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Everything posted by stingwray

  1. VMware Server is free (its still in beta atm but is quite stable) so that would give you the option of using VMware. I've had no expierance with Bochs, and if you say the manual is over your head then you probably shouldn't be using the program or trying to do what you are doing.
  2. I don't even know what you are asking for. From the sounds of it you need to cheak out Google anyway, and then you need to read the documentation of the programs that you are using, they will have all the commands and syntax that you need to use to run their programs in the command line.
  3. You could replace your current router, or just set up a Monowall in the right place and that will allow you to run a Captive portal, with local user authentication. If you want to get into radius then you need to start to look at FreeRadius, but that is a beast. It seems like the config file is about 10km long, and its not particularly well documented. There are other radius servers out there but FreeRadius seems to be the most used and is past the v1.0 stage.
  4. Yes, what operating system the hardware is running does not determine what it does, whether it is Linux, Unix, a Cisco Firmware. Its the software that decides what the device is. So if you add gateway functions then it would be a gateway/router. But you have to remember most Linksys network hardware is already running a firmware which is based on Linux.
  5. Seen something like that a little while back. It looks cool but I'm willing to bet that it is completely useless. Firstly it shouldn't be USB, it should have PoE ethernet, so that you don't have to worry about stupid drivers etc. Plus its not as cool as if you build some embedded linux devices yourself.
  6. 750GB Duelus, at any rate you can buy 3x 320GB for less than the 750GB. So unless space is a factor there not worth it.
  7. I have one that i need to send back but need something to put most of the data on first.
  8. I'd definitely be interested metatron, I don't know of any open source project like this. I'd be happy to help out where possible.
  9. If the Captive Portal can authenticate against the Active Directory then it shouldn't have a problem. Most Captive Portals use Radius for authentication, to my memory Active Directory can be authenticated by Radius, so that would be the easiest way, but you might not want to change that over to Radius.
  10. The hedge looks mighty prickily. Might have to break out the blankets to get over that one.
  11. Captive Portal with Radius authentication. I have that with a VPN pass through which enables me to have the actual wireless totally unsecrued (i.e. without WEP or WPA) but still know that no one is going to be able to get onto my LAN or my Internet. Never had much luck with wireless encyption myself.
  12. Quite a lot of information you posted about yourself there Sparda.
  13. "Only one remote hole in the default install, in more than 8 years!"
  14. Must have been a fun weekend for the administrator of microsoft.fr. Sites down know so they haven't even got the old one up.
  15. Most routers are simply a low powered processor with some ram and firmware. The firmware is just the software that the router is running and it will hold all the programs etc. that the router uses, like the http server for accesing the webgui. Linksys routers are particularly nice because most of them run firmware which is linux based and you can download the source code. This has ment that people have been able to easily modify the firmware because they know what they need to put in. Other manufactures routers don't seem to be as open, i certainly haven't seen any others that offer the source code. People do solder on extra items depending on what they want to do, there was a thread in the Hacks section about hacking the WRT54g in which some pictures were posted of adding a SD card reader to the router to add more storage. Most people don't hardware mod their routers, just flash with a new and hopefully improved bios. I think if you are the state of needing to complete large amounts of hardware mods to your router to make it work better then you need to start looking at running a more powerful computer as a router.
  16. Performing a hack for the sack of it is just plain stupid. If you going to get something out of it, even knowledge or experiance is very good. But if your not getting anything out of it then you are wasting your time.
  17. probably running a captive potal with radius authentication, pretty tough get past, there was a topic about this recently in the everything else forum i think. the only way of getting around it that it pretty realistic is sniffing logins. otherwise it involves firewalls and application exploits which could take a while.
  18. I doubt it is the routers CPU that is being overloaded unless you are on some very high speed internet connection, over 50Mbps. You probably need to look into QoS.
  19. Why on earth would you want to overclock a router like that? I'm sure it is performing just right for what its supposed to do.
  20. There cool but cost too much. You can't RAID them but you could put them in JBOD to make it appear as one disc. They have an internal battery to keep them from losing all their data so in the event of a power failure but i think having an UPS would be a necessary requirement. You have to remember thats Flash memory so won't be as nearly as fast as RAM, plus I don't know how those drives would last as its well known that Flash memory doesn't like to be constantly overwritten.
  21. Add some USB ports and Mic + Headphone jacks down the side so they are easily accessible.
  22. Remove the harddrive, hook it up to another computer and then transfer the contents of the CDs to it and then run the installer from MS-DOS for windows. Ubuntu is easy to network install like most linux distros.
  23. That will be the internal IP adress and range. The only reason why it is generally set up as 192.168.x.x is because it is a Class C network with 254 available address which is more than enough for most people.
  24. I watch Diggnation, but I don't know why. My sister quite rightly pointed out to me today that they are women.
  25. I take it that your not putting that case in a full rack, otherwise it won't be getting much air will it?
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