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Posts posted by dr0p

  1. The only downside I have found with any distrobution of linux that I've tried is that WINE still sucks. Bad. That takes away basically any gaming you could possibly want to do, which makes me sad T_T

  2. Hey everyone. I was wondering who knows of the cheapest VoIP provider for incoming and outcoming calls. I'll be running the PBX system at my house so I just need the SIP gateway. So who knows where to get the cheapest?

  3. It's easy in a sense, but for someone (e.g. me) who used Ubuntu previously, there are times when you do things like spend 30 minutes trying to get your webcam working, only to realize you're not in the video group :P. For any newbies reading this, you probably /don't/ want to try Arch as your first step into Linux, but I would fully encourage trying it later on.

    That's true. The challenge isn't installing Arch, but getting it functioning exactly the way you want it. Imho, it's actually a better place to start than Ubuntu because you learn so much more when you aren't even given a GDE to start out with.

  4. install arch linux ;)

    if thats a bit too hard command line your self around and copy a file from 1 directory to another and then delete that file.

    also open a picture txt and mp3 file

    That's really easy... it comes with an installer that you basically just press next-next-next on lol.

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