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Posts posted by dr0p

  1. I got one of those from "Sandra Smith" with a different story. Was actually really suprised it got past GMail's spam filters since not much does. The from address is obviously spoofed, there's no point in wasting your time trying to get scammers / spammers back as it won't get you anywhere.

  2. I read the official document from the whitehouse on the matter, and it doesn't mention the government having control over the private sector at all, only that the government and private sector should work together to secure the national cyber infrastructure. Seems okay to me as long as they don't add any clauses that would allow the government to actually control the pirvate sector in any way.

  3. I'm pretty sure the Arduino is not powerful enough to handle video. Maybe there is a chip or board that can handle the conversion from analog to digital video, which the Arduino could control. But I don't think you could pass all the data through the Arduino, I don't think it's fast enough to keep up - even if you had a codec that was feeding the Arduino compressed video, I think the Arduino would still be too slow. (and probably the speed it can write to a memory stick isn't very fast)

    Yeah I didn't think it would be able to handle it ether... could you recommend another chip that would be able to do it though?

  4. If you want to connect a USB key to the microcontroller, the microcontroller will need to be able to act as a USB host. I don't know if there is a real cheap/simple way to do that.

    If you're willing to use an SD card, I think they usually are simple to interface with microcontrollers. A quick google found a thread on the Arduino forum that seems to cover reading/writing an SD card. (I have only played with an Arduino Duemilanove a bit, I'm not familiar with the other Arduino devices, and I haven't tried interfacing SD with it)

    An Arduino would work well for the USB connection to PC (as would a Teensy - it's also small and cheap). You might want to look around on Avrfreaks.net, it's a great site to check for information and projects using AVR chips (there may be a project similar to what you want, that you can modify) and the forums are very helpful too.

    To read/write a USB key is possible but I think it would require more hardware than just an Arduino (a USB host), and I think in most cases it would be considerably more cost/trouble compared to using SD.

    Actually I was stumbling around the arduino site and came accross this which is more or less a USB r/w library that's quite easily used on all of the arduinos.

    New question though:

    If I were to have an analog video coming in to the arduino on one or two of its analog inputs would it be a powerful enough device to convert it to a digital video in real-time and save it to the usb?

  5. Okay, well here's what I want to do:

    I want to have a serial USB (I know, redundant) connection to the microprocessor that occasionally spits data at the processor, and I would like the processor to then save that data on to a USB key.

    Anyways, I needed the smallest processor available, so I figured with its two digital connections that the Arduino Pro Mini would be able to handle this but I'm not entirely sure, so I was wondering if anyone here had some advice on this, specifically is it even possible with this hardware? Would there be an better or easier piece of hardware to use for this task?


  6. Er, guys, wouldn't the google ads NOT see the full content of the page sicne it's in an I-frame...meaning it wont' target ads...meaning it won't display ads at all?

    My initial suggestion of iframes was pretty generic, but you could create a customized filter for each popular site such as myspace, facebook, etc.

  7. The unfortunate truth is you have to know all of the old hardware that those A+ cert books have listed even though nobody uses them anymore. Also, be ready for the most obscure question on the most random thing as getting one of those wrong can really hurt your chances of passing.

  8. I actually swapped out my atheros on my AAO with a broadcom based wifi card when I was testing Mac Osx (concluded it's rubbish and sticking with Linux)

    Anyhow, I use the B43 driver perfectly well for aircrack and it's connection is stable.

    My broadcom chip is the BCM4328, and unfortunately, doesn't support monitor mode yet or packet injection.

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