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Posts posted by dr0p

  1. @vector: Has AMD announced a date for the eon? If it's not too far out then I'd just like to wait.

    @digip: I love AMDs (I'm on my Phenom desktop right now ^-^) but the Turion is noticeably slow compared to a C2D.

    @3vmike: It has a 8400M GS w/ 128mb.

  2. Well thanks for all of the advice, but I've settled on the Dell Inspiron 1420, since it's on sale now for $707 with a 2.4ghz C2D, which is a really important thing to me, since the processor is the one thing you can't really upgrade it laptops and this one is going to have to last me for a while.

  3. Streaming HD on that little guy... not going to go over super well. I would recommend getting yourself with a micro-atx with a small psu and an efficient C2D for the processor. Would be able to stream HD just fine, do any emulator you'd like, etc. and it wouldn't use that much more power than the EEE... however I'm not sure you'd be able to fit it into a NES case.

  4. It's definitely interesting concept, but as soon as twitter was notified, they could take the c&c center down, which would be a huge problem for anyone running a botnet. Maybe if it was distributed across multiple accounts it would be better, but it could still be shut down very quickly. Oh well, still a fun concept and can be used for good purposes too, not necessarily running a malicious sort of botnet.

  5. Well, here's my super long list...

    Cable Modem - Rented From Comcast (not sure how much parents pay for it per month)

    RangeMax Router - $60

    My PC (custom build) - $650

    Mom'S PC (again custom) - $400

    PS3 - $400

    Total: $1510.

  6. @Siv: Arch <33

    Here's my super awesome network...

                                              |               |
                                              |               |
                                              |               |
                                {MY PC - ARCH/WINXP}  {MOM'S PC - WINXP}
    ~: 802.11g

    I'll take a picture when I get home xD

  7. Lol even though there are safe guards in place, root prompt, people are steal(c wat i did thar?) greedy enough to let it do what ever it wants just so then can xray some boobies. In any case I hope to see more MAC virii pop up in the coming year, it would be great to see a nice iPhone or Winmo worm.

    Very possible, a guy at Pwn2Own this year had an iPhone 0day but wasn't willing to part with it for $10k so it might be getting sold somewhere else ;p

  8. This is complete BS, the US government is allowed to violate peoples' privacy in order to track down an accused person or persons? That is complete and utter nonsense, I don't see how courts can allow this at all.

  9. Imho, you should go with Arch and then install the eee-kernel. It cuts out the crap you don't need in the kernel for much faster performance but at the same time it makes sure that you have the appropriate drivers for everything, including your wifi. Again, this is just my opinion; if you chose to do this, be sure to have the begginers guide for Arch handy because you'll probably get stuck somewhere between installing it and getting your WM up and runnning.

  10. I'm nowhere near being in the IT section of anything, but I have a feeling a lot of companies will be upgrading to Win7 since XP is officially off the support list. Plus, Win7 doesn't actually run that bad on older hardware as long as you have a decent GPU or turn Aero off.

  11. Well, I'm looking to buy my first laptop, and I was wondering if any of you had recommendations... here are my requirements:

    • 2.0ghz C2D or faster (no pentium dual core)
    • 14.1" or 14.0" Screen (no bigger, no smaller)
    • 802.11 G -and- N internal (chipset needs linux support)
    • Bluetooth with EDR (linux support would be awesome here but it's not necessary)
    My budget is sub-$800, but sub-$700 would be even better. I would also really like to avoid Compaq even though I know HP bought them. Thanks~
  12. Right, someone with both an XBox 360 and a 'kill-a-watt' style power meter please connect it up and tell me how many watts the xbox consumes while playing a game, not while idling.

    From there it will be a very simple matter to work out what kind of battery & inverter or direct DC supply will be needed for a given amount of game time. The watt rating on the power supply is not relevant here, we'd need actual consumption figures.

    I looked it up, while playing GoW the 360 used an average of 185.1W with the peak at 186.5 and the minimum at 176.54.

  13. There is a free version. It took me hours in VB. Dont' call it shit. You haven't tried it. I will take out "for 10$" I'll make it free i'll shut you fucking trap.

    -Let see you fucking make one. FUCKTARD. You may be a respected member but seriously you're an asshole.

    Bwahahaha. The HORROR of making a GUI in VB.

  14. If you have a jailbroken iPhone / iTouch you could theoretically change the firmware to incorporate a modified truecrypt system. It would probably really slow it down though since they don't have a lot of power.

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