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Everything posted by loozr

  1. I'm sorry that you have problems, but since Whistle Master added some more features in his module, why not give that a go? Or maybe you are only using ssh? Unfortunately I'm unable to look into this myself right now, but I'll give it a go sometime next week. Do you get some kind of error, or whats the problem?
  2. Yes, I also get several probes for SSID '............................................' Wha's the reason for this? I have never seen any SSID like that at home, but it still shows up on the pineapple.. And that's the weirdest I have seen.. So far :P
  3. Yes, I have made a sneak-peak in your code and found that you are using different commands for the networkmodule. But the thing is, that I click Auto-Detect, then Save, And Commit. (correct approach?) The AWUS036H will not start up by this. It only blinks 2 times, with maybe half a second between. And networkmanager is reporting it as "radio1 - enabled", while as the internal is reported as "radio0 wlan0 enabled" I can't find anything unusual in the log, but am I right when your final command to activate the settings is "wifi"? If I issue "wifi" in ssh, I get the message "Failed to start hostapd for phy1". Anyways it seems that I'm the only one with AWUS036H here, and that I'm the only one with this problems. In 2.7.0 it's still not possible to boot the pineapple with the alfa plugged in(without screwing up wlan0/wlan!). I might have to buy a new alfa before this problems is gone.. Which Alfa is the best one to use together with the Pineapple?
  4. I'll bet you can make it work if you change a line in /usb/modules/reaver/reaver_functions.php from return exec("which $command") != "" ? 1 : 0; to return exec("which $command") != "*" ? 1 : 0; Save, and refresh the page, then it should appear as installed, and most likely it's working as it should. I think you could change this back afterwards, but you'll have to test that by yourself. BTW, this is just a simple hack, and not a solution to the problem. And please report back if this works, or if you did anything else to get it working.
  5. I was actually replying to the post petertfm made. I might be very wrong, but I think that several problems reported in this thread might be related to the check if reaver is installed. This is reports with empty logfiles, and problems running/installing reaver from the module. I just have to make it clear that this is just something I believe, and I have no coding experience. So there are huge chance I might be wrong! And you have also released several versions along the road, so this might be no problem anymore. Personally I do not have any problems with your module anymore. And I think petertfm is trying to say that when choosing to install reaver on USB, it's actually installing internal.
  6. Okey, to report some findings regarding the ettercap module. I'm now able to actually run ettercap via the module but I still can't make any filter working. Oh, and it seems that this will only work on external wlan1. Ettercap will not run if choosing wlan0. 1. Edit /etc/etter.conf. [privs] ec_uid = 0 # nobody is the default ec_gid = 0 # nobody is the default ------snip-------- #--------------- # Linux #--------------- # if you use ipchains: redir_command_on = "ipchains -A input -i %iface -p tcp -s 0/0 -d 0/0 %port -j REDIRECT %rport" redir_command_off = "ipchains -D input -i %iface -p tcp -s 0/0 -d 0/0 %port -j REDIRECT %rport" [/CODE] Just change privs to 0, and remove the # in front of the lines under Linux. I also commented out dns under dissector. 2. Choose your settings for the command. I would recommend not to choose to much options. Less is more. [s]Before you start the command you will have to edit the beginning of the commandline into "ettercap -T ". This is because ettercap requires you to enter an User Interface. Text beeing the right one in this case. And this is not the same as choosing text under Visualization.[/s] Edit: Seems this might not be the case afterall, I can run without the -T now.. This is just my findings, might not be the same for everybody. Anywho, I would really like to know if you guys have any good filters for ettercap lying around? :)
  7. First I would make sure that sslstrip is actually running, and then I would visit several sites, both https and http, and try to login. If there still is empty logs, then I guess there is something wrong. Secondly, for the Randomroll, if everything is installed and dnsspoof is running, you probably have to clear the DNS cache. If you are using Windows you can do this by issuing "ipconfig /flushdns" in a commandprompt. Next website you visit, you should get one of the rolls.
