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Posts posted by dr0p

  1. dr0p, any advise for a ubuntu noob to configure conky? I installed it and found a thread with examples of a .conkyrc file, ect.. but got errors when i tried to install / run the new script. What programming language is that? Pseudo code?

    I also found this site to help customize yalls ubuntu / linux which helped me and may help other linux noobs


    and Mark Manching i see nothing wrong with that desktop looks pretty pimp lol

    If you really want to customize how your desktop looks, you're gonna have to drop using distrobutions that force specific window managers and desktop environments on you, and yes, I know that you can change your WM on X\K\Ubuntu but it's a pain in the ass <_< Anyways...

    conky retrieves system information, and then displays what you ask for, such as CPU usage, free space on a partition, etc.; it parses the .conkyrc file in your home directory (unless otherwise specified) using its own basic syntax which you can pick up just by looking at one or two example configs, or by reading up on the documentation. The conky settings documentation is here and the variables that you can use to retrieve information is found here. I've uploaded my .conkyrc for anyone who cares to http://pastebin.com/f383f230c

  2. I really love the simplicity of your desktops Dr0p. Would it be possible for you to list all the stuff you use?. ( What launch Panel, CPU Monitor, etc...)

    OS: Arch Linux x64

    WM: Openbox

    Panel: Tint2

    Terminal: urxvt

    IRC: irssi

    Stats: conky

    Music Player: mpd

  3. You normally do not buy a botnet. Usually you will pay for time or action on it, i.e 500 Ddos, 1000 spam, ect.

    People buy and sell botnets quite often. Not nearly as often as offering out the services, I agree, but it does happen.

  4. ...

    I was also thinking that the owners of the BOTNET will not be taking too kindly to the BBC uninstalling 22,000 zombies, and these guys do NOT play nice, so the BBC boys must have some big balls (or a wish to lose their knee caps :D)

    The BBC purchased the botnet, the original owners / malware distributors probably don't care, they still have their money.

  5. It's a lot better if you program your own botnet because you get to choose exactly what features it has, how it spreads, etc. plus you also get to deal with managing hundreds to thousands of simultaneous connections. And no, I'm not endorsing using botnets for malicious purposes in any way but they're a fun project to experience and learn about.

  6. Imho, you shouldn't have had to call customer service at all and that is complete BS. You paid for the files, why should you have to contact Apple if you want to download them again?

  7. Well I was wondering what was available for RFID reader/writers for under $100. I was looking at this but I'm not sure exactly if it has what I'm looking for. I'm not sure if the chipset on that supports raw hex (or whatever) outputs or it can only parse what it has specifications for, which would be a problem since I'm not sure exactly what kind of output the card I'm tinkering with has. Thanks for any advice. Also, sorry if this is in the wrong forum but I wasn't exactly sure where to put it.


    &lt;Switch&gt; --- Interceptor --- &lt;PC&gt;
                     /   \
                   /       \
                 /   WIFI   \

    The interceptor takes all that traffic and distributes it over wifi. (And I know, awesome diagram.)

  9. Not a bad episode, would be amazing if we could get some custom hardware for this :3 *imagines a small little box with an ethernet jack on both ends*

  10. Actually I tried Gentoo on this machine once. It took over a week to compile X!

    If I can find a lightweight distro that can meet the perl dependencies then I'll go with linux and Xorg. But for now it's XP.

    I'd like to get back to a damn small frugal install since I make everything read only at boot and not have to worry about when the power goes out.

    I was gonna recommend Arch linux (basically the binary form of Gentoo), but I don't suppose that processor has i686 support does it?

  11. Yeah I watched this a couple of days ago on www.securitytube.net was interesting but rather short.

    I would rather have the BBC as the zombie master of my hijacked computer rather than some fuck tard skiddy who paid for em.

    There was a talk at defcon a few years back about this sort of thing that I watched on youtube, from memory a bot retails for as low as 20 or so cents each.

    remind me of the good old days when I went to the store and got $3 work of mixed lollies. Now days kids ask for $10 worth of bot nets =P

    Don't forget about the people who get payed to distribute botnet malware too ^_^

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