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Posts posted by dr0p

  1. Ettercap is amazing because of it's ability for filters. Anyways, ettercap should automatically (or maybe you need to enable it?) shove a fake SSL certificate at the target which will allow you to get their password.

  2. the pirate bay is not doing anything illegal, they are just a search engine. what they do is even more legal than what google does

    google has been known to contain search results linking to child porn and they have also been knows to cache that content, why don't they shut down google?

    google has been known to cache content from websites that were selling the content and other copyrighted material

    on google if you search for a song using the proper tags, you can find direct links to download free music, does that mean google is stealing music, there simply just a search engine.

    if someone crashes their car into a crowded mall, do you sue the dealership that sold the person the car for facilitating in the murder?

    tpb doesn't host the content, they just index it so people can search for it

    if theres a house that sells drugs and other illegal substances

    and someone uses their GPS to get to that house, should tomtom be sued for facilitating because they indexed a illegal house or anything illegal?

    many companies offer traffic service with their GPS

    if a gps reports a overturned tractor trailer on the highway and someone using that info drives over there to loot the tractor trailer, should the GPS company be sued?

    nope because there not giving illegal info there just reporting info,

    You sir, win an internet. Possibly more. It's the absolute truth.

  3. I'd like to add Arch linux - http://www.archlinux.org/ - The best way to describe it is as a pre-compiled gentoo. It goes for optimization, it is built for i686 (not i386 like most) and is very much do it yourself rather than adding loads of things you don't need.

    Also has a huge x86_64 support base (that's what I use :3) My favorite distro ever, because it comes with very little installed, you install only what you need for the highest amount of optimization possible.

  4. lol didn't you state previously that you are 16 dr0p? I thought the legal drinking age was 20ish or some shit in the state's.

    Its sure good to be Australian legal drinking age of 18 and you can drink at any age providing its at a restaurant and you are with a legal guardian that approves. XD

    Dingle if you drop your wallet I would be kicking it home (ok I am all out of gay jokes now).

    Since when have legalities stopped anyone from doing anything :P And he doesn't have to worry about dropping anything with me, I'm an uke :3

  5. A gay man with an obsession for boxxy is my type of gay man. In a strictly platonic way of course... unless there is LOTs of money and booze involved, then I am yours lol.

    Alcohol can be provided.

    *LMFAO @ Dingle* Your easily bought but at least the currency is alcohol.

    Dr0p well even if I have no anime on my desktop I at least have this as a hold me over. XD

    Cheater <_<

  6. ZOMG Keiyentai, Quick hide or the gay dude is going to pounce and attacks Yooh! I kid I kid (sorry I so had to) XD

    Well at least your honest and have a sense of humor about it. By the way I have <3'd your previous desktop with that anime character in it. XD

    Yeah... I missed my anime... so it's back again ^_^


  7. lol Well thank FUCK I didn't crack on to you, that could have went down really bad for me. XD

    Don't worry, it happens often ^_^ I act pretty gay some times... oh wait I am gay :lol:

    LOL :lol: Don't feel bad I thought Dr0p was female too. Owell lol. I had people ask me is I was female before I grew my goatee and such lol. I looked very Bushojinish.


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