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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. I love Warsow, I played it a bit last year and its solid. I'll see what we can do about making the next game FOSS
  2. I think snubs is working on the segment on bypassing work filters
  3. Sounds like a matter of following the HTTP stream and rendering the pages. I know wireshark can do this to some extent but I've never seen it actually rendered. Sounds interesting.
  4. Just trying to make sure this gets off on the right foot.
  5. It sucks that we had to restart the LoRD game we had running, I was doing really well! Regardless, we're all starting on an even playing field now so if you're into RPGs I totally recommend getting into the BBS and checking out Legend of the Red Dragon. From the main menu choose External Programs, then Games. See you there!
  6. Done, done, and done. At least I think. I dunno, your explanation was kinda all over the place.
  7. Jasager, the beautiful implementation of Karma on the Fon, will be released to the public September 17th -- coinciding with the release of Hak5 episode 403. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Robin Wood, aka Digininja, for his awesome work in developing the tool, Mubix for concept and testing, And Mark Gibbens for the graphic design. We are ecstatic to be working with everyone on this project and even more excited about its release. This is a project I'm sure you can all sink your teeth into so I'm looking forward to seeing what develops in the near future. Cheers, Darren
  8. Jasager is a projected intended for the security professional. It can be a valuable tool for penetration testing or other such security auditing. We do not encourage using Jasager with malicious intent. As with any tools, this tool can be used for good or bad. Here are some of the good uses: * In your office - Set it up to capture laptops before the bad guys do. Use a website to remind them of the rules. * On penetration tests - Lure in target clients to find a back door into networks * At home - Have fun with neighbours who try to steal your wifi bandwidth
  9. What window manager/addons/shell replacement? And on that topic, anyone use shell replacements like litestep? Snubs and I were talking about it recently. Might make for a good segment.
  10. Thanks guys, these all look great. /me hands out cookies
  11. Sorry but I gotta call Snubs out on this one. That should have read "Sailor Moon (omfg I <3<3<3!!!1twelve)" This is on top of the wall scrolls and Sailor Mars cosplay outfit. Own up Snubs, you've got a hidden stash of every Sailor Moon manga hidden in the HakHouse attic too don't you?
  12. FastSum is ok, it's just cumbersome. I was looking for something a bit more lightweight that would integrate well with the explorer context menu. Not a big deal really, I could make a command line solution work probably. Up until now I didn't really have a need for MD5 hashes of files either, but when you've got to deliver an 8gb AVI file split into 80 some odd 100mb parts to revision3 via FTP every week.... yeah. It sucks.
  13. What software do you guys use to create MD5 hashes in Windows? I've been trying out FastSum and I'm not all that impressed. Just wondering what you guys use.
  14. @Sparda It's completely doable with apple script. The Matrix Switcher speaks protocol2000 over ethernet and the on-air software is highly scriptable. But yes, regardless switching live video does take a different kind of thought process and we're lucky to have someone as talented as Paul who has an eye for this sort of thing.
  15. Probably. Might be easier in apple script. I only wish they had a 6x2 or 8x2 matrix switcher. It would be awesome to add another few cameras to the mix. I think each set could use a secondary camera to be honest.
  16. Protocol2000 Supposedly it's trivial to speak to the matrix switcher over ethernet. My hope is we can whip up some apple script that will control both the matrix switcher and the on-air software. Then it's just a matter of key mapping, and if we really want to take it a step further we could interface it with a pair of Wiimotes via bluetooth. :)
  17. I'm not exactly an otaku but I watch an ok amount of Anime. It's good to have friends and roommates who are into this stuff. I second FLCL, great little series there! I highly recommend Noein I tried Soul Eater but wasn't that impressed Shannon's been watching Peach Girl like crazy the last few days Of course Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex was awesome. It's a shame Stage6 is dead, that place was great for anime. Anime-Eden is pretty good but you've gotta pay for HTTP downloads. http://www.anime-eden.com/ -- decent selection and download speeds but again, gotta pay =/
  18. I know we've made mention of this on the show but I thought it would be good to put a thread together about our plan for HD. We've had many questions about what mixer and other equipment we're looking at so here it is. Our original plans for going HD were based on the Edirol V-440 HD video mixer. Since then we have revised our plans based on the suggestions of the one and only David Randolph (Engineered the Rev3 studio). This setup should allow us to go HD sooner as the equipment costs about half that of the Edirol and includes and direct to disk capture solution (Mac Pro). This solution is based on the Black Magic On-Air software. You can read more about it at http://www.blackmagic-design.com/products/intensity/on-air/ Parts (italics have been purchased): Three Panasonic HDC-SD9 HD Cameras with HDMI output, $1500 One Kramer VS-42HDMI 4×2 HDMI Switcher, $1200 One Black Magic Intensity PCI Express card, One Intensity Pro card, $600 HDMI cables, couplers, dongles, $200 VGA to HDMI converter, $220 VGA Active Switcher, $80 Mac Pro, $3000* Total: 6800 *We're borrowing Paul's Mac Pro for the first tests but long term we'll need our own. We're about a third of the way there already! The donations from http://www.hak5.org/stickers have helped out tremendously already. I think we should be able to go HD by the new year. Our Intensity cards come in today (Monday Sept. 15) so we'll be doing all sorts of testing this week. Here's a spiffy diagram of how it all goes together. This looks similar to our current setup except instead of HDMI everything is Composite, and instead of switching software and a matrix switcher we're using an Edirol V-1 analog video mixer. Oh yeah, and instead of recording to disk we're recording to tape via one of our spare DV cameras. So yeah, quality will go through the roof once we make this happen. I'm super excited :)
  19. Part of our contract with Jinx states that they're our exclusive Hak5 swag provider. The stickers fall in a gray area since we're doing them ourselves, but I'm pretty sure since its part of a going HD fundraiser and well, we're pretty cool with the guys over at Jinx, they're not going to sick the attack lawyers on us. So anyway, yeah, Hoodies would rule -- just they have to be done through Jinx. Which is great, because we don't have to spend a lot upfront to get them done. Just gotta come up with a design, toss a few emails back and forth, and in a few weeks they'll be on sale. As for the design, I don't believe simply the Hak5 logo on a black hoodie will suffice. I think it's time for something new. Maybe something rustic looking? I dunno, lets hear some ideas about a killer Hak5 hoodie and I'll try make that happen for this Fall/Winter season (Sorry Australia)
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