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Darren Kitchen

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Posts posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. A few months ago we were brainstorming about the season1 dvd and thought it would be cool to include in the package (along with season1, bonus features, and printed show notes & build plans), a Hak.5 live security distribution.

    However, in the interest of not reinventing the wheel, my vote goes to endorsing nUbuntu Live. We're big fans of that distro over here.

  2. If anyone has them please email me. I've got them on a hard drive... somewhere. we go through hard drives really quickly on hak.5 and I'm in full crunch mode on episode 9. It's deff a priority but I won't have time until after ep9's release. (actually I'm going on an out of town trip on the 5th and won't be back until the 10th so it probably wont be until then, which means ep9's release may be a bit early... but don't tell anyone cause i really can't commit to anything but the 5th ;) )

  3. Depends on the target market for the DVD. Is it people who hack around with stuff, and are fairly well grounded computer wise? Or people who may not be quite there yet? To get the best of both worlds i'd put the more hardcore coding stuff towards the end of the disc, and start with the more flashy hardware stuff. That way its a nice introduction for our less geeky brethren, and still interesting for the more advanced amongst us.

    Totally feeling you there. Ya know, that's the hardest thing to figure out. When we first started the show "target audience" wasnt in our vocabulary. Obviously as the show has evolved we're thinking about who our audience is and how the technical level of our content affects that and what not. I'd like to say that the show is for the everygeek. Even if you don't understand Ajax, or plan to ever ARP cache poision, or have a need to control your lights from a cellphone it's still a good geekout session.

    And of course there are the casual geeks that tune in for the comedy, drama, etc.

  4. If you want drama just join #hak5. We don't need to recreate it here. ;)

    Anyway, as you might have figured Hak.5 has always been a tech show with comedy, but don't discount the drama. Remember Evil Server did kill Frank Linhares, and now he's dating Alli. You have no idea how awkward it is on set trying to do a shoot when the guy that killed your Canadian podcasting buddy is hanging out off camera with our geek grrl flirting. Get a room!

    I swear man, Evil Server has crossed the line and needs to be taken care of. I'm just waiting for an excuse to chuck his sorry ass off a building at this point. If it weren't for the forbidden love between him and Alli his ass would have been scrap metal ages ago.

  5. As I have said before, 8.5 was not a flame on Ilya. The fact that the email on my screen says "your show sucks by lyla" is just an easter egg for the IRC guys that would get the joke. Nobody else will get it.

    The concept for the episode was very simple. Jenn Cutter is visiting with Hak.5 and she had never seen Pure Pwnage before so we did a 10 episode marathon. She became an instant fan and I'm a huge fan of Kyle. I love his unique editing style and I thought it would be fun to experiment with it for kicks.

    I've also got the problem that if I watch enough Pure Pwnage I kinda start talking like Jeremy. It's funny for the first few minutes, even Wess gets into it. You can ask Wess if it gets annoying after a while ;).

    So Jenn and I are bored sitting around the studio before Wess and Alli get back from work and we figure, hey, lets shoot something in down-town colonial williamsburg in pure pwnage style. I bet Kyle would get a kick out of that.

    Sweet, that will be a blast. Now we just need content. Ya know what, I think maybe I'll take this opportunity to clarify some of the feedback from ep8. There was a comment in particular that inspired the skit. I believe it was from Vako, that basically said "it didnt suck if your not looking at it as if it were hacker school" or something.

    Anyway, just wanted to throw that out there. Hope it clears things up. 8.5 is a sketch comedy thing with a lot of sarcasm, a lot of making fun of myself, and an easter egg with a character with a very similar name as ilya just for the hardcore fans in the irc. take it with a grain of salt and look out for a most awesome episode 9 on the 5th. i think even ilya will dig this next ep.

  6. Really? I didnt think ep1 homebrew hack was that great (film wise). The x10 controlled cellphone lights thing was cool but cinematically it was a wreck. if this is going to be a lot of peoples first sight of Hak.5 I think it should be 'best foot forward'. Maybe thats just me though.

  7. you need a lot of behind the scenes materal, A 30 minut specal on what a "normal" month of production is like would be cool!

    I so so so want to do that. And we will, but not for this DVD. That will be saved for the season 1 dvd that we sell since its going to take a while to actually film and edit that and I can't take filming time away from ep9 production. We'll get that segment done, as well as a whole behind the scenes on the construction and evolution of the hak5 "budget" set (which should be helpful for upcoming vidcasters).

  8. So far here's my scratch pad on this idea. I need to narrow down the segments and think up some more stuff to throw in extra features.


