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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. I knew it was some kind of behavorial (heuristic) engine. Wouldn't this kind of technique give false alarms at times.
  2. Isn't that Dual Core who sings it.
  3. I already have Ubuntu as my desktop OS, besides Windows. Moreover when I said, Comodo consumed a slight amount of RAM I was actually referring to my past experience I had with it. Since I haven't used Comodo for a very long time, I'd say they must have made a lot of improvements and enhancements to it. i guess I will have to give it another try in order to change my views towards it.
  4. I wonder what kind of techniques Karpersky uses for detecting a virus, it must use other means besides pure signature-based detections, which to be honest its kinda useless if there is a new virus in the wild.
  5. In my experience with Avast, it has the ability to remove infected items on the next pre-boot. Even though it may fail to remove at first, whilst Windows is still running. It does however remove the virus if you schedule it to run a full scan at the next time the computer boots up. I don't know if you have experimented with that, but it does a good job in removing viruses. I remember once, a friend of mine asked me to help her get rid of some virus off her computer. While Avast was unable to remove while Windows was running, it did remove when the machine was rebooted, it managed to find and remove over 1000 trojans. Yes it is possible, you will need to specify during the installation process or during the configuration which NIC shall be used for connecting the modem to and which NIC shall be used for connecting to the LAN. I find it quite easy to use a limited account and if an application requires admin access, its just a matter of running it in administrator mode. Its a lot more safer to use a limited account, than an administrator account. Not becouse of virus damages but even for preventing yourself from accidentally deleting or modifying files or settings that you shouldn't be in the first place. And which could lead to stability issues or even being unable to start up properly.
  6. Definitely go with the Asus P8P67, they make a very good and stable board. However, the only issue I see with the board, is compatibility with the ESXi package. You might want to go with a proper board for this scenario. Edit: Here is a list of compatible hardware =-1&datePosted=-1&partnerId[]=-1&formFactorId[]=-1&filterByEVC=0&filterByFT=0&min_sockets=&min_cores=&min_memory=&rorre=0"]Compatible hardware This is what i'm getting for my server room, totally compatible with ESXI
  7. +1 to that, Comodo may hog resources a little bit, but Avast that's what I use at home, never let me down. Avast may not be the best, but it surely does a lot better than most AVs, with exception for Kaspersky of course. I use Avast 5, in my Win7 machine and I hardly notice any slow in performance. Even though it does real time scanning/monitoring. If you want a secure enough system, you could install a box with Untangle, turn all the security essentials on and most importantly, keep the system up to date with the latest patches. Don't open attachments from unknown sources and don't go visiting websites that are unsafe, use a VM if you have to. Do not log onto any machine using an administrator account, use a limited account this will help minimize virus/worm damage to the system. Use strong passwords and never use the same password for other things. (eg backing websites, Facebook), also change it once or twice a month.
  8. I personally find virus/worms engineering a very interesting subject. But to create one, it takes a lot of time and knowledge. Before you can create virus/worm you must understand and have sound knowledge of how an operating system works from inside out. You need to be very proficient with a programming language, if you wish to succeed in creating a computer worm. Secondly you need to ask yourself why do I want to create a worm for, what will it bring about. If I unleash the worm, what the implications will be. If I had the knowledge and the how to create a worm, I would put it to good not evil.
  9. If you need to compile your own password list, you can use this website to download and create your custom file. http://www.skullsecurity.org/wiki/index.php/Passwords
  10. The only way to make your machine secure, is to update it regularly when new patches become available. Secondly, we all know that Windows Remote desktop is a great administrative utility for managing computers or servers remotely, however its not secure enough. If you plan on connecting to your XP box remotely from over the internet on a regular basis, you might want to consider upgrading to TeamViewer or change the RDP default port to something unique, like 1000 or 5000.
  11. Glad to hear there is someone in these forums who plays C&C. I still haven't had a chance to play the new game, I'm still playing the older editions, Kane and Wrath.

    Furthermore, I've only seen the preview of the game and have to say, I can't wait to buy the game.

