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Everything posted by vector

  1. you can always get more regs from microsoft after those run out, alot of times its just automated, and sometimes youll get some dipshit support agent who will happily provide you with another reg key.
  2. get off the Crackberries and get you a nice windows mobile phone, then you can enjoy mobile torrent apps. my wife has two crackberries and i hate them both with a passion. and the lack of third party apps fails too.
  3. yeah im gonna go ahead and disagree with the iphone being the best phone on the market, my HTC touch HD eats it for lunch and shits out ipod shuffles. but of course it was quite a bit more expensive, and yes for the money the iphone is probably one of the best values as far as carrier handsets are concerned. i stopped buying carrier handsets a while ago and i only get unlocked phones now and usually from HTC, in my opinion no one makes better handsets. i also dont like how carriers cripple key features and options on alot of their handsets so that they can force customers to spend more moeny on shit like extra data charges, ringtones, mobile apps, gps usage, and shit like that. ATT/ cingular isnt as bad as some of the others like verizon and sprint for crippling features, but the iphone comes major crippled compared to what its capable of. and they charge you more for the same data plan just because its a fucking iphone. i mean fuck that data is data it shouldnt matter what phone im using. thats why ive had the same unlimited data plan for years and i never tell ATT what type of phone i have and they never know the difference if im tethering my phone or not.
  4. ok so commview is a full featured program. and i mean full featured. once you have the commview drivers installed for your card youll be able to monitor all wireless traffic wheather you are associated to a certain AP or not. encrypted traffic you wont be able to view in its unencrypted form until you have the correct encryption key saved, then youll be able to veiw and decrypt traffic on the fly an past data packets youve captured. i wont go into a whole big long post about all the shit you can do with commview, youll have to spend some time experimenting and reading the manual. but you can do things like death clients, inject packets, construct your own custom data packets for injection, reconstruct tcp/ip sessions on the fly, crack wep and capture wpa-psk/eapol data, etc etc. if yuo need any help you can come see me at my irc server im usually there.
  5. thats wierd ive never had any problems with att and tethering any of my phones. i have the unlimited medianet package for 19.99 and ive always used it for tethering and theyve never said anything to me about it.
  6. your computer can still be shut down but still supply power to the ethernet controller and wireless card wireless card. either way there is still power being supplied to the network card if its a wireless adapter or not.
  7. well i dont think the alfa "sucks" i mean for a highpowered 500mw network adapter with an external antenna connection you cant beat the price. i'm just not a huge fan of realtek wireless chipsets. but chipset wont matter too much depending on what youre going to be doing with your wireless card. but if youre planning on using a wide variety of wireless auditing tools across multiple OS's you cant go wrong with Atheros. so no i dont think the alfa sucks based on the spec sheet it looks really good actually. basically theres no one single wireless adapter that will solve all your problems, thats why i have more than 25 different wireless cards, with varying chipsets, connection interfaces, power rating, anteanna configuations, you name it. if you really want a wireless adapter that can do it all you could get a mini or micro router board with 2-3 mini pci slots and throw in a few different wireless cards with different chipsets. mirotek and ubiquiti make some really nice ones for under 80 bucks, but the wireless cards will run you more. i have one i put together with dual ubiquiti xr2 600mw atheros cards. you can install a variety of firmwares on them including openWRT, DD-wrt, or AIRos. and with plenty of flash, ram, and processing power you can install any apps you want on it for maximum pwnage. just keep in mind that its not all about the mW. so 300 mW should roughly equal 24 dbm 500mW will only equal about 26-27 dbm and 1000 mW will equate to about 30 dbm. so once youre up above the 300 mW power rating its more important to start thinking about what type of antenna i want to get. i can easily add 24 db gain with a 50 dollar antenna rather than buying a 1000 mW 200 dollar wireless card. so look for a good combination of the two.
  8. maybe some of these apps could help. http://www.raymond.cc/blog/archives/2007/1...om-lan-and-wan/
  9. yeah WOL for wireless adapters has been around for quite some time. im pretty sure any semi recent laptop will have a card that supports this feature.
  10. ok VaKo I sat on dell live chat for over an hour with two dipshits just for you man, but the good news is that theyre waaay fucking cheaper than they were when i got them like 100 bucks cheaper. http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/product...mp;sku=A1316176
  11. i got mine from dell but if you try looking for the part on the site you wont find it. i had to talk with a sales person over live chat, and teach them what the hell a flash cache module was, but they did find them, they werent cheap though.
  12. vector