    OSX on x86 (ep2)

    RSS Alarm (ep3)

    ARP Cache Poisoning (ep3)

    Sandboxing (ep3.5)

    Mini Arcade Cab (ep4 ep5)

    VPN on XP (ep4)

    Beer Overflow (ep4)

    Steady Cam (ep4.5)

    Evil Server Saga (ep5 ep6)

    Laser Audio (ep6)

    VNC remote install (ep6)

    CVS camera hack (ep7)

    VNC SSH (ep7)

    Pandora Timeshifting (ep8)


    Hax0r Flakes

    Slashdot Patch

    Counter-Strike Trailer

    Christmas Special

    Switch Ad

    Valentines Day Special

    TikiBar TV Parody

    Pure Tech Entertainment


    Techphile Interviews & Live Show

    Episode 1, 2, and 3 directors commentary

    I'll keep this thread posted on the development of this project and I'm reading all the feedback.

  9. I like the whole grass roots idea, but I also think this might be a good opportunity to raise some funds, especially since you are already going to putting in a lot of time and effort into get it all edited and what not.

    What do you think about offering the ISO on bittorrent, but also selling a hardcopy, at cost, plus $5-15 dollars? I think people might be interested in putting down some money for tangible content. I'm not sure how much work this would take though; it might not be worth it in the end.

    As far as content that I'd like to see included goes, I'll give you the following suggestions:

    * Particularly popular segments of your regularly scheduled programming (or all of it, if possible)

    * Behind-the-scenes footage

    * An assortment of "sketches"

    * Video interviews of all of the members of Hak.5 just about who they are off the show

    Ok, I think I need to clarify just a bit here.

    We plan to do a BIG season one DVD in a few months which will include a TON of extra features (including behind-the-scenes, cast interviews, etc). That DVD set will be sold, probably on Amazon.com. That way we can make a little money and hopefully buy some additional cameras, lights, and set pieces.

    This project is completely different. The idea is to release this within the next month completely for free. We'll throw in some exclusive material found nowhere else which will be an incentive to download and burn for your friends, but this is not the full blown season1 -- ton of bonus material -- thing.

    I'm looking for some input on DVD authoring software, as well as which are your favorite segments.

    Right now I'm thinking these segments would be good to include:

    - ARP Cache Poising

    - OSX on x86

    - Arcade Cabinet

    - RSS Alarm Clock

    - Buffer Overflows with Beer

    Maybe the Network VNC Install, VNC over SSH, or VPN Server on XP, Command Line XP SP2 Firewall, or Pandora Timeshifting.

    So segments do you guys think should be included?

  10. Ok so here's the deal guys. We're thinking of doing a "Best of Hak.5" DVD soon. The idea is that we'll put some of the most popular Hak.5 segments on it, as well as the really good skits, extended blooper reels, directors’ commentary, and some additional bonus material on it. This DVD will be offered as an ISO via Bit Torrent on our site. The DVD will be released under a creative commons license complete with high-res cover art and DVD label for those who want to make it pretty.

    This way anyone can download the ISO, burn a few copies, and give it to their friends.

    This will help us expand our audience in a grass roots kind of way while also giving me some experience doing DVD authoring (which I'll need since we will be doing a season 1 DVD packed with bonus features in the future).

    Here's where you guys come in. I'm looking for feedback on the idea in general, DVD authoring software suggestions, and of course some input on which segments should make the cut.

    I appreciate everyone’s feedback on this project and will find a way to "//MAD PROP" everyone who contributes to this thread on the DVD.

    Thanks in advance,

    Darren Kitchen

    Producer / Co-Host, Hak.5

  11. ok ok ya got me. i did say it on that craptacular radio show. im not sure if season1 ends at ep 10, 11, or 12 but technically ep10 is our 1 year aniversary since we started ep1 development 2 months before it was released.

    anyway, regardless of where the season1 line is drawn we'll be taking a month off to produce the dvd which will be loaded with extra features. we've got so much extra stuff its ridicilous.

    and yeah, it would be nice to make some money off this crazy hobby.

  12. Yes, I can confirm that Alli and Evil Server are still dating. It's sad really, she doesn't seem to understand that he's out to get us. I have to be careful what I say though. I know he's watching my packets.

    As for ep8.5, the name was Iyla, not Ilya. Consider it an easter egg and not a bash on the kid. I hope he gets a kick out of it anyway.

  13. Probably one of the worst releases ever sorry but thats how I see it. No mods no hacks??? Hope ep. 9 is better.

    Depends on how you see the show i suppose, is it Hacker Skool or entertainment?

    BTW: This comment was one of the inspiring factors of episode 8.5

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