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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. Yeah totally, we'll be giving the technology a test this Saturday night (tomorrow)
  2. Does anyone remember the segment where Mubix showed off Evolution (Now known as Maltego)? Mubix was not in studio, his audio and video were brought in via skype and his desktop was brought in via a reverse VNC connection. This was merely a proof of concept segment that proved the capabilities. In season4 we're building the set in such a way that a host could do a segment in much the same way (a large LCD mounted on the wall will provide video of the guest. We also have the ability to bring on two guests on the LCD in split screen much like you see on the news). I figure at first we'll use this technology to bring on guests from the security and software world for interview however the next logical step would be to have community members join us for guest segments. Skype + headset + webcam + VNC sure beats $$$ for air fare and you only lose a little bit of the banter and human aspects with a remote "via satellite" guest. This way we also retain a certain amount of control and level of quality with the segments since we'll be "watsoning" (asking the questions to steer the segment and keep things on time. Watson / Holmes analogy) Thoughts?
  3. College Humor makes a lot of good original content but a lot of it is hit or miss. Hardly working is a good example.
  4. And afaik everyone has voiced and I see your point and from what I understand the place has cleaned up considerably since the restriction was implemented so what more is there to say?
  5. :) http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/n64/game/197771.html
  6. At first I saw her spinning left then suddenly the shifted right and thats when i freaked out and actually read the post. i studied it longer and she stayed spinning right for a minute then i moved my eyes to the left and back and she was moving left. after that i was able to move her semi-at will. more like, i try to make her go the other way then soon she does it but its not always automatic. not sure if this is relevant but i haven't slept in like 30 hours so....just throwing that out there.
  7. On enough said on the USB issue lets move on I probably should have addressed that in a seperate thread anyway.
  8. I don't think its fair to enforce those rules on the USB hacks board and not the Pandora Timeshifting board. I mean both are basically subcommunities and thats fine I'm more than happy to host the discussion. But requiring a minimum post count before allowing posting in the USB board is like DRM, it only encumbers the honest. Skiddies will be skiddies and thats a fact of life. Hell I'd wager more than half the people on these forums that you consider fine upstanding citizens started out as one form of skiddie or another. The difference was there wasn't a name for it then, we didn't have usb hacks, and iptv wasn't born. skiddies eventually mature, whatever. The issue big problem lies where a security professional / hacker / dude with an ounce of common sense reads up on the usb hacks on one of many security blogs and follows links back to the forums, reads the discussion and wants to add something useful to the discussion. Maybe they've got a new prevention method. Maybe they've got an amazing idea on how to turn any ordinary usb drive into a U3 drive. who knows, and if they can't post we'll never know. I bet half the people in the usb hacks board don't even watch the show, and thats fine by me. I'm sure its even higher for the pandora board. forcing them to interact with the rest of the forum is annoying at the least. if the intention is to keep new people from getting into the usb hacks discussion that rule will likely work. if the intention is to keep down the noobedness i think we're going about it all wrong.
  9. But was it really an issue I mean they're off in their own neighborhood (ghetto?) not bothering anyone elsewhere. If they wanna noob it up on the USB boards thats their deal. So, what are the restrictions?
  10. I would too! With the season4 studio we should be able to do via-skype interviews so I hope to make this a posability. Obviously interviews in the flesh would rock on so much more but our travel budget is like next to nothing. So if you've got some suggestions for people you'd like to see us interview on the show let me know and I'll see about making arrangements. I for one would love to see open source software demonstrated on the show (like we currently do) followed by interviews with the developers. How cool would that be?
  11. I've read stuff here and there on the forums about the banning of the USB hacks in one form or another and I'm not really sure whats going on. My fault, I should have been more active in the community when these decisions were made. I have to disagree though. The USB hacks are in their own board so that the people that are hardcore into that can chill in that neighborhood and not bother those who could care less. How was this not effective? Restrictions are draconian. Its not like the pandora timeshifting people have ever caused any problems, why should the usb hack people be singled out. I bet a lot of them are learning by putting those tools together. Near instant gratification hacking tools get kids that already have the hacker seed in them going and from there they'll pick up real skills. AFAIK there aren't any 25 year old skiddies. Maturity sinks in thats just part of growing up. Ok this is turning into a rant and I don't want to detract from the read topic of this thread and that is the community so lets take a look at whats broken in the community now and see what we can do to fix things. Feature wise I know things have changed a lot recently. We no longer have game servers. The BBS needs a new home (anyone got a windows server that wants to volunteer an intsy bitsy amount of bandwidth?). The community Hak5 irc network got a new name (I'm all for this it feels so minty). DNS for irc.hak5.org isn't working even though the records point to irc.hak5irc.org correctly (this may be a problem with my ISP). Lets start a dialog. We're thinking about doing a cocktails with hak5 live community chat video skype q&a talk thing this weekend.
