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Everything posted by soulbleed

  1. This is really old. The game is Call of Duty: United Offensive. Died a ton, but was as close as I've ever seen anyone get to 300. Had to uninstall the game because I was banned from every populated server for "cheating". LoL
  2. \\\$\ isn't a valid path. The $ in network share names means it's a hidden share. It should probably be \\\C$\ Post your install script.
  3. Are there any free tools that allow you to profile the hardware on a remote host given it's IP address, over the Internet? The reason I ask, is because a lot of game servers providers lie about the hardware they run, and was thinking about switching hosting providers if the hardware and reviews are as good as they say. Thanks
  4. Just got this in an email from hacking-lab.com. Apparently whoever hacked Kevin Mitnick, also hacked Hak.5. http://antilimit.net/CENSORED.txt It's a pretty interesting reading. This might be old news, but I haven't been around on the Hak.5 forums lately. Apparently it was a hacker group called ZF0.
  5. Anyone have this application? The link to it on AnAppADay is dead. Thanks
  6. A friend of mine in college wrote an application exactly like that one, but in VBScript for a final project.
  7. On Windows, something like this would work: for /f %%i in ('dir /b') do ( rename "%%i" "%random%-%%i" ) Edit: Just tried it, but for some reason %random% doesn't change.
  8. Is there anywhere on the site, or any chance of adding one; a complete RSS feed containing all the episodes? The reason I ask is because I use SageTV to stream all my media from my computer to my TV. It has options where you can add custom Podcasts. It would be nice to have a complete listing of all the Hak.5 episodes on demand with a click of the remote button. Thanks, Tony
  9. Why not use whereis and updatedb? http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/whereis.aspx
  10. What do you actually need the script to do? There is probably a better way to do what you want, without trying to compare drive labels to drive letters. If not, look into the fsutil command.
  11. There already is a GUI for nmap. There is also a universal GUI for almost all command line apps called TheGUI. http://aluigi.altervista.org/mytoolz/thegui.zip
  12. soulbleed

    Reverse DNS

    Did you add a reverse lookup zone on your DC?
  13. I've been learning VB6 and wrote this little quick connect utility for CoD4. http://rickrolled.my5gb.com/cod4qc.bmp[/img] http://rickrolled.my5gb.com/index.html
  14. Most of you have probably read the great hacking books published by FoundStone. But, if you haven't, check them out. Anyway, I was on their website just now and noticed they have a ton of nice tools, and hacking webcasts. They've also got applications called Hackme's that simulate a banks, or eStore website, that have built in vulnerabilities that allow you to practice things such as SQL injection or CSS attacks. They are essentially hacking challenges. Check out the website at foundstone.com
  15. First of all, you don't need to CLS the screen because it's already clear, second, you don't need to have :labels because the script doesn't need flow control, it's just executed one line after the other to the bottom of the script. I don't know what slim or phat is, but use set /p.
  16. I use this hosts file. http://someonewhocares.org/hosts/
  17. http://www.indigostar.com/perl2exe.htm
  18. I do the same thing with a batch script. @echo off set /p _= IP:Port ^> "%programfiles%ActivisionCall of Duty 4 - Modern Warfareiw3mp.exe" +connect %_% I like your's better though. Nice app by the way.
  19. Drives are 60% more likely to fail in the next 60 days if it has dead sectors. I wouldn't use it at all.
  20. When I first read the thread title, I thought you meant you are hosting a site on a PSP. That would be cool.
  21. Here's how I've done it. It doesn't use alternate data streams, but works very well. http://antitrust.mistrustauthority.org/?p=1
  22. Digip, here's the batch version. @echo off setlocal enableextensions if "%1" == "" ( echo. echo Usage: %~n0 [Host name] goto :eof ) ping -n 1 %1 > nul if errorlevel 1 ( echo Host not found or not alive && goto :eof ) for /f "tokens=2 delims=[]" %%f in ('ping -n 1 %1') do ( for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=." %%a in ("%%f") do ( set octet=%%a set octet1=%%b set octet2=%%c set octet3=%%d ) ) findstr "'%skip%VBS" "%~f0" > %temp%tmp$$$.vbs cscript //nologo %temp%tmp$$$.vbs %octet% %octet1% %octet2% %octet3% > %temp%tmp$$$.bat call %temp%tmp$$$.bat echo. & echo %1 in binary = %bin_%.%bin_1%.%bin_2%.%bin_3% set /a int=(%octet% * 16777216) + (%octet1% * 65536) + (%octet2% * 256) + (%octet3%) echo %1 as integer = %int% echo %1 as IP address = %octet%.%octet1%.%octet2%.%octet3% for %%f in (%temp%tmp$$$.vbs %temp%tmp$$$.bat) do ( if exist %%f ( del %%f ) ) endlocal & goto :eof ' number=Wscript.Arguments.Unnamed(0) 'VBS base=2 'VBS digit="0123456789ABCDEF" 'VBS result="" 'VBS while number <> 0 'VBS i = number -base * int(number/base) 'VBS result = mid(digit,i+1,1) & result 'VBS number= int(number/base) 'VBS Wend 'VBS Wscript.Echo "@set bin_=" & Right("000000000" & result ,8) 'VBS number1=Wscript.Arguments.Unnamed(1) 'VBS base1=2 'VBS digit1="0123456789ABCDEF" 'VBS result1="" 'VBS while number1 <> 0 'VBS i = number1 -base1 * int(number1/base1) 'VBS result1 = mid(digit1,i+1,1) & result1 'VBS number1= int(number1/base1) 'VBS Wend 'VBS Wscript.Echo "@set bin_1=" & Right("000000000" & result1 ,8) 'VBS number2=Wscript.Arguments.Unnamed(2) 'VBS base2=2 'VBS digit2="0123456789ABCDEF" 'VBS result2="" 'VBS while number2 <> 0 'VBS i = number2 -base2 * int(number2/base2) 'VBS result2 = mid(digit2,i+1,1) & result2 'VBS number2= int(number2/base2) 'VBS Wend 'VBS Wscript.Echo "@set bin_2=" & Right("000000000" & result2 ,8) 'VBS number3=Wscript.Arguments.Unnamed(3) 'VBS base3=2 'VBS digit3="0123456789ABCDEF" 'VBS result3="" 'VBS while number3 <> 0 'VBS i = number3 -base3 * int(number3/base3) 'VBS result3 = mid(digit3,i+1,1) & result3 'VBS number3= int(number3/base3) 'VBS Wend 'VBS Wscript.Echo "@set bin_3=" & Right("000000000" & result3 ,8) 'VBS The VBScript could be in a for loop, but since I don't know any VBScript, (except what I learned writing this script) I didn't know how to do it.
  23. I'll work on the nt shell version and post back when it's done.
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