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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. http://www.pronobozo.com http://www.dualcoremusic.com
  2. Right, but that should extend to Jasager wallpapers. All I was saying in the note is that you probably shouldn't use it for other projects.
  3. I've been asked about the Pineapple source so I've gone ahead and cleaned up the photoshop document for your enjoyment. I assume I was asked because people want to create wallpapers. That's awesome. Anyway you can get the photoshop file, including all eyes, expressions, and battle armor from http://www.hak5.org/temp/jasagerpineapple.rar or just grab the high res png from http://www.hak5.org/temp/jasager_pineapple.png If you need the pineapple sound effects or otherwise just let me know.
  4. You always hurt the ones you love... That's some good advice right there. I wonder if the same goes for clear bottles like those found in Land Shark.
  5. Sparda, today I want you to have fun. Have fun and be happy damnit. I don't wanna hear any complaints either. Be joyful starting now or else.
  6. Wasn't pixel perfect produced by Pixel Corps? I could have sworn I saw a Gear Media Tech or Macbreak about the behind the scenes on that show and I thought it was done in Pixel Corps studio, not Rev3's. Then again, I'm on the East coast and know very little about happenings out there.
  7. Well I guess the first question is, does your TV support higher than 480p?
  8. wait, what? they were broadcasting the talks on the televisions in the hotel rooms? dude I really wish I knew that before. Damn! Coulda brought a box with a big HDD and a tuner card and slurped 'em all down ;)
  9. It was alright. When I first entered the room there were only a dozen people. By the time I started talking it was 4x that. I had a lot of fun doing the talk but I forgot a bunch of anecdotal stuff -- partly because I didn't have enough in my presenter notes and party because I couldn't read the tiny font in presenter view. If I do it again I'll have to find something better than powerpoint (not like my slides were all that impressive, most were either pictures or two word slides).
  10. I don't have access to my pineapple at the moment (it's in the trunk. i'm in the back seat. we're driving back from phreaknic). so I can't remember all the specifics but basically all I did was add the WPA network to the /etc/config/wireless and install the dependent packages. I think it was hostap and wpa supplicant. I'll check again when i've got access to my fon again.
  11. I love playing FSX online but the online component through gamespy sucks
  12. Yeah its a great con! A lot of friendly people that know how to have fun. Hopefully with the footage we got we'll be able to put together a documentary style narrative and capture some of the phreaknic experience for 4x10.
  13. We recorded it with our own gear as well. I'm not really comfortable with hand held microphones and since I had been wearing my own XLR based lapel the whole day interviewing we simply tied that into their board and got an aux output from their mixer. It wasn't recorded in HD since we only have HD studio cams, not field cams. We're working on saving up for an HD field camera -- something respectable with audio inputs. Our studio cams are basically lenses with HDMI outputs. Anyway I'll post it on my blog tomorrow.
  14. I've had the bug of flight for quite a while. While I don't have the money for it now, when the economy turns I'd really like to get one of these: http://www.x-airlsa.com/X-Air/X-Air_LS.html Light Sport Aircraft looks a lot more fun than Ultralights. Namely because you can fly higher, for longer, and with a passenger. It's a new designation since 2006 iirc that only requires 20 hours to obtain a license. afaik Ultralights don't require a license at all but lessons are highly recommended. When I'm not watching aviation documentaries on netflix or making the show (read: all the time) I have a lot of fun with my quad display setup in Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Anyone else play? I'm not 100% on the VATSIM side of things yet but I can hold my own with ATC. --Darren November Zero Zero Bravo
  15. Check out this slashdot article http://ask.slashdot.org/askslashdot/08/10/22/011204.shtml It could use a lot more support for Hak5 :)
  16. Yeah I'm pretty sure we've been mentioning our appearance, at least in show notes, for the last several episodes. On another topic, I'll be speaking about Hacker Media. See this topic http://hak5.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=10415
  17. Through a weird set of circumstances involving a Mubix I will be speaking at this year's Phreaknic about Hacker Media. Below is the quickie synopsis of the talk: So my question to you guys is, what do you think is important to cover in regards to hacker media?
  18. I just got an email from ricardoscloset@hotmail.com Obviously I have no intention of calling him but I just wanted to let you guys know you've probably pissed off a small business owner.
  19. Ahh yes, it's Eternal September all over again ;)
  20. I don't even want to ask what search query you've gotta use to get an image like that.
  21. What, no shoe on head? Happy birthday Owine!
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