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Posts posted by dr0p

  1. Funny how BMW's can go left and right, forwards and backwards. Have a engine and wheels, doors too! But they still cost way more then other cars! BMW doesn't know what it's doing!!

    Why do people get all upset that Macs are more expensive? Is it because you want one but can't afford it, so you start arguments saying that are more expensive?, Witch every knows already. Even people that buy Macs!

    Why get a BMW when you can get a Honda Civic.?

    Because the BMW phsyically has more / better features, where as Apple's hardware has no physical advantages to it and they're still charging more. I like OSX and I love the design of Apple hardware, but it's just not worth the money to me. (And no, I'm not telling Apple to lower their prices because obviously it's working well for them so whatever.)

  2. Old episode is old ^_^ Side note: Comedy Central plans on releasing all future episodes in HD and also going back and re-rendering every epsisode into HD (not just upscaling.) This makes me very happy :3

  3. Personally, I really like Windows. XP was simply epic, fast and quite flexible; I really can't find a downside to it. Vista had quite a few downsides but those were solved pretty quickly after Vista's release, and SP1 basically fixed any real bugs it had. Win7 looks very promising but I've yet to be able to use it myself so I can't really talk.

    I have used a ton of flavors of linux, BSD, and I'm pretty familiar with OSX too even though I've never owned a Mac. They're all nice and have their strong points which is why they're deployed in different situations.

  4. Okay, after watching, the VoIP setup looked pretty cool but I unfortunately don't have any SIP phones lying around. The little USB board looked like a lot lot lot of fun so I might just have to get one of those :3

  5. But how common is that and Cain/Abel allows for random fake MAC addresses to limit pointing the finger at you.

    Medium to large companies usually have IDS (Intrusion Detection Systems) on their networks which detect this and many other network threats in real time. Other than that, not many networks have anything like that running.

  6. The Sony P its still my fav one until the moment xD

    I think vista would suck on it, thats why i'll change to one of the Linux Distro available(probably Backtrack 4)

    Anyone knows other nice Mini Notes?

    Backtrack is NOT a day-to-day OS, meant only for security testing, it doesn't have a package manager of any sort, etc. Personally I recommend arch because it's very lightweight and you're not going to have a very powerful processor. 3G + GPS built in along with the 1600x768 resolution screen makes it an amazing netbook if you can afford it though.

    Personally I'll be getting an Acer Aspire One soon for $300 because I'm a broke teenager.

  7. +1 for awesomeness

    reminds of the new LRR video

    "I need something easy to follow and understand, how about this FLCL (he says f-l-c-l)?"

    "Oh ya thats REALLY easy to follow"

    +1 back to your for knowing it's FLCL <3

  8. So if a fon is illegal then why are we teaching people how to make one?

    illegal != immoral. However, what you're asking about is quite immoral/rude, so I would advise you just to leave.

  9. haha thats gotta suck, also h3% how is it i get better up but a shitty down?

    and dr0p whats powerboost?

    Powerboost is where they uncap your download speed for the first 0-10 seconds of a download so if you're downloading a small file it finishes almost instantly. Of course during peak times this isn't available but it's still nice to have late at night ^_^

  10. Okay, so I tried everything you guys mentioned and it's not working and I really don't know why. I think it has something to do with my router, because I can take the same computer to another network and it will work fine... but the only piece of networking equipment I have is a WPN824v3.

  11. Just ask them who has a MySpace/Facebook/Bebo or whatever and then chose one of the ones who raises their hand and ask them their name. Then type their name into google, and show them how much information, pictures, etc. you can get them from just their name because of what they have posted.

  12. That's up to you to decide for, if you do decide to partake in the exercise. Giving away too much information would defeat the point of the test. As an attacker coming accross data, there's a slim to none chance that you'd know what algorythms are being used and precisely what format the data takes.

    Sorry, but that's absurd. For all we know it could just be an XOR encryption, but without knowing anything and just being given the file we would have to bruteforce of the forms of encryption we could think of because it's not like encryptions leave you a nice header in the file (wow that was a horrid runon sentence :x). If I were to stumble upon random data somewhere on the internet that was encrypted with no clue on where to go I'd just ignore it, no point in wasting my time for something that's probably not going to be interesting / of any use anyways.

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