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Everything posted by armadaender

  1. I believe you mean this: http://www.tgdaily.com/2006/08/30/defcon2006_janus_project/
  2. NOO!!, Bad Darren, bad! *Shoots with water-spray bottle*
  3. I believe it's time that we actually produce a cereal named Haxorflakes. Very small demographic I know, but imagine the consumer loyality. There is no way a self-acclaimed geek would EVER buy something like Fruity-Loops over Haxorflakes. We could set up a vendor tent at Defcon, Digital Life, E3, HOPE, etc and sell tons. And I'm sure we could capture the younger generations as well. Every 8 year old kid would cry and scream for a cereal named Haxor, or at least I know my nephew would. Any thoughts?
  4. I tried the chicago server first (about 150 miles away) and that produced even worse results.
  5. Pretty darn close. I believe it got the last part correct though, "TomB is a dog".
  6. I know I'm disqualified but I happened to be reading this topic at work and couldn't resist using my school's oc-3 to my advantage. Here's my true results, test performed at my apartment: Pathetic I know but it's free. Althought I probably will be calling charter next week to see how much it would cost to bump it up to the 5mb/s service.
  7. Freetranslation.com has nothing on that.
  8. I believe you're jumping to conlcusions far too soon. First I would get rid of the new connections you created and simply do a hard-reset on your router. (This is usually done by pressing a small button on the back of the router). Once resetted, connect to your router (open FF/IE and type in or whatever your router's default IP is) and follow the router's instructions on how to set it up correctly. Once complete let us know if you're still having problems. In the hundreds of times I've had to mess with people's routers because "their internet wasn't working". That's all I've had to do for 95% of them.
  9. I do work an 8 hour nightstaff once a week and have thought of doing that once before. The problem is the techs above me in the chain. I'm sure that if they were to come in one morning to find me running a potiential super computer without their permission, they'd have my head.
  10. The rooms are air tight. The idea of Halon is to save everything possible from a fire - works much like a normal sprinkler system. The rooms are so sensitive that any spike of about 5 degrees would cause for alarm.
  11. Right now I'm at work and responsible for the administration of 100+ P4's in the main lab. I could have one hell of a time running every one with folding@home under my Sn.
  12. From the exact moment in which the halocugines entered your brain and your friends, the underwear knomes, starting stealing, well, your underwear.
  13. Wow, 12 active processors. I feel so under powered here. Being at uni I only have my laptop available to fold with so there's no way for me to compete with everyone else who's boasting 4+. Oh well.
  14. He's going to be drinking, not eating shrooms.
  15. Sparda, we get enough of you on the forums, skype would just be overkill.
  16. Great way to scare the hell out of someone is to have them go into the server room having them believe that they are there to repair something and thus needs a soldering iron. Of course the actual Halon system for the room would be shut off but the trick here is to leave the alarm operational. Thus, when the tech enters the room and plugs in their iron, the sensors in the room would detect the immense heat of the iron and set off the alarm. If you didn't figure it out already, when you're in a HALON protected server room and the alarm goes off, you're dead. Well, when the lights start flashing and such, the guy has either shit himself, ran for the door yelling and screaming for help, or simply fainted. Happened to some poor bastard at the data center in my home city.
  17. If someone were running an app like ethereal on a wifi device, and the 'target's' ap was unencrypted, then you could easily pick-up anything from IM conversations to websites visited to passwords being submitted. Breaking an encryption would be easy as well as most business have the standard 128 bit, WEP encryption and everyone here knows how easy it can be to crack the key. A wifi Treo running airsnort could be a dangerous device.
  18. Safe travels and be sure to drink your ass off, see ya in a week.
  19. I like their songs Moskau, Odno I To Zhe and Ist Das Gut because Tatu were singing part of the lyrics along with them.
  20. What? like burp and fart? No, like post crap on myspace, chat on AIM, send texts on their cell. The important moents in a clilds life. :-p I weep for the future I'm part of that future, and I'm already scared.
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