. So far though I have been pretty good at getting my system pretty stable and running almost to the point where I like it. Text is a lot different, smaller, but I am still learning. But so far I have no regrets from switching from vista to linux. With VMware and Wine, i can pretty much run what ever I want. And now I do not need to fuck with the Clean Access Agent any more!

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I'm OS agnostic, because I think that the most important aspect of any OS is the software that it runs. Therefore, I do not choose a specific operating system.

I switched from PCs to Macs, because they can run almost anything. OS X Native, Windows via bootcamp, Linux/Win via Vmware fusion. That means the fewest software limitations = win. Worth the Mac tax, in my opinion.

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oh wow another windows hate thread. i guess windows bashing never gets old for people.i personally love using windows. peoples claims of slow performance and the need for "super hardware" just to even run vista are so exaggerated. all i ever see from people is "ZOMG WINDOWS R TEH SUX" "LINUXES R00LS D00D" but they really have no idea what theyre even talking about. and all this nonsense of security issues is silly. if youre able minded enough to install and configure any flavor of linux then you should be wise enough to safely use any windows OS, if not then you basically fail at computers.

Windows is a wonderfully versatile OS compatible with shit tons of hardware. plug n play no bullshitting around with buggy ass drivers and patches just to get a simple video card to work halfway properly. yeah i know now someones gonna come back and say "YAH BUT THATS JUST BECAUSE M$ HAS MORE MARKET SHARE THATS WHY THEY HAVE BETTER DRIVER SUPPORT" really i dont give a shit why windows does it better than linux, as long as it does it. then im sure someone will also bring up the fact that they cant run vista on their pentium II 300mhz 32 megs of ram box. "ZOMG VISTA SUX CUZ I CANT RUN IT ON MAH ANTIQUE BOX"

basically windows is easier to use nicer to look at, and because its the most widely use OS in the world I can go to my friends house, to work, to a public internet cafe etc and instantly be familiar with the layout of the operating system. can you imagine tons of companies and end users using different flavors of linux? its hard enough finding good tech support as it is, now imagine some helpdesk fag trying to troubleshoot a problem and not even knowing where to start.

and as far as the answers to any nix problem staring you in the face on the first google link, heh hardly heres a good example right here just recently posted. http://hak5.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=10466&hl= . basically theres nothing that i "need" linux for i can do everything i need to get done and want to get done in windows with less hastle. you see a windows user really never "needs" linux for anything but linux users almost always "need" windows for something. notice i said almost so dont start flaming me up about how you can do everything you need to in linux.

basically windows bashing is played out and lame, it dosnt make you look cool or add l33t points to your profile, noone is gonna give you more "hacker" props for being a Luser. anyways thats my 2 cents.

/me prepares for flame.

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No one said this was a hate thread. I concur with you that windows is an outstanding operating system. It was my latest experience with exploits and "rootwarez" that lead me to drop vista in favor of linux. I always used open source tools in my windows install so the move was, as i said, easy.

My move wasnt a "h4x0r" thing. I do not pretend to be a "l337" pen tester. I do a little coding and software debugging so understandable i am more comfortable with windows, because i am used to the tools used.

I was happy with vista and its performance after a few modifications, as well as XP. So in all I think you jumped in the conversation a little prematurely with the "windows are the best" troll line. I was merely trying to see if anyone could relate to my experience with switching from one OS from another.

And if you read my first line in the very first post it says:

It doesnt have to be "Why I switched from Windows to Linux/Mac/ect", but any thing
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Linux as the host OS, Windows in a VM for everything you can't do in Linux. Which isn't much. For me it consists of a couple of company Windows only apps (.Net apps that require IE), and Visio. Because dia doesn't even come close. And the only other thing is iTunes. GTKpod sucks ass. iTunes sucks ass too, but at least it works. There really is no excuse for not having a better solution to iTunes by now, but then again I've not contributed to a solution so who am I to bitch about it.

Although it's been my experience that Hardy is WAY faster than Vista out of the box. That is without performance tweaking either, maybe you could get Vista to perform as well with some tweaks. I dunno, don't care.