  12. What make/model is your router? If you can tell me that, I can walk you through the process.
  13. I guess you are right, but if he did a bit of Googling he would find what he is after, its not hard at all and I do most of the time.
  14. Wasn't going to teach him or motivate him, I just wanted to know what exactly he is trying to do. I know very well, that we do not support these kind of activities.
  15. I think I already went over that, but it didn't make much difference.
  16. What do you want to crack?
  17. A few things you need to get right, the port you need to forward on your router which is 3389 and the ip address of the machine you are trying to access, NOT the public IP address but the private IP address, which should be one of the following. Class A: netmask Class B: netmask Class C: netmask If you are not sure, go to Start->Run and type CMD, at the DOS prompt type IPCONFIG, that should return a private ip address. Once you have done the above, head over to ipchicken.com and write down your public ip address, with this IP address you will be able to connect your target machine.
  18. Where's this link suppose to take me?
  19. Generally speaking, you can use remote desktop from anywhere you please, from over your LAN (local area network) or even from over the internet. Configuring a standard Windows XP box to receive remote desktop connections is very easy. By the default, any Windows XP machine will only allow one remote connection at the time. In order to enable remote desktop support to a XP machine you will need to do the following: 1) Right click on my computer, go to properties under the "remote tab" select the second option remote desktop "Allow users to connect remotely to this computer" 2) If you have more than one user account set up in your XP machine, you will need to click on the "Select Remote Users" button a dialog box will pop up, in there you will need to enter a designated user account, unless you use an Administrator account which by default is already a member of the "Remote Desktop Users" group. 3) By default Windows Remote Desktop operates on port 3389, you will also need to ensure this port is enabled/allowed in the Windows Firewall exception list, or otherwise any incoming remote desktop connection destined to this machine will be denied. 4) To access this machine remotely from within your LAN, you can go to Start->Run and then type MSTSC at the dialog box and press enter. You should receive a small remote desktop dialog box prompting you to enter the IP address or the hostname of the remote computer you are trying to access. 5) You should by now be presented with a logon screen of your remote computer, be advised that by design if your administrator account or any user account does not have a password set, it won't allow you remotely login, until you have created a password. 6) Now accessing your computer remotely from over the internet, is the same as you would do on your local LAN. But in order to successfully log into your computer, from over the internet, you will need to log into your modem/router and set up a forward port 3389 and specify the IP address of the computer you are trying to access. If you forget to do this step, you won't be able to access the computer from over the internet. 7) Now for security reasons, Windows Remote Desktop is not considered a very secure option, that's why users in other forums or on some internet websites recommends you to use a third party software like TeamViewer. Hope this helps, let me know if you need any assistance.
  20. I had a quick at the VM's hardware compatible list and have to say that I am not finding your current hardware very compatible. Here is a list of all supported hardware. =-1&datePosted=-1&partnerId[]=41&formFactorId[]=-1&cpuSeriesId[]=-1&filterByEVC=0&filterByFT=0&min_sockets=&min_cores=&min_memory=&rorre=0"]Compatible Hardware list.
  21. When you are passionate and you love what you do, nothing can stop you from achieving more out of it. It all comes down to how much you are willing to give in. Darren has done an exceptional job throughout these years. And the show did have some ups and downs but its still a great show and we should all enjoy and be supportive.
  22. It was just an experiment I was doing nothing remote. But you are right, why have 3 tools when you can do the work of 3 in one.
  23. I was hacking away in the registry, trying to figure out a way to disable and never have to activate windows again but it failed, after the 30 days period were over it completely locked me out. I then did a search on the internet and found a solution that involved booting your machine into Safe Mode with network support and it did the trick, I was able to activate and use the full potential of my machine again.
  24. Infiltrator


    With GoToAssist, you shouldn't have to install any application on the clients machine, all you have to do is send them an invitation link, and request them to click on it, in order to take full or shared control of their computer. GoToAssist FAQs: http://www.gotoassist.com/help.tmpl
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