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Posts posted by dr0p

  1. @snubs: はい げんきです.

    Not much to say about this episode but... as far as the comment about taking a screenshot of only a certain window by Matt, never heart of Alt+PrntScr? Anyways, just a quick suggestion: a less hideous font in those little fly-up boxes would be good ^^ (that disporportional @ sign drives me crazy.).

  2. is this project still going strong? because the torrent isnt seeding and i dont see any activity

    i want to help out bad because i need these tables


    No offense, but look at the date... this was started in Feb 2007, most people have already seeded their fair share and are long gone.

  3. The set layout was nice, the LCDs in the back were a nice touch.The content was okay, but I was a little dissapointed on the SIM card hack, I was hoping for some actual code or an exploit, not just a bug in the OS.

  4. Uhm... install your favorite distro of linux on your VM, install apache, install mysql, install php, edit the configs properly and you're set. As for mail server, I dunno I've never set one of those up before but I'm guessing it's the same process.

  5. Let the customers know that their CC numbers are more than likely up for sale somewhere. And you can't catch them if they really are from Ukraine / Russia, the law enforcement there won't do a thing. Oh, and shut the server off, there's a 99% chance they still have a backdoor.

  6. Personally I would just add it as an exception to the sudoers file, so that even though you have to still type "sudo" to run it as root, it doesn't prompt you for your password... I personally do this for my shutdown file so that I don't have to enter my password to shutdown / reboot.

  7. Hmm. I had that..

    It's like, a "transparent" terminal, when above another window like firefox, doesnt show firefox underneath it. Instead, it shows my desktop. Its like showing me whats behind firefox, instead of firefox.

    Oh, I understand what you mean now, and that's just how transparent terminals are ^_^

    @KeelBug: I like ^_^

    Andddddd update:


  8. e-book reader! Thats what I did with my old Toshiba Tecra 8000. Remove all of the unnecessary components (spekeres, keyboard, 56k modem, and what not) Slim down the case, and fold over the screen. Rotate the screen output (some cards can do this matevly, otherwise get a trial of Pivot Pro) Tadaa, a cheep as free e-book reader!

    Just curious, what input did you add to replace the keyboard?

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