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Everything posted by Trip

  1. ^^^ i figured this out just open nautilus with the places side bar visible right click and there's a remove option any ideas ? cheers in advance trip VVV any help with this would be cool tho. ps. is there an easy method for browsing network shares via nautilus without having to type the IP/server name and share into the location bar ? ... i keep getting timedout or ubuntu just says no :( i have spent a considerable amount of time googling this but have still found no solution ?? its very frustraiting. im sure my smb.conf is set correctly ... and im also positive my firewalls are setup properly as i can access both my linux shares from windows but ubuntu to ubuntu shares are not working (via browsing in nautilus) :(
  2. lol i found this out from some capacitors in my old amp :D if you unplug it then touch the terminals you plug into the wall it give u a little boost hehe
  3. reloaded didnt do just one game im sure there's about 50 reloaded torrents lol they'll be back with vengeance ;)
  4. ok lol its a good idea but not brilliant ... i can see where this would work in certain situations tho. ie. in environments where they were undertaking genral office tasks ... word processing, web browsing etc .... now theirs a point if they decided to migrate to web based apps the software wouldnt need to be platform specific .....i suppose thats just asking for trouble tho web based and government system dont go well in the same sentance
  5. pc markets ebay and car boot sales (garage sales for teh USA's)
  6. maplins ? probably some good info on www.hackedgadgets.com
  7. its like picking a lock ... id much prefer to pick a lock rather than grind it off :) no damage and no sign you've been in :)
  8. you know what ... does everyone now need a pc with the take off of tablet computing ? it'll be interesting to see how the office changes over the next 10 years agreed ... but again it would be an ideal opportunity for these companies to take old badly programmed and edited code and start from new .... im sure most of the governments distributed systems are java based anyway so porting them might be more straight forward than reprogramming everything ... but just the savings on the OS and ms office licences would be huge. lols i just tweeted david cameron regarding the matter :) think about it though ... your saying it would take us 10 years of work .... something the uk doesnt have atm. jobs would be great ... create jobs n save money in the long run
  9. im sure there are more efficient ways of protecting software. and if the companies really wanted to they could remotely disable things ... or make the software crash. or have some web enabled login to the software etc i have great respect for crackers and hackers .... imagine how un equal the world would be without them ??
  10. lol im sure there's a fair amount of industrial sabotage that goes on in our digital era wouldn't surprise me if different companies paid agents/programmers/hackers for source & distributions pre release etc. im glad 99% of the software i use is free :)
  11. defcon archives ? are pretty cool still waiting for some new ones :)
  12. :D good choice dude its always more fun building a pc than buying a laptop :D
  13. i got given it last week in exchange for fixing a pc :) (took about 20min to burn it on highest quality(makes sense b/c the disks are quite pricey)) i use shape collage to create the image ... you can dl it for free from here ... http://www.shapecollage.com/
  14. thought i'd add this here as i didnt want to make a new post but check out my 1st light scribed cd :D pretty cool huh ? :D
  15. its not about power or cooling ... its all about reliability and ease of service :D pcs are easy to fix laptops are not although i suspect u can get better specs in towers / rack units ;) than a laptop
  16. im up for that record i think i could do it on tf2 :D
  17. the hp slate is pure sexiness :D
  18. dont WASTE your money on a laptop ... unless you 100% need something portable I HATE LAPTOPS ... i have 4 all fucked !!
  19. Trip

    Tv Shows

    dont watch tv tbh ... just documentaries :D the odd film if people are still talking about it 12 months after its release
  20. it's the x86 edition its cool i sorted it now and re-disabled the admin just in case they loose the pass again ... but i did burn 5 copies of kon boot with various software power iso, nero isoburner etc but all failed to boot most displayed Err. some displayed nothing on boot .... i've never had konboot work yet i used the trinity rescue kit instead
  21. love your av chikpee :D made me lol
  22. update : managed to enable it via trk :D so im in as root yey :) winpass -u Administrator reset the pass and enabled the account
  23. kon boot fails ... i've wasted about 5/6 cd's trying different methods of burning to check it wasnt my writer TRK ... i've reset the administrator pwd to "" but i cant login ... when i choose the cmd prompt option from the boot up options it just takes me to the vista login screen (and the admin account isnt available) ophcrack ... i've used the free tables but they've failed ... so my questions are ... 1. kon boot never works is it just me ? 2. How can i get a cmd prompt ? to enable the admin account ? 3. ^^ if i cant do the above how do i load 54gb's worth of tables ? ... do i need to network ophcrack ? .... or do i just admit defeat and reinstall everything ? update ... im going to try and access the cmd prompt via the recovery console on the install disk just need an install disk now ... ill let u know if it works any other suggestions in the mean time are appreciated can i use cain with the hash & ophcrack tables ?
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