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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. I found this sample on the net, it might be able to help you sort your issue. Source: http://www.brandonhutchinson.com/squid_iptables_firewall.html #!/bin/sh LAN="eth1" INTERNET="eth0" IPTABLES="/sbin/iptables" # Kernel monitoring support # More information: # /usr/src/linux-`uname -r`/Documentation/networking/ip-sysctl.txt # http://www.linuxgazette.com/book/view/1645 # http://www.spirit.com/Network/net0300.html # Drop ICMP echo-request messages sent to broadcast or multicast addresses echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts # Drop source routed packets echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/accept_source_route # Enable TCP SYN cookie protection from SYN floods echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syncookies # Don't accept ICMP redirect messages echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/accept_redirects # Don't send ICMP redirect messages echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/send_redirects # Enable source address spoofing protection echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filter # Log packets with impossible source addresses echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/log_martians # Needed for FTP (specifically, to allow incoming ftp-data connections) /sbin/modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp # Flush all chains $IPTABLES --flush # Allow unlimited traffic on the loopback interface $IPTABLES -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT $IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT # Set default policies $IPTABLES --policy INPUT DROP $IPTABLES --policy OUTPUT DROP $IPTABLES --policy FORWARD DROP # Previously initiated and accepted exchanges bypass rule checking $IPTABLES -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT $IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT # Allow incoming port 22 (ssh) connections on LAN interface $IPTABLES -A INPUT -i $LAN -p tcp --destination-port 22 -m state \ --state NEW -j ACCEPT # Allow incoming port 3128 (squid) connections on LAN interface $IPTABLES -A INPUT -i $LAN -p tcp --destination-port 3128 -m state \ --state NEW -j ACCEPT # Allow ICMP ECHO REQUESTS on LAN interface $IPTABLES -A INPUT -i $LAN -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT # Allow DNS resolution $IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -o $INTERNET -p udp --destination-port 53 -m state \ --state NEW -j ACCEPT $IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -o $INTERNET -p tcp --destination-port 53 -m state \ --state NEW -j ACCEPT # Allow ntp synchronization $IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -o $LAN -p udp --destination-port 123 -m state \ --state NEW -j ACCEPT # Allow ssh on LAN interface $IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -o $LAN -p tcp --destination-port 22 -m state \ --state NEW -j ACCEPT # Allow Squid to proxy ftp, http, https, and AIM traffic $IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -o $INTERNET -p tcp --destination-port 21 -m state \ --state NEW -j ACCEPT $IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -o $INTERNET -p tcp --destination-port 80 -m state \ --state NEW -j ACCEPT $IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -o $INTERNET -p tcp --destination-port 443 -m state \ --state NEW -j ACCEPT $IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -o $INTERNET -p tcp --destination-port 5190 -m state \ --state NEW -j ACCEPT # Create a LOGDROP chain to log and drop packets $IPTABLES -N LOGDROP $IPTABLES -A LOGDROP -j LOG $IPTABLES -A LOGDROP -j DROP # Drop all other traffic $IPTABLES -A INPUT -j LOGDROP # Have these rules take effect when iptables is started /sbin/service iptables save
  2. That's very much true, I've had a hard time trying to exploit my VM boxes and only had luck once. After hours of painstaking attempts and trying different exploits and payloads. Something you want to keep in mind.
  3. Found this Vmware documentation on how to migrate a VM into a physical machine. I think it might be what you are after http://www.vmware.com/support/v2p/doc/V2P_TechNote.pdf
  4. Setting up virtual machines is very straight forward, what you need is to download VMware workstation from www.vmware.com. Once downloaded, install this software on a machine that is already running an OS like Windows XP or Win7 (that's what I have at home). Once installed you can follow this tutorial on how to create each individual VMs. http://www.vmware.com/pdf/ws6_manual.pdf
  5. What happens if you add another ip table rule like the one below, but instead of port 80 set it to 443. Does it still block, or what do the log files say when you try to visit a HTTPS website. "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128"
  6. I would be surprised if Comodo can detect a Meterpreter session at all, since its becoming so advanced and hard to detect.
  7. That's funny 200GB we are now talking Terabytes if not Petabytes of data.
  8. I used to have a Hi5, Friendstar and Bebo account but all deleted now.
  9. You don't have to lie about everything in your life, just be cautious and don't give away too much information about yourself. For example, the CEO had his entire life on his face book page, as result Chris used that information to create a profile on him, so that could be used against the CEO. These are the things that people really need to watch out for and pay attention too.
