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Everything posted by stingwray

  1. The only truely hidden folder/partition, would be a hidden volume within a truecrypt volume. Nobody will every be able to say that it is there and they will never find it.
  2. Why on earth would I want a folder which I can't see. People are going to find it by either accidently highlighting in when drawing a box over it, or working in command line.
  3. Haven't tried Nero 7, don't fix whats broken.
  4. I'm sorry but I always thougth The Broken was bit of joke, and it certainly didn't push hacking shows into the mainstream. The only slightly decent thing they did was an interview with Kevin Mitnick which was really that great. I can express my opinion if I don't like it thank you, i'm not going to shut up because you don't like it. Not everybody can create something like an IPTV, it takes vast amounts of work, time and money to set up. People do other things, I personally don't think that watching two people talk about their opinions on news that they choose is particularly a great idea, obviously some people have liked it and watched it. I'm not going to go and create something like that so I can be better than them. I'll do something which is different. You like Diggnation, fine. You telling everybody else that they are wrong to point out the bad points of it, not fine. In the end its up to each individual is they want to sit each week for 45mins and listen to two quite boring people talk about the different news stories that they liked for that last week and learn absolutely nothing in the process.
  5. I believe Cedega is based on Wine, but you have to pay for it. However you are paying for the support, so you don't spend hours trying to get your machine to play the games in linux. Its whether or not you want to pay is the question.
  6. Also just remember with software raid you can't install your OS on the raid partition, you need to go for hardware raid for that.
  7. http://www.transgaming.com/ Was mentioned on the latest episode of Life In Hex, i haven't tried it as i'm not a gamer that much so i'm not bothered about playing in linux. A couple of rounds of frozen bubles is enough for me occasionally.
  8. Not sure, with shorter hair she reminds me of an actress which plays the sister in the film Jack and Sarah.
  9. Like the features, getting annoyed with the prettyness and the fact they have slightly changed all the sounds to be even more annoying.
  10. They way they go on about subjects they are two women, my sister pointed this out an I had to agree.
  11. Nearly all Linux and BSD distros have a network install in which you will only need to boot from the floppy after writing the files to it and a connection to an ftp server with the files on. If you could boot a OS like DOS which could use the CD drive then you could run a setup of that. But that won't work with the lastest Windows OSs, like 2003 and XP as they cannot be booted from DOS. Your problem with booting from the CD is most likely that it does not support booting from IDE, so you could try and find yourself a cheap SCSI CD reader and that might work. Never could work out why they wouldn't want you to boot from IDE.
  12. You can uncheck Cool & Quiet in the bios if you want, but in a laptop it is really quite useful. Why don't you that it is working properly by checking the clock when running something like Prime95/Folding/SETI? If it doesn't change then investigate looking for the drivers, if you can find them then download them off AMDs website of the manufacture's of your laptop.
  13. That would be because you are running Cool & Quiet probably. It dynamically clocks your processor down if you do not need all the power, as well as reducing the power consumption so your laptop can run for longer and not get so hot. Try running something processor intensive and then checking the frequency, or you might want to have a look around at the Cool & Quiet driver and utility which displays the settings and current clock.
  14. Just don't plug the modem into your router then and don't set up the internet connection on the router. You'll also need to bridge the two wired connections in your PC and make sure that it will act as the Internet Gateway. But why on earth would you want your PC to be infront of your wireless router? I can't think of a reason.
  15. Could you have it sort posts with a high proportion of links compared to the amount of text that they have. Most spam I have seen has little if any plain text. So maybe limiting you to one URL per 150 words? Just an idea.
  16. Yeah, its just 1337. I watched the first couple but it got on my nerves so I stopped.
  17. Perhaps a link wouldn't go amiss for the people that don't have a clue what your on about.
  18. I'm getting rather sick of you rather fast. First of all your banned, therefore you shouldn't come back. Secondly you come back, and then annouce to the world that you are the same person. Then you start going on about how we can't stop you and how that your all wonderful. Then insist that your arn't threatening us. I think you should grow up, act in a mature way. Stop going on about how wonderful you are or Leave.
  19. If overclockers had sent you the wrong thing then you need to send it back. I personally hate Overclockers as they have falsly advertised and sold me components which were not what they said they were. Although this might be more of an accident. I'm not quite sure what you are trying to do with your router. If you have your modem plugged into your computer then you won't be using the belkin as a router. Most people have a modem, then router, then their computers. Most network hardware like that usually is set up to run a DHCP server by default. All you should have to do is connect your PC to one of the routers LAN ports, not its WAN port. Then wait for an IP, open up a web browser and enter the IP of the device (which is usually Then you can configure it from that.
  20. The OpenBSD songs are always a good laugh. Someone should write one for Windows XP sometime.
  21. Unfortunatly your not now 1337 melodic. I think you should have called it quits and stopped posting when you had that many posts.
  22. I had a Pentium 200 without MMX. 32MB of RAM and 4GB of HDD. I can remember the day it arrived because I was ill off school and loaded some cool Indiana Jones game on it, all he would say was "Damn, I hate Nazis!." Fond Memories.
  23. Server running on one of the machines, client used on the other. This was all covered in one of the episodes of Hak.5. SSH tunnelling is your safest method as without it, it can be fairly trivial to sniff the passwords.
  24. Wess should have a push button that says: "Do you have trouble hacking at night?" when pressed.
  25. Is there anyway of banning him from making topics, just letting him post replys. That would be fair in my opinion.
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