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Everything posted by metatron

  1. lol, no mighty mouse? Nice setup but they must have money to burn if they are spending it on Apple displays. ViewSonic do better displays at a lower cost or they could buy a Dell one that is the same but at a fraction of the cost
  2. I've been to a DC4420 and James has tried to get me to a few more but time is always an issue as I work on Fridays like most people and a trip to London on a Thursday is a pain in the ass most the time. I guess people would need to take more time off if we went to a DC4420 which can be a little hit a miss, a longish weekend like moonlit said is easy enough to do. I don't mind just putting ideas out there.
  3. If your from the UK, pop to Cyber Candy and get some mountain dew which they sadly stoped selling across the UK in normal shops in the late 90's.
  4. I think the first Friday of whatever month would be cool, that way we can go to The Nell of Old Drury in Covent Garden if people are up for it and have a few beer with the 12+ people that turn up for 2600 and the HVR people which have some interesting projects in the pipe line and are a nice bunch of guys.
  5. Buy a supercard for cough many hundred "homebrew" games.
  6. I'm happy enough for any when, I just need a months notice so I can book any needed time off. I'm not sure what people are thinking. Maybe a meet up Friday afternoon for anyone that can make it for drinks and food, than everyone can meet up Friday night and then use that for a few drinks and gel a bit, that way it makes the rest of the time a bit better. Do stuff Friday night, Saturday and Sunday, with things ending Sunday afternoon/evening so everyone can get back for work or whatever for the Monday. http://wiki.hak5.org/wiki/Meetup/London_2009
  7. Also http://hak5.org/forums/index.php?showtopic...+are+people+too for other peoples view. Search before making topics.
  8. The overall tone of the film (I'm not calling it a documentary) is that of people that clearly have deep seeded personal issues, just look at that woman with the short hair and glasses that almost cries. Not everyone in it should seek help but maybe 95% would benefit from treatment of some kind for social disorders. I came to this conclusion after studying at medical school many things which include areas related to mental health. Really AC1D_BURN for a nick?, haha. No offensive mate.
  9. I just say we call it London and end the discussion about location and work out a date. The votes are mainly for London so its London.
  10. I disliked it, it was not a film about hackers but a film about people with social disorders.
  11. The beggers/tramps are everywhere in the UK its just some places do better at covering it up. London is a nice city, I'd say one of the nicest in the world. Here is the London CyberPunk tourist guide, which gives you lots of ideas of places to go and things to do. https://s.p10.hostingprod.com/@spyblog.org.uk/ssl/ctgl/ Be The Reds / Cyberia cyber cafe is somewhere cool to go out of many places. Not many Korean internet and gaming café , with a downstairs basement bar, and Karaoke booths, and an upstairs online role playing or shoot 'em up gaming parlour. Its truly a very random and funny place.
  12. lol, could do. Cybereagle said something about maybe setting up a CTF thing using some VM's. Anyway still early, I think only a handful of people have shown interest and even then you have to account for peoples schedules. Birmingham is cheap, even for a hotel and conference room but the only tech stuff there is a gaming centre. I think the only thing that really makes the city look run down is the amount of houses with windows that are boarded up and falling apart and the huge amount of office building with nothing in. Brumcon is okay which is the only time I go there really. The 07 one in London was fairly cheap, and I think you can count on at least 8 people going, I'm not sure if the same can be said for Birmingham but it could work. I've stayed at the Menzies Strathallan in Birmingham before I think its about £35 a night for a single room. I still think Birmingham will cost 3 to 4 times more than London as more things will need to be planned as the city does not have a great deal to do.
  13. Yeah that's the one I was thinking. Should be able to fit one in that, I've fitted a routerboard in one before and used the power switch for on/off and the buttons to reset. You can get them off ebay for under £10 fully working.
  14. I think the thing is if there in Scotland or say Newcastle they can fly down to Stansted or Gatwick for about £20, which is cheaper than the train ride from Southampton or most places and takes less time.
  15. It depends what batteries you use.
  16. You would be better off buying an old broken Gameboy classic or Gameboy colour from ebay and gutting it to use as a fon case.