  10. I used to do customer service before and couldn't stand being next to phones ringing all day, even less near people who talked loud on the background while I was taking calls. The clients used to be main source of stress for me and frankly speaking I was a time ticking bomb waiting to explode. Now I am very grateful for having this new job, I love it and enjoy it very much. One advise for anyone out there looking for a job in IT, avoid doing helpdesk work unless you have no choice or the pay is good.
  11. I think somebody will have to teach them the meaning of being Anonymous.
  12. Found this article on Social Engineer very interesting and informative, thought it might be of interest to anyone in the forums.
  13. CSO - Chris Hadnagy gets paid to fool people, and he's gotten pretty good at it over the years. A co-founder of social-engineering.org and author of Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking, Hadnagy has been using manipulation tactics for more than a decade to show clients how criminals get inside information. Hadnagy outlines three memorable stories of social engineering tests that he's included in his new book (you can also read a short excerpt), and points out what organizations can learn from these results. The Overconfident CEO In one case study, Hadnagy outlines how he was hired as an SE auditor to gain access to the servers of a printing company which had some proprietary processes and vendors that competitors were after. In a phone meeting with Hadnagy's business partner, the CEO informed him that "hacking him would be next to impossible" because he "guarded his secrets with his life." "He was the guy who was never going to fall for this," said Hadnagy. "He was thinking someone would probably call and ask for his password and he was ready for an approach like that." Also see: Social engineering: The basics After some information gathering, Hadnagy found the locations of servers, IP addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, physical addresses, mail servers, employee names and titles, and much more. But the real prize of knowledge came when Hadnagy managed to learn the CEO had a family member that had battled cancer, and lived. As a result, he was interested and involved in cancer fundraising and research. Through Facebook, he was also able to get other personal details about the CEO, such as his favorite restaurant and sports team. Armed with the information, he was ready to strike. He called the CEO and posed as a fundraiser from a cancer charity the CEO had dealt with in the past. He informed him they were offering a prize drawing in exchange for donations--and the prizes included tickets to a game played by his favorite sports team, as well as gift certificates to several restaurants, including his favorite spot. The CEO bit, and agreed to let Hadnagy send him a PDF with more information on the fund drive. He even managed to get the CEO to tell him which version of Adobe reader he was running because, he told the CEO "I want to make sure I'm sending you a PDF you can read." Soon after he sent the PDF, the CEO opened it, installing a shell that allowed Hadnagy to access his machine. When Hadnagy and his partner reported back to the company about their success with breaching the CEO's computer, the CEO was understandably angry, said Hadnagy. "He felt it was unfair we used something like that, but this is how the world works," said Hadnagy. "A malicious hacker would not think twice about using that information against him." Takeaway 1: No information, regardless of its personal or emotional nature, is off limits for a social engineer seeking to do harm. Takeaway 2: It is often the person who thinks he is most secure who poses the biggest vulnerability. One security consultant recently told CSO that executives are the easiest social engineering targets. The theme-park scandal The target in this next case study was a theme park client that was concerned about potential compromise of its ticketing system. The computers used to check-in patrons also contained links to servers, client information and financial records. The client was concerned that if a check-in computer was compromised, a serious data breach might occur. Hadnagy started his test by calling the park, posing as a software salesperson. He was offering a new type of PDF-reading software, which he wanted the park to try through a trial offer. He asked what version they were currently using, got the information easily, and was ready for step two. The next phase required on-site social engineering, and Hadnagy used his family in order to ensure success. Heading up to one of the ticket windows with his wife and child in tow, he asked one of the employees if they might use their computer to open a file from his email. The email contained a pdf attachment for a coupon that would give them discount admission. "The whole thing could have gone south if she said 'No, sorry, can't do that,'" explained Hadnagy. "But looking like a dad, with a kid anxious to get into the park, pulls at the heart strings." The employee agreed, and the park's computer system was quickly compromised by Hadnagy's bad PDF. Within minutes, Hadnagy's partner was texting him to let him know he was 'in' and 'gathering information for their report.' Also read Social engineering techniques: 4 ways outsiders get inside Hadnagy also points out that while the park's employee policy states that they should not open attachments from unknown sources (even a customer needing help), there were no rules in place to actual enforce it. "People are willing to go to great lengths to help others out," said