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Everything posted by potato

  1. I can't stand these companies like Dell and Cisco that have great business class products but their soho products suck
  2. I have not tried changing the mac address but I would assume so
  3. Yes, you have to be connected via ethernet
  4. If you are pulling roughly 1 amp and a 9v battery has about .5AH or 500 mAH it should only last 30 minutes or so right?
  5. Are you trying to redirect everything to facebook.com? or just have go to facebook?
  6. [*] ZTE MF591 (T-Mobile) [*] Novatel MC760 (Virgin) [*] Novatel MC760 (Ting) [/CODE] http://cloud.wifipin...id=guide3gmodem
  7. potato


    HAHA you don't support 5Ghz
  8. Depends what you want to do, You can run these commands to set iptables rules so you can just plug your router into the wan port and everything will get internet from the wan instead of just the pineapple having internet iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o wlan0 -s -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j MASQUERA [/CODE] These also work if you want to put your pineapple between a modem and router then you can sniff eth1 with tcp dump
  9. Time to Upgrade, Im on R2 gnome 64 right now so probably going to upgrade to R3 gnome 64. How much moar space dose the new release need?? I'm installing on an SSD
  10. It got it up an running fine with the web.zib but I am curious, has seb's git hub been moved?
  11. yea, mine don't light up either
  12. Has anyone actually got this working? I got the bridge to work but when I plug the modem into WAN and the router into LAN the pineapple isn't forwarding anything. I will look into thisand see if it works. EDIT : I ran the commands above to set iptables to do the forwarding and it works this way Then If you sniff on eth1, when you analyse the pcap later everything shows up as coming to or from your public ip.
  13. Other than having the victim run ipconfig /flushdns
  14. Is there a "right way" to turn the ap121u off? I just clear the cache and then unplug it.
  15. I think a someone said that some of the usb cables from the hakshop are bad
  16. airmon-ng start wlan1 airodump-ng mon0 (might be mon1, it should tell you)
  17. ifconfig wlan0 down ifconfig mon.wlan0 down ifconfig wlan0 up airmon-ng start wlan0 airodump-ng mon0 ^ this is for using the internal radio, if using a usb one you should be able to just do airmon-ng start wlan1
  18. When I run brctl addif br0 eth0 it complains that the device or resource is busy even after bringing it down and back up
  19. Thanks, you are correct, you have to bring mon.wlan0 and wlan0 down and then bring wlan0 back up and then run airmon-ng start wlan0
  20. If I disable WiFi in the web gui, wlan0 is not recognized by airmon-ng and if I have WiFi enabled, I can't change the channel of mon0, BTW i'm using ssh on backtrack5 r2 gnome. I am trying to get the pineapple to run airodump-ng.
  21. Lean metasploit and mdk3. You don't need a teacher
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