  17. As talked about on IRC, I've stayed at http://www.astorhostels.co.uk/#/en/page/hydepark before. May make a nice base of operations as they have free wifi, nice rooms and are in a good location. Also as talked about, a paypal account with a small deposit like the last one, seems to be the best idea as it help confirm who is coming.
  18. We had this same talk two or three years back. I've set up a few but I'm really not a massive fan of clusters, as I tend to like parallel processing for home use as distributing a large work load on cheap hardware is not great. As someone that has worked on computational fluid dynamics systems and other systems that do big maths, I have to say your better off just buying an 8 socket AMD motherboard and filling it with as much memory you can and a sata Ram Disk. You could even build a system around FPGA's which would be very quick for some tasks.
  19. Yeah I have a few, I think I paid about £45 a piece. I've started using two of them for a point to point link to my Ham Shack at 2.7GHz which is really nice as 2.4GHz is really, really crowded nowadays. Ubiqiuiti don't make a bad product, there my first stop for most wireless equipment. I picked up two 700MHz and two 900MHz wireless cards for longer range links as 2.4GHz is just not as good for long range stuff.
  20. Just thought I'd point this out, it has to be one of the best firmwares out there if you have the supported hardware, which is cheap enough as the Ubiqiuiti Nanostation 2 are easy to get and quite inexpensive. The firmware is called OSWave and you can buy it from http://www.oswave.com/ , you may be asking yourself why would you pay for firmware, well here is the feature list. Look at the frequency range, fucking sexy. lol Well I guess it is Linux but its not free
  21. If someone tries and mugs me, one of us is going to the hospital and I can guarantee you its not going to be me.
  22. haha, although I have done contracts for Airbus in the past, sadly I think they would not be up for that. At the moment I have access to a large amount of operating commercial satellites and some that are in the design stages. I have access to a high end Cray XMT as well as having two personal Cray CX1 under my desk. I've got a contract at the moment where I've got access to a cryogenic particle detector that operates below −198 °C which we are using for energy research (that has to be the best new toy for me).
  23. I've been an OpenBSD user for many years, its really not that hard for older people, maybe for the people that grow up with GUI's and the mouse but not for the people that grow up with computers when it took some thinking to use.
  24. I was guessing it would be a three day thing like the last two. Friday night, all day Saturday and most of Sunday. Would there be enough there to do for three day?, not to mention the closest camp site is about 2.4 miles from it and the closest hostel look about the same. I'm just thinking logistics, although it seems like an interesting place for a day visit, not sure a weekend. Anyway good idea, plenty of time to throw ideas out there and debate them in the group. On different note, if things comes together, I'm happy enough putting the money up for a private room at a hostel or campsite/whatever for everyone and just splitting it when everyone turns up (with in reason, so under 12 people, if its more than 12 some kind of paypal thing is needed). If we get a few drop out last minute, I understand some of you are students so I'll pay for the extra beds as a private room is useful for storing equipment so it does not need to be carried everywhere.
  25. Just to keep people entertained and get shot of some of the stuff I never use/used I have a few ideas for competitions which don't require a great deal of planning or judging. Open Arena death match Winner gets a mint condition Game boy from 1990 with all original packaging including posters and Tetris. (looks brand new) Most amount of discovered open access points in two hours Winner gets a RT73 chipset based card with 9dBi antenna First person to show a working Bluetooth exploit (not against their own phone) Winner gets a Zigbee access point. Most offensive/funny phone or AP name (to be judged by the group) Winner gets a pair of long dissidence PMR446 radios Glow stick launcher (longest dissidence using random shit you can find) Winner gets USB Atheros based a/b/g/n card Command Line Fu (most impressive use of the command line) Winner gets a development edition of a Linux PDA and a rugged GSM modem Second place gets a Chuck (as in TV show) linyard. Third gets a copy of Visual Basic 6 for Dummies (to show the fail) First person to get Hak5 on the public radio (by any means) Winner gets a pair of FRS/GMRS radios (technically not legal to use in the UK with out a licence, but who cares)
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