  8. I have a huge favor to ask you Wishmaster, oh Whistle Master! Your network module is not able to bring my AWUS036H up, but the reaver module by Hackrylix is actually able to bring my device up. Could you look into this? If so, that would make my day so much easier! Guess I could fool around a bit in the code and make something myself, but better if it came from the source ;) And needless to say, you networkmodule is making things so much easier already, and this is just a simple question, no big deal if it's not possible or you don't have the time.
  9. I guess this is related to the problem I had, and others too, regarding reaver module creating an empty logfile. That put aside, I really like what you did in 0.3 regarding the function to bring up wlanX!! B) This actually works! I wish that this solution also could be integrated to the NetworkManager.... ;) Guss I could look into the code, and make my own patch.. And the fact that wlan1 is the default chioce for starting monitor mode is great! All those little things makes such a difference in user experience. Although one might get a bit lazy... ;) Thanx for great work! :D
  10. .. I wonder when people will start read the changelog before they attempt an upgrade.. :P
  11. Hi Razzlerock! Sorry you didn't get the assistance you wanted here, sometimes it might take some time before the right people read the thread. I saw your post, but I have no idea what the solution may be. Therefore I kindly ask you if you could tell us how you did fix this? Would be nice to know if I should get this problem myself(and for others)..
  12. Haha, I bet you'll find some inspiration if you do a little gay porn surfin' :P Anyways, I didn't quite get why Gaga is in the ghay roll? Is she really a he, or what?? I think that the pics are kinda SFW as is, and I guess users could easily "upgrade" the pics for something more hardcore if they like. But the sound is perhaps a little more cumbersome to replace? And to be honest I'm not impressed with that sound either.. How about ripping sound from a real gay porn movie, or would that be too much? :P
  13. If you have the network module I guess this is as simple as forwarding from eth1 to br0. As far as commandline goes I have no clue, but I bet you can do it! ;)
  14. I have the same problem, but I have the AWUS036H and in my case neither networkmanager nor reaver is able to bring the device up. I also had problems getting reaver to actually run with this module, it would create a logfile, but the logfile would be empty, and reaver would not be running. However I managed get it working, I'm not sure if this could be related to the reinstall of reaver that I did after the module was installed, but it's running fine with my setup now. EDIT, I guess the logfile may should be placed on the USB, and rather symlink'd to the pineapple folder if needed.
  15. OT but why would you set firewall to allow to when there are only 255 addresses?
  16. Great you sorted it out! May I ask what USB wifi card you are using?
  17. Great that you release the package outside the Pineapple as long as you are working out a fix. Just downloaded that package and MSE warned me about these files. Although it's telling me that it's "for fun" :P RandomRoll/randomroll/trap/index.html->(SCRIPT0000) RandomRoll/randomroll/trap/index3.html->(SCRIPT0000) [/CODE]
  18. Looking at the video by Mr-Protocol it seems that you also should connect VDD. And as far as I can recall this should be connected to 3v on your console board. But I will strongly suggest that you make sure you are doing this correctly, I will take no responsibility for possible damage. And I have never done this myself before. Just take a close look on the video and you might see what you are missing.
  19. I'm just wondering if deauth would be possible to achieve the same results? I understand that deauth primarily is used to deauth client that are connected to AP, but would it also help in making clients aware of the fake net from the pineapple? Myst32; Would this technique also apply for Android phones?
  20. That sound great! :) Appreciate your work very much! :)
  21. Don't mock those good old ones, would never change it for a retina display! ;) I'd say that the panels overlapping goes for the complete UI, not only the Reaver module.. However if Hackrylix would like to be a a good samaritan and rewrite the complete Pineapples UI, then I'd say he has earned a beer! ;)
  22. Marvelous! :) Looking forward to it! :)
  23. Well, last time I logged in (on the mk.IV that is) the password was pineapplesareyummy, and not pinneapplesareyummy as you wrote..
  24. Yes, it seems that "" was right all the time.. No idea why it didn't work in my case. Anyway now it does. In my opinion the v0.2 layout seems very nice! And a mobile layout would be nice, but not something I would use regularly though. Especially when the rest of the UI is not optimized for mobile access. (you are talking about like cell phones and such, right?) Anyway, I'm gonna butt out of this thread now, and leave some room for others! ;)
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