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Everything posted by hexophrenic

  1. You are mostly right in that getsystem will typically get you system level privs, but then you can use incognito or migrate processes to obtain other user rights. However, on XP SP2 getsystem should work from any meterpreter session, at least it always has for me. I wish I could help more, but it sounds like a module is not working quite right for you. Are you running in trunk? Did you do a an msfupdate?
  2. As someone who has also ran a business out of their home, though, I always segmented personal and business use internet through different providers when possible, or on at least isolated networks. Either way, it seems that the separation is intentional and if his/her parents were okay with it then they would probably be helping out. Each to their own, but we gray the ethical lines at times, unnecessarily occasionally.
  3. I know I am a little paranoid, but this seems like a how do I implement a rogue access point somewhere other than my parents house. You should be very careful about what you are asking and doing so as to not get yourself into trouble if that is the case. I mean, how many parents really run EAP-TTLS at home or have equipment that natively supports it? If that is not the case, good luck with it. I suspect if your parents are implementing at that level, they may have other mechanisms with which to catch you.
  4. ^^^^^^This^^^^^^. Seriously, what is the worst thing that can happen if you beloved Hak5 forum password is compromised? Let's all take a deep breath and remember to consider the value of the asset we are protecting rather than bearing pitch forks. OMFG!!1!1!11! Someone posing as hexophrenic posted some sh!t on the Hak5 forum about digip. Really? All that being said, SSL for login pages and posts really should not be that difficult and should be the default whenever possible.
  5. Be careful with this in a production environment though. Believe it or not, you can have internal hosts added to the deny list inadvertently with port monitoring apps, etc, so you want to make sure you plan around that (add those hosts to allow list).
  6. I have always heard and said it as nick-toe.
  7. If I understand what you are saying correctly, that is not accurate. I use my onboard wireless on my laptop to provide a NAT connection to my VMs all the time. In the past VM had some issues with using wireless devices for bridge connections IIRC, but those are long corrected. That being said, what digip said is definitely better. Get a good USB wireless device and pass it off to the VM. It works much better IMHO, and gives you injection ability. I believe that is probably the point digip was trying to make, that the wireless non-USB devices will show up as and function like a wired device in the VM and cannot be used for wireless utilities in the VM.
  8. ifup eth0 && dhclient eth0 (might be eth1 instead of eth0)?
  9. That is strange, did you select the appropriate windows manager when setting it up? ie, gnome vs kde, etc.? I have not seen that that I can recall.
  10. Zone Minder fits the bill if you need one in the future running on Linux. Kind of clunky but it seems to work well. http://www.zoneminder.com/
  11. Use FreeNX from nomachine.com. It works very well. http://www.nomachine.com/select-package.php?os=linux&id=1
  12. Target practice, boat anchor, doorstop, cannon fodder. Probably not worth running really, though, unfortunately, and it is old enough that it would probably would not be a good donation to a group. However, you might be able to install some linux variant on it and donate it to a teenager somewhere to have some fun with.
  13. Enable snmp on dd-wrt and use cacti for monitoring (www.cacti.net).
  14. Not really an opportunity to demo it as we do not use iTunes in our infrastructure. I just run VMWare Workstation at home, mostly due to this limitation and pure laziness.
  15. USB Passthrough in ESXi is completely different. Yes, in the workstation products it works fairly well.
  16. I have used many of the Digis myself, but yes, they are more expensive than some others. iTunes, at least in windows, sucks quite badly. Good luck with it. And yes, wirelessly is not much better.
  17. Buy a network enabled USB-hub (http://www.digi.com/products/usb/anywhereusb#models), they are not too expensive or difficult to find. Alternatively, sync wirelessly if you can. USB pass-through was really added mostly for usb storage and dongles. Edited for a product that is known to be ESX compatible.
  18. Test access through this site: https://www.tor-proxy.net
  19. Just implement a java based web app running ssh. Something like http://javassh.org/space/start
  20. One use for TOR might be "secure" browsing in a hostile environment, ie hotel networks. Another might be to bypass content filtering restrictions as TOR connections are "encrypted." I would not recommend performing any kind of secure transactions (online banking, etc.) via TOR though as endpoints may capture your traffic. While they *may* not be able to decode whose credentials they are capturing, they can grab the credentials and the site potentially, which is really what is most important. To answer your last question, no I do not trust the TOR network, but it has its uses.
  21. https://blog.torproject.org/blog/tor-02234-released-security-patches
  22. I believe the TOR project has already patched the issues you mention.
  23. http://pauldotcom.com/2011/07/bypassing-software-restriction.html
  24. All other things being equal, I would go for clock speed over cores for general gaming and productivity use. My current laptop is an HT 4 core 1.6 ghz and I feel it is a little slow for me most of the time. Of course it is faster running a heavily multi-threaded application, but my time comparison for my work is probably at least 4:1 in favor of a faster clock than more cores. YMMV.
  25. Untangle would be a reasonable place to start. Also might look into pfSense, m0n0wall, simple iptables for small needs, Astaro...lots of them out there.
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