Hadnagy. Takeaway 3: Security policy is only as good as it is enforcement. Takeaway 4: Criminals will often play to an employee's good nature and desire to be helpful. The hacker is hacked Hadnagy gives a third example showing how social engineering was used for defensive purposes. He profiles 'John,' a penetration tester hired to conduct a standard network pen test for a client. He ran scan using Metasploit, which revealed an open VNC (virtual network computing) server, a server that allows control of other machines on the network. He was documenting the find with the VNC session open when, suddenly, in the background, a mouse began to move across the screen. John new it was a red flag because at the time of day this was happening, no user would be connected to the network for a legitimate reason. He suspected an intruder was on the network. Taking a chance, John opened Notepad and began chatting with the intruder, posing as a 'n00b' hacker, someone who is new and unskilled. "He thought 'How can I get more information from this guy and be more valuable to my client?'" said Hadnagy. "John played to the guy's ego by trying to pretend he was a newbie who wanted to learn more from a master hacker." John asked the hacker several questions, pretending to be a younger person who wanted to learn some tricks of the hacking trade and who wanted to keep in touch with another hacker. By the time the chat was over, he had the intruder's email, contact information--and even a picture of him. He reported the information back to his client, and the problem of easy access to the system was also fixed. Hadnagy also points out that John learned through his conversation with the hacker that the hacker had not really been 'targeting' the company who he had hacked, he had just been out looking around for something easy to compromise and found that open system quite easily. Takeaway 5: Social engineering can be part of an organization's defense strategy. Takeaway 6: Criminals will often go for the low-hanging fruit. Anyone can be a target if security is low. Source: http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9208888/Social_engineering_3_examples_of_human_hacking?taxonomyId=17&pageNumber=2
  14. Don't you worry my friend, got your back covered. http://linux.about.com/library/cmd/blcmdl8_arp.htm
  15. How about a bit of social engineering, hacking a system sometimes can be very challenging, so why not add a bit of social engineering to the game. They are a lot of techniques you can use to gather the information you are after, making the job a lot easier.
  16. Would be nice to see another tool for detecting Meterpreter sessions. I've been looking around but couldn't find any.
  17. 1. Set up a couple of virtual machines, make sure they are isolated from the main university network, you don't want trouble. Preferably use your own switch for connecting everything up together. 2. Once you have the VMs running install Windows XP, place some dummy files and then challenge who can break into that box and read whats on the file. 3. As you stated would be good, to share an information session on metasploit and then let them have some practice before the challenge. 4. Later if you want to increase the challenge level, you could set up some wireless access points and let them try to break into them, also make sure they are not interfering with the universities wireless system, if there are any. Use Kismet to find an appropriate channel to use and choose a unique SSID.
  18. Now one thing I am not very certain about this tool is how accurate it is in detecting Meterpreter sessions. I ran this tool on my Windows 7 box and it found one Meterpreter session active and my box is fully patched up. So that left me wondering...
  19. As Jason pointed out, it all depends on what area in programing you want to move in. It can be quite frustrating at first to work out what language you want to learn. But first you need to find out what kind of applications you want to build. I myself use PHP and JavaScript for web programming, simply because I like building web applications and its fun.
  20. The other day I had to share my external hard drive so my brother could connect to it. I simply created another user account on my computer, make sure the account is part of a administrator's group. Another thing you should also check, is whether "file and printer sharing" option is turned on. In Windows 7, go to control panel -> Network and Sharing Center -> click on the change advanced sharing settings link, situated on the upper left conner. So make sure that option is turned on and then try mapping the share again, that should work.
  21. Yeah, you are right I should do that, built a virtual web server.
  22. C would be a good language to start with. Then once you have mastered it, you could move into C++ and eventually web scripting language such as PHP and Javascript.
  23. Unless you write a batch script that enables the autorun, but you will need to manually run the batch script. But then again, you may get kicked out.
  24. Can't upload any of my desktop pictures, I am getting an error saying that the "file is too big to upload". Does anyone know how to increase the size?
  25. What you need to look out for is the NTFS permissions on the folder itself. Right click on the share, go to properties and then go to the security tab. Under the security tab, in the Groups or user names, there should be a group called Everyone, if you can't find that group you will need to add it. Also make sure that group, has full or write permissions and give it a go again.
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