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Everything posted by 0phoi5

  1. I actually find it disgusting that their IT dept. figured this would be OK. The irony with things like this is that the more companies harbour the idea of Big Brother control, the more resentment they instil in the public, and the more hacking said architectures will become more popular. Basically, the Streisand Effect.
  2. Love it I do use Notepad++ myself to be honest, and it is brilliant. But yes, these things can happen! Make sure you're using the correct encoding in Notepad++, there's a drop down on the task bar at the top. I usually use UTF-8.
  3. Probably this. It seems like it's not recognising that you're running a BASH script.
  4. Ah, I'm slightly out in the countryside, quite rural. Nothing like that for 20 miles
  5. Hmm, this may do the trick; https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01GCI6YF8 At least it folds away neat, although I don't want to appear like a tit either
  6. 0phoi5


    Essentially, in a very basic way, you can imagine your countries' connection the internet as being a single underwater cable (it's probably more than this, but we'll stick to the analogy of just the one). The government running the country get to dictate what information can and cannot pass down this cable; if they spot a packet intended to load data from YouTube.com, they can block that packet and exchange it for one of their own, such as an instruction to load an error message, or a route to another website URL. They can only do this if the data being sent back and forth is readable; that is, that they can tell that this particular packet was a YouTube request. If the data being sent back and forth is encrypted to the point that they cannot read it, then they cannot block it based on content. This is why TOR probably works. Of course, they can always block all encrypted traffic, or traffic that appears that it could have been encrypted by TOR, etc. Note that this includes the certificate/encryption information for the request; you could be visiting a website with HTTPS, which means your data is being sent back and forth encrypted, but the website still says 'hello, it's me, YouTube! I have some encrypted data to send, off I go!', in which case the 'cable' would still be able to tell it was a YouTube request. With TOR, the whole lot gets encrypted.
  7. Off topic query guys, sorry! I have a driveway that links on to my neighbours; there's no barrier/fence between the drives. Recently I've been cleaning my car with a pressure washer, but I have to be overly careful so as not to spray the neighbour's car, which is usually parked near the edge of their drive (which is fine, it's not encroaching on to our drive). I've tried putting the car out on the road to clean it, but our street can get quite busy with other cars driving past often, and it's still pretty close to the neighbour's car anyway, so it doesn't mitigate the issue much. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to put up a temporary barrier or any other ideas? I was thinking of finding some sort of plastic wind-breaker just to put up whilst I wash the car, to stop overspray. I couldn't find any wind-breaker-type things that didn't require sticking in to sand or soil though; my driveway is tarmac. Any thoughts? Cheers.
  8. This is getting a little out of hand now. I'm a blunt person, so I'll say it as it is; Any retailer selling any item has a right to ask the customer for ID, if they wish. They don't have to give a reason. Generally, it's for security purposes or to mitigate fraud. They don't have to specify exactly why the transaction was flagged; to do so would potentially give information to someone unscrupulous. They are not saying that you are unscrupulous, but they cannot be certain either. If it was flagged, it was flagged. Tough. If you don't wish to provide the ID, they have a right to refuse the transaction. This is completely fair, as there is no onus on the customer to purchase the product; it's a choice. If you don't like it, don't purchase. The world does not revolve around you.
  9. Without using Fluxion for now, what happens if you try to deauth using aireplay-ng? Do you get any results?
  10. You're better off writing your own nowadays. They can't fingerprint what they don't know exists
  11. +1 for 7zip. Also, this. Always keep a back up on your PC/external hard drive/etc, and then have a few large USB sticks or another external drive and back them up again. You never know when the backup will become corrupt. As the army used to say; one is none and two is one.
  12. Freudian slip? You sure it's yours? Most antivirus have a specific piece of software, or specific method, to remove them. They can embed themselves pretty well in a system (for good reason; it wouldn't be very useful to have an antivirus just be deleted by any virus that asked nicely). Look it up on the antivirus creator's official website, they'll probably have a tool to remove the software correctly.
  13. I haven't yet, no. I'll give this a go shortly, thank you.
  14. Unfortunately not, this is part of a much larger tool that is PowerShell based.
  15. Hi all, I'm creating a PowerShell script and am attempting to use; "$variable1,$variable2,$variable3" | Add-Content -Path "file.csv" -Encoding UTF8 The variables echo/write-host as; Variable1 Hello Variable2 World Variable3 Hello World My issue is that the Add-Content above should create a CSV file like this; Hello,World,Hello World But it doesn't. Instead, it creates; Hello,World,Hello World How can I go about using Add-Content to export to CSV, but get it to ignore new lines? Opened in Excel, I want 'cell' C1 to be 'Hello World', but at the moment it's creating cell C1 as "Hello" and cell A2 (which shouldn't even exist in this case) as " World" Note: I'm stuck with PowerShell version 3 unfortunately. Thank you.
  16. This! Love it. Technically speaking, you could create a faraday cage around an antenna (a pringles can would do just fine, or polished copper is good), with a slit on one side at the same width of the beam you require (or simply the hole in the top of the can), but to be honest this is a complete waste of time and effort when you consider that a decent directional antenna is a few bucks. It'd probably work like crap too, as an Omni would push to signal initially out in the wrong directions, so you'll be relying on bounced signals only, which would probably be rubbish. Heck, you can get a 20+db antenna for £50/$70.
  17. Sorry, your explanation wasn't very good English. I assume that you're looking to confirm if a website is sending information in clear text, rather than encrypted? That's what http and https are for. Just look at the URL.
  18. I iz 12yr old kid, wnt to tak over world with sum1 else's PC (that I don't av permissions to use), giz me the hacks!
  19. https://itstillworks.com/convert-sqlite-text-10064804.html " Load a SQLite database and enter the sqlite3 environment by typing the following text at the command prompt: $ sqlite3 mydb.db Replace "mydb.db" with the name of your database. A database with the specified name will be created if none already exists. Convert a value to the TEXT data type with the "CAST" expression by typing the following command at the command prompt: $ sqlite3 my_db.db INSERT INTO my_table VALUES(CAST(97 AS TEXT)) Replace "my_table" with the name of your table. In the code, the number 97 is inserted into the table as a TEXT value. Exit the sqlite3 environment by typing ".quit", ".q" or ".exit." and pressing the "Enter" key. "
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