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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. I used to run a small mail server at home and while I didn't registered for a domain name I used dyndns.org instead. Very easy to maintain and no annual fees charged. My mail system was http://netwinsite.com/, never had problems with virus or spam. It can be quite challenging to configure it at first, but once you get it up and running you can leave it running 24/7, with minor or no issues at all. I did however run a small DC, mainly for local DNS resolutions and for distributing IP addresses, but I never set up my servers in a DMZ, I always enable port forwarding on my router. For example, instead of placing my mail server in a DMZ, I would simply forward ports 110 and 25 on the router's end. And if you need to manage your servers remotely, you could use either openVPN or SSH.
  2. I use VLC player too, and in addition I also use a second player DivX Plus. Don't know if you have tried, but see if there are any audio drivers available for your system. Best of luck...
  3. One of the reasons to encrypt your data before uploading it to the cloud and least but not last, DO NOT upload confidential information.
  4. Updated Popular cloud storage service Dropbox is misleading users into thinking it is more secure than it really is, says a security researcher and academic, who has asked for the FTC to investigate. Read more: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/05/16/dropbox_ftc_not_good_enough/
  5. Have you tried downloading a different format. Also what program are you using to play MP4 files?
  6. I just downloaded some of the mp4 episodes from season 3 and they all have sound. Make sure when the download is completed, the file is in its full size or not corrupted Also try downloading them again.
  7. That may possible, but you will need a computer that is already switched on and running on your network, with magic packets installed as well as a software that is capable of receiving text messages and outputting them as commands to Magic packets, so Magic packets can wake up the desired PC your want.
  8. I don't know how many of you are aware, but he has released the first Cracking WEP Challenge for the series. He is going to be release, with different level of difficulties as the series progress.
  9. Last episode I watched, I heard Snubs saying that the next Hak5 Challenge will be Sunday. So stay tuned....
  10. That would be a stupid thing to do? The idea is to make the text from challenging to impossible to crack.
  11. I don't think there is a solution out there, that will allow you to generate rainbow tables for this purpose. The only way to make it work, would be writing a custom code that can generate the numbers you want and then have them saved into a text file.
  12. Couple of thoughts: 1) If you have access to a phone line, you could subscribe to an ISP and have your own ADSL line. 2) You could use an USB dongle from either ATA or Verizon, not sure how good the upload speed from these carries are, so something to think about. 3) I know you said, you IT policy is very strict, but have tried talking to the IT department on whether they could open a port for your webserver, on their firewall.
  13. In the near future, this is what I plan to do in my house deploy an off-grid solar battery system for running all my IT appliances. It will save me quite some bucks on electricity bills.
  14. Do an ifconfig at the terminal, it should list all the adapters available to you.
  15. Yeap and if you really are paranoid you could use Truecrypt to add a second layer of encryption.
  16. Placing a server in a DMZ, its not a very good idea, it completely exposes the host to the internet, making it more vulnerable to attacks. To give the new server more protection and easy access to users from outside, I would place it behind a firewall and just forward port 80. Any user on the outside of the network, all they need to do is type the URL into their web browser to access the web server.
  17. Is your wireless card detected at all by VMware? Also you should look compatible Linux driver for your wireless Adapter.
  18. Whenever I am running a Linux/Windows server always opt to go with 64bit. Larger memory footprint and above all, I can allocate more memory to services, apps and etc.
  19. Not a bad service, I have also found this opensource text editor that uses AES with 256 bit of encryption, worth checking out too. I kinda like it too. http://www.andromeda.com/people/ddyer/notepad/NotepadCrypt.html
  20. It shouldn't be a problem, what you need to do is on the server map a network drive pointing to the external hard drive. For example, say your router ip address is and your share name is "share". So to map the network drive, all you need to do is connect to \\\<share name>, once connected it should look just like a normal drive on your server, C:\ or D:\.
  21. The <hidden network> can also indicate that the wireless network nearby you may not be broadcasting its SSID. You could use Kismet to verify that.
  22. I personally use http://www.vibestreamer.com/, to stream mp3 off my computer to the web. It has its own web-interface where you can view all artists as as well as select which songs you want to play.
  23. This article shows you how to create a spanning volume in windows. But it does not provide any redundancy, so backup is a must. Once the spanned volume has been created, Windows will display it as a single drive. http://www.techfuels.com/storage/17759-how-create-simple-volume-spanned-volume.html
  24. Try this code! Remember to replace this line MP3_FILE_URL with the link to your MP3 file. &lt;embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="audioUrl=MP3_FILE_URL" src="http://www.google.com/reader/ui/3523697345-audio-player.swf" width="400" height="27" quality="best"&gt;&lt;/embed&gt;
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