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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. I have a few of these but havent tried 'em. im sure they work as advertised but honestly outside the lab i dont really use the pineapple for recreational activities
  2. If you need extra hardware I can ship a pineapple to our friend.
  3. I used a fresh pineapple. Robin, can you speak to the upgrade process? Is it just a matter of rm'ing the old Jasager directory and untar'ing the new one? No clue on the G1 but if you want to send Robin one I'm sure he'd like to play with it
  4. Ok that is so cool, is there a way to do this with my own tools without exposing the RPC service?
  5. Sorry I should have linked Lunar Magic. You can get the program at http://fusoya.eludevisibility.org/lm/index.html You can get "Super Mario World.smc" from Google if you don't already have it. This is in reference to episode 413 which at time of writing has not aired -- I just wanted this thread to have been started before it does. :)
  6. Inspired by Shannon's segment on Lunar Magic in 4x13 I'll go ahead post my first Super Mario World custom level. So what kind of crazy stuff can you guys come up with? Maybe we'll feature 'em on the show! http://www.hak5.org/temp/Darrens--1st--SMW--Level.mwl --Darren
  7. Robin, I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the method I demonstrated on 412.
  8. I'm having the same problem after installing from package it says "Starting Jasager". It has been about 5 minutes. I'm giving up and rebooting. ..... To view the web interface please visit.... Stopping all currently running jasager sessions killall: tail: no process killed killall: logwatch: no process killed Starting Jasager edit: I'm unable to login to another ssh session to issue a reboot command, the fon seems to have died. pulling the plug
  9. I was about to make a note about the required ruby-core_1.8.6-p36-1_mips.ipk and ruby-rexml_1.8.6-p36-1_mips.ipk now bug I guess that has been documented here now.
  10. To clarify I was drugged up when I challenged Wess, but not when I played him. In my experience drugs do not enhance hand-eye-coordination, pattern recognition, map control or noob domination. And to those that have accepted the challenge, I will be in #hak5 on mint irc on the 29th as well as in game for the free-for-alls and we'll setup 1v1's ad-hoc.
  11. I see it did work but it replied "@Darren Kitchen" instead of @hak5darren so I didn't see it right away. I'll have a look at the script and try to feature it on the show we're shooting tonight (413). I don't have a lot of python experience but I can tweak just about anything that's well commented and this looks to be (as well as hella tight dude)
  12. Bauer, Awesome stuff dude and congrats on the A. Wish I had seen this thread before doing the sidejacking pineapple segment on 412 else I'd have given a shoutout. I'll have to bring it up on the next ep.
  13. I just tried the twitter bot. Haven't gotten a reply back but it's only been about 5 minutes. I sent a link to this image: http://www.hak5.org/temp/code2.jpg (The 2600 magazine bar code) I'd love to see what kind of code you guys are using. Not to derail this but on a semi-related topic I was working in great length building a twitter bot using the twitter XMPP when they supported IM. I really wanted to finish the twitter bot I was writing but got sidetracked. What Twitter code are you using?
  14. We just got a dozen of the first volume to give away as the trivia prize and I expect to do the same for the second book. You can read the first 51 pages on the site if you like. I skimmed through it but I'm waiting for my copy to really soak it up. Ed Piskor does the hack/phreak community a lot of justice with his amazing Wizzywig series.
  15. sweet. i was really impressed with 2rc1, i showed it on 4x12. i'll upgrade soon :)
  16. I successfully installed, tested, and had fun with v2. I'm not sure what kinda sick mojo you worked under the hood Robin but this version is solid. I showed it off on episode 412 in conjunction with Ferret, Hamster, and ICS/DHCP the easy way. I'll post a more detailed writeup of how I was able to get it going later but basically offloading the DHCP responsibilities to the master client did the trick for me using tftpd32 of all things.
  17. You can get them from the episodes page. simply click episodes on the top nav bar.
  18. That's right. I'm ready to take you on 1v1 in Unreal Tournament on November 29th for the LIVE Hak5 deathmatch. Get your game on at noob.hak5.org. Tune in on the 29th. And sign up here for a chance to get dominated by ME in UT99 1v1.
  19. In 4x11 I demonstrated GOCR in combination with the UPCDatabase from http://jocr.sf.net and http://www.upcdatabase.com The image I used is www.hak5.org/temp/codes2.jpg The commands I used for the proof of concept were: djpg -pnm -grayscale codes2.jpg codes2.pbm gocr -m 4 codes2.pbm grep 725274831586 items.csv With a little glue and a PHP twitter API script I figure this could be turned into a fun bot. Anyone want to help with this project?
  20. I've been postponing starting this thread for quite a while since I wanted it to be complete. And after giving ample time to gather my thoughts, it occurred to me that like many things this thread will never be complete. So without a long-winded look back at Dev5's first failed attempt I'll start by stating that I learned from the experience. First of all there is a lot of passion and enthusiasm for this show among the community and more talent and vision than I could have hoped to gather. Unfortunately harnessing that energy wasn't my strongest ability. Suffice it to say this show lives and dies by its community. It started as a grass roots project and it very much embodies the efforts of the community. And with a more objective focused Dev5 I believe we can really make something to be proud of. The first Dev5 started with three goals; develop the content, the network, and the community. While these goals are nice they were too broad to truly take advantage of. So after pondering the obvious -- crowd sourcing makes for a better show, a better network -- I realized that in order to take advantage of the enthusiasm for the show I'd need to get specific and grow out from there. So I'm looking for your ideas, your concerns, and volunteers. I'll start with a simple list of items that I think the Dev5 group could tackle and do better than any of us at the HakHouse could individually. And from this I hope to expand upon the idea that is Dev5 until eventually we've got our own Dev5 letter jackets and pick up mad chicks. ==Initial Ideas== * Create trivia group for development of more difficult trivia questions. (Obviously group will need to be private and members except from winning. A special Hak5 care package awarded for development efforts) * Community Billboards. Develop the billboards that highlight community projects to air between segments (you've seen 'em, they say things like "have you check out Hak5 irc/radio/etc"). * Sketch development. Submit crazy ideas for the next microshaft innovation or Evil Server intro. * Voice Over volunteers * What are you ideas of things we could better crowd source? How would you like to contribute to the show? Let's start small and see what happens. Also I'm pretty sure the Hak5 Development board is a better place for this thread but I'm looking for greater visibility and I'm not sure how that board needs to be restructured.
  21. There has been a lot of development on this project so I thought it might be time to add it to the wiki. http://wiki.hak5.org/wiki/U3_Incident_Response_Switchblade Russell, you can use the Hak5 package hosting at http://www.hak5.org/packages/ Oh yeah, and I took the liberty of creating a logo, just cause I'm a photoshop fiend. Hope that's cool. :)
  22. Our campaign with Beck's has ended. We were happy to work with them and look forward to new opportunities. Now where did I put that recipe for the Tux on a Rampage?
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