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Darren Kitchen

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Posts posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. Spektormax was one of the reasons i didnt ban $ynt4xe770r in the begining. I thought he would eventually grow up. At first I thought even spek was a troll, but once you look past his bad spelling you see that he's an intelligent dude. Anyway I guess your right; the forum is noobless. Maybe it's better that way.

  2. Sorry I havent been on the forums for a few days. It's been crazy production over here. I wish I could report that its going smoothly but thats another topic. I'm just making this thread to let you guys know that after battling with the angel (freedom of speech) and devil (censorship) I finally decided that $ynt4xe770r just flaimbait so he's been banned.

    Sorry if you'll miss his insightful comments like "wh0 w4n7s 4 bJ ft0m diz ch1xx"

  3. It's been added to the sketches page.

    You can also always find direct download links at:

    http://hak5.libsyn.com and http://hak5xvid.libsyn.com

    And yes, it's mislabeled. It's a sketch, not an episode. I was very tired when I named it and changing the RSS isn't something I'd like to do. So enjoy the firefox ad / evilserver sketch. It was raining last saturday and we just got inspired and had some fun. I'll make a blog post sometime this week with a production wrapup and all the other fun stuff about us going to toronto for call for help and us being in the may issue of wired magazine.

  4. Shownotes will me moved from the forums to static pages after season1 ends on May 15th. Unfortunately we're too busy in production right now to take care of them properly on the forums.

  5. Quick reply: I use Sony Vegas 4 on an Athlon XP 2500 with 512MB ram and a quad video setup (3 19" LCDs and one 13" TV as a preview monitor).

    I render the show out to NTSC DV AVI which takes little time, its normally 1:1. I looked into sony's vegas tools for render farming but the investment isnt worth the time saved since the post intensive stuff is really the xvid and h264 encoding, which I use other tools for (virtualdub and videora).

  6. We want to put some interviews on the DVD as an addition to the behind the scenes stuff. I'm looking for questions you would like to see taken.

    Obvious stuff is "How did Hak.5 originally come to be?" and "What has been the hardest part in doing the show?"

    Your questions and input is much appreciated.


  7. I don't think we could do a strictly tech show. i mean, we all have the technolust for it but when you get down to it the show is work and if your going to work on a show you might as well make it funny. sketches take way longer to produce than your normal tech segments but they are so much more fun to make and watch.

    that and im sure rev3 got a chuckle out of it

  8. yeah, looked into that. unfortunately thats half of the season one budget and season two we're looking to purchase two additional cameras and better wireless mics. you'll see in ep10 the hell we go through in mic check. i have yet to find an open source alternative.

    we'll see, i might be able to engineer something on the cheap using some odds and ends

  9. Well bandwidth to the server isnt an issue as we have 15mbit down / 2mbit up here at Hak5. I believe we have quicktime streaming facilities on our webhost so that is probably our best bet for the beta test. I figure a 320x240 300kbps stream will look fine and not kill our bandwidth for the test.

    This is really a test of both the technology AND our ability to actually DO the show live. If we screw up there is not retake.

    So right now I'm looking into software and seeing if it's feasible to have live camera switching. Id rather not do it with only one camera since the shot becomes static and boring, but we'll see. I'm also trying to do this without spending any money.

    If we can pull it off once that will tell me that we are capable of actually doing it, and from there we'll look into a sponsor for bandwidth and see what equipment / software needs to be purchased.

    P2P streaming, while cool, is still very experimental and I've yet to see a rock solid implementation. That and I'd rather just say head over to hak5.org/live and watch at 9pm than download this, configure that, join this, etc.

  10. IRC lower third would be awesome, if moderated, but would require more extensive software and crew that we have available. I love the idea but I just don't think it's feasible quite yet. If we can just get a stream out to 50 people for the first test we'll be thrilled

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