    Netbook 2.0

    the U820 has been out for quite a while, i was looking at one at Fry's about a year ago, it didnt have the specs that the newer ones do though, it only had a 40 gig hard drive and an 800mhz proc (cant remember which one) but other than that its still unchanged. and as for the roll up e reader, meh i'd rather have a nice smartphone.
  13. flash cache module. i have them for my dell xps m1330 and m1530. what i would like to see is two SSD's combined into one 2.5" enclosure so that you can run it in raid 0.
  14. play it with vlc player instead of windows media player. vlc player is going to be a bit less resource intensive than WMP.
  15. so the alfa wireless adapters ive seen that are 500mw use the realtek 8187L chipset, which is meh. a single usb 5v connection should be enough to power it. if not it will likely come with a usb Y cable like this one also express 54/34 cards are pretty much the same at the connection end, the only difference is that 54mm cards are a little bit wider. you wont find any 54mm wireless cards. the extra gap in the card slot when using a 34mm express card is nothing to worry about. if it really bothers you you could always swap the 34mm card casing with a 54mm one that way it will fill the slot completly if youre worried about dust and debris getting inside your case. theyre real easy to pop open and snap back together.
  16. yes the wpn311 uses atheros' ar5004G super G chip set, and will work nicely with all sorts of wireless security apps. one that i always recommend is commview for wifi. your card will work very very nicely with commview.
  17. the vaio p already has a nice internal atheros a/b/g/n wireless card. it uses the mini pci express interface. you can configure power options for your wireless adapter in windows things like transmit power, and depending on the actual chipset and drivers youll be able to set a whole lot of other options, more than likely its using the atheros AR5418 chipset, but thats just a guess. as far as a better internal wireless adapter youll have to just search around. one of my favorite wireless accessories sites is www.oxfordtec.com.
  18. No I want one of these. http://www.maximumpc.com/article/features/hardcorepc_reactor now thats fuckin sick.
  19. nice specs. im not sure how i feel about these new 16" super wide screen laptops though.
  20. i use mobiscope its fully customizable, lets you set the motion sensitivity, you can set it to take snapshots at selected intervals upon motion detection, you can have it send you and sms or email to your phone and even login remotely from your web enabled phone, device, or another computer and see what ever the webcam sees, or view the recorded video or snapshots, it will also support pan, tilt, and zoom functions. i use it on my laptops integrated webcams when im not home. just turn the screen off and leave it run and noone will ever know what its doing. very covert.
  21. ok so you've got a few options here for extending the wireless capabilities of your laptop. first you have to decide what type of wireless card you want to use. your laptop assuming its new will likely have a mini pci express or half mini wireless card, these internal adapters are easy to remove and replace with higher powered cards. the internal cards that come with your laptop will rarely be higher than 100mw. if your laptop is a little older and uses the regular mini pci card youll have alot more options for replacing it with much higher powered cards. ubiquiti has alot of nice mini pci cards that go up to 1000mw but these are mainly for use with router boards and your laptops mini pci slot likely wont be able to power if you choose to use an internal card you should look into hooking up an external antenna. internal cards use the U.fl connection, and there are lots of places online where you can buy U.fl pigtails for round 8-9 bucks. you could also look into usb wireless adapters, ubiquiti has a niiiice sr-71 usb 300mw wireless card i just got one recently. its the highest powered dongle style usb adapter youll find, it has dual mmcx antenna connectors, and features atheros mimo a/b/g/n wireless chipset. very nice if you have the money. i also have a couple of ubiquiti's srx 300 express wireless cards (i've included pics below) which is the highest powered express card you can get currently and also features an atheros 5006 a/b/g wireless chipset and a single mmcx antenna port. there are other options for usb cards like the hawking one in the pic that has a nice RP-SMA antenna connection (hard to find on dongle style wireless cards) and has the ralink RT73 chipset (great for use with the aircrack-ng suite in linux) your laptop should also have power/performance configuration settings for your internal wireless card that will allow you to set things like transmit power, roaming aggressivness, channel selection etc depending on the driver installed and the chipset that the card uses. likely youll get one with an intel or broadcom chipset. there are also lots of options for antenna types, you can mod your own which may or may not work out for you (depends if youre handy with a soldering iron or not) usually these DIY cantennas arent very portable or sturdy so i wouldnt recommend it for wardriving or coffee shop pwning, they arent very discrete looking. check wlanparts.com they have some nice antennas that you could mount to tha back of your laptop, get a nice high gain omni directional and a nice uni directional.
  22. ok so ive updated my 09 hackpack with the following
  23. Shannon Morse, how would you recommend i strike up a conversation with a chick? Should i ask about computers?
  24. um yeah the express 54/34 slots arent going anywhere anytime soon.
  25. here you go ubiquiti srx 300 i have 2 of these 300mw atheros 5006x chipset with mmcx antenna connection. not cheap though gonna run you about 150 bucks a pop, but its the most powerful express card you can get. and the only one ive found with an external antenna port
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