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Everything posted by anyedie

  1. wow, my interweb has been down. well, im a good boy, unlike the rest of you heathens.
  2. anyedie

    USB boot

    hi, i have been playing with a lot of linux stuff lately and trying to learn the basics when i came across a distro that you can fit on a 256mb flash drive. I thought it was pretty kewl so i Dl'd it and extracted the iso to get the files ect. and now my trouble is that i cannot get it to boot from the flash drive. at boot im telling it to boot from usb, but it doenst. Do i need to/ can you create a partition on a flash drive? is that what needs to be done? has anyone done this? any pointers? how will our hero escape? thankx
  3. oh kewl! i was just about to post somthing similar to this! i have Fedora 5 dule booted with xp and its pretty kewl, but im a serious linux nub. freebsd tho.. hum...
  4. excuse me, but dident we decide in another post that winners dont use warez *publicly*. as for the rest... shame on m-do. those pm's are mon-Dont's. Ha Ha, aahh i kill myself.
  5. stupid activation! for some reason anti-wpa isnt working for me, tried installing in normal and safe mode no luck. Would it matter if im running a mod'd explorer.exe?
  6. neat fact: Leftys die eariler!
  7. not sure if this is much help but I started last year dn am studying psycology. I think it can help you in most areas and jobs, if your intrested. I love it!!
  8. last year i made a cannon out of similar materals. I would suggest going by a local pawn shop and buying musket loading powder and using that as a propellent, gives a real nice cannon sound and lots of smoke and power! :twisted:
  9. shouldent this topic start some convo? bump.
  10. af for cliff notes... sorry no such luck there. The video (if you can belive it) is the cliff notes. there's way to much info, but i can almost promise if you start watching it you wont stop.
  11. so, after a short night of shooting off some homemade fireworks and shooting green bean cans out of my cannon I decided to come over to hak.5 and rememberd it was july 4th. I came across a video a while back that has a lot to do with america and i was very intrested in it. it had me complety captivated for the entire video. this is not a funny video. If you have seen it tell me what you thought. If you havent give it a go if you have time (its kinda long). the one thing i ask is that you dont flame it until you have done a little research yourself. I saw it, i liked it, im passing it on. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8...loose+challenge
  12. nice change. my girlfriend changed her hair from long to short like that... i like it. :D
  13. http://graphics.nytimes.com/packages/audio...10_RINGTONE.mp3 mml! thats great... crazy kids.
  14. hum... 2 nero threads... i use 6 also.
  15. nice, that looks very kewl. my is just factory :(
  16. best solution for general computer problem: replace user. mml
  17. anyedie

    Noob question

  18. he he he, thats great
  19. ***You Are 44% Evil*** ive seen a few of these tests, im always about the same. :?
  20. lol! man what was the last straw on that? Makes me happy, i kinda hated his avatar.
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