  12. I want to appeal to the advanced part of the audience as well but in order to I need your help. I take it at some points we have been advanced and I need to know what those topics or segments were so that I can dig more into those sorts of things. I'm totally open for suggestions on topics here. I love getting advanced but I've just been stretched so thin as of late that I'm not really sure what I should be covering. Pitch in for change and everyone will benefit.
  13. QFE. I didn't realize there was such beef amongst the community but thats only because I've taken a back seat the last few months. It was wrong of me to distance myself and even worse for me to feel ashamed to come back to the Forums/IRC. Reading threads like this and the "--The Time For Helping is Nigh--" thread have made me realize you guys aren't against us this is all constructive and hell now I'm all amped about making one hell of a show for you guys.
  14. This was a mistake, on my part admittedly, and I'm taking big steps to reverse that. I got caught up in making it so pro that I stopped having as much fun with it and that came through on camera. I've gone from being timid on camera to really comfortable and loose to really stiff. Or at least thats how I feel as of late (3x09 excluded, I realized this right before shooting). I'm not saying its possible to dial it back to season1 because that raw stuff came from inexperience and I can't unlearn camera presence and stuff but I think we'll find a happy medium really soon.
  15. Just read the whole article. I should have realized it was 3 pages before I got sucked it. Man that guy can go on and on. Still though it was a good read. I remember seeing the screenshots back then of the cool blue squares skin and thinking how cool it was. Afaik it's one of the built in skins for window blinds. No clue if anyone uses that stuff anymore.
  16. Ok Jason Scott you can shut up about the wheels on the bus now.
  17. I like your suggestion too but sadly that is outside the scope of my knowledge and the time it would take me to learn it up and build it I'd have no choice but to neglect the show and well, damnit this is just one of those things were I'll defer to the easier solution. Such is being geek.
  18. You would think there would be some sort of failsafe in place that says "Dude, this is going to take one hell of a long time.. As in, you might not be alive by the time it finishes. You sure you wanna do that?" You get a similar message if you've ever highlighted like 50 files and accidentally hit enter. Windows barfs up an actual helpful message saying "Slow down cowboy are you sure you wanna crash me or did you just accidentally hit enter. Yeah, thought so. wanker." Man, Microsoft should hire me to write error messages.
  19. I've seen so many concepts like this over the last few years, first in scifi and more recently either in concept or in actual product (iphone, surface). I believe in the not too distant future this type of interaction will become commonplace and the idea of interacting with a computer (or any smart device) with gestures will become an afterthought.
  20. Now where do I upload pictures of Wess?
  21. I gotta say the idea of a Ethernet logger that just sits between the jack, whoa. How obvious and awesome. I want! Now, what embedded device already exists with two ethernet ports thats easily hackable. Too bad the Fon only has one... Still a little big. Tons of linksys and other routers are DD or WRT'able but routers are big too. I've seen those pico computers with single ethernet ports but not with two. Anyone have any leads on this, I'd really like to give it a go. It wouldnt even need that much storage since you could mirror the data to a third party and essentially eavesdrop in realtime. Oh yeah, and I'm sure the NSA already has one. =/
  22. Anime-Eden (yes now you know. and for the record the premium subscription is worth every penny) Oh and every now and then I hit up the Hak5 forums. I was gone for a long time but well, now I'm back. Not like I'm going to start a new damned thread about it *COUGH*GYZZYZGZY*COUGH*
  23. Try setting one of these up on your own server http://sourceforge.net/projects/php-proxy/ Otherwise try one of these http://www.phproxy.org/
  24. Anyone playing Smash Bros Brawl? I picked up a copy at the midnight release. I love those events! I'd love to give the multiplayer a shot, anyone down for deathmatch? I'd say PM me but I can't stand SMF's messages system. Can't wait to switch to IPB.
  25. Anyone excited about Mario Kart Wii? AFAIK its going to have awesome multiplayer support. We should all race sometime!
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