I used to make an argument for Windows to people. Justifying it's existence, so that the non-technical folks out there who just want to surf the internet and check email could have something that was familiar and easy to use. That is no longer a valid argument. I'd say at least 70% of those people (who make up a large portion of the non-commercial computer purchases) would be perfectly fine with a Linux system. The only time that they wouldn't, would be if they wanted to play games. Games are better on Windows. That's all there is to it. It's just too much of a hassle to get it working in Linux most of the time.

And Windows does offer businesses something that most other OS's don't, AD and group policy. Although most don't use it, or at least not properly. It is something that other systems lack in the way managing rights and access. I don't do admin stuff, so maybe I'm missing something, but that's just been my observation. I know Apple has something like AD, but I've heard it sucks and isn't as comprehensive.

It's all what you are comfortable with. Both get the job done.

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No one said this was a hate thread. I concur with you that windows is an outstanding operating system. It was my latest experience with exploits and "rootwarez" that lead me to drop vista in favor of linux. I always used open source tools in my windows install so the move was, as i said, easy.

My move wasnt a "h4x0r" thing. I do not pretend to be a "l337" pen tester. I do a little coding and software debugging so understandable i am more comfortable with windows, because i am used to the tools used.

I was happy with vista and its performance after a few modifications, as well as XP. So in all I think you jumped in the conversation a little prematurely with the "windows are the best" troll line. I was merely trying to see if anyone could relate to my experience with switching from one OS from another.

And if you read my first line in the very first post it says:

yeah my post wasnt really directed towards your OP, its just that ive seen a million threads that start out with something simple like "which linux is best to start out with" and then totally spirals out of control in a huge flame/distro war. so sorry if it seemed like i was trolling your threa. that wasnt my intent. i am one of the few people ive seen that actually defend windows. so again apologies for thread hating on your topic.

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go vector, go vector, RAGE....

On my new comp i'm gonna have two hard drives, one linuxy,all the distro's i can fit on it, and one mac & windows, purely because then i have everything i could want! And with quite a lot of software for windows that i need, and me resorting to a linux live cd everytime windows blows up on me, so it would be sort of a perfect mix...

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No I understand. I am by no means a windows hater, but I am also not a fan of commitment. I feel that me and the dowz have slowly drifted apart and that its time for me to try new things. Its really not the system, its me. But in all honesty if i have a genuine XP install disk i probably would have went back to that.. Winners don't do warez

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i like windows. simply put it is the most supported os out there. its got more native mainstream software support of any os. but mostly its the gaming that gets me. luckily i just switched from xp to vista which is enough of a change for me to lose my familiarity with the os so i am willing to switch. well sort of switch. hopefully by the days end ill be dual booting ubuntu and vista

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So far, using linux as my primary system, I have noticed a few bugs. Im sure its just the programs, many of the programs in Mint are compiled in a way that it.. i dont know how to explain it.. The developers compiled the programs and put there spin on it. After uninstalling firefox and reinstalling it I havent had issues, but gimp will sometimes lock up on me...

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im actually looking at ubuntu studio. it would provide the audio/video/image editing platform i can get some use out of and i can load it down with some nice IDE's myself.

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Lets bring it back to the topic :)

I've been using Microsoft for years now and recently switched to linux for a change of pace. I have respect for Microsoft (because without them i'd be unemployed), but they helped fashion a generation of people who are lazy when it comes to computing. (i'm speaking in general, not you HAK5 people. thats why you're here). While i like some stuff about MS Windows, i feel like i'm being cattle called into "buying this, using that, just to get the job done"

Linux kinda says, "Stop being a lazy fuck and do it yourself". (and if linux doesn't say that, people in the forums will). All the tools to make anything happen are there in plain sight and accessible by everyone. you just have to beef up your knowledge. which is what i'm doing now.

wish me luck cause since i started using linux full time, i've been drinking more. :) nah...j/k

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im using ubuntu studio over windows now. ive still got vista but its purely for gaming and word processing(it has times new roman lol)

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