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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. If you don't know what the VPN settings/configuration of your company are, they only way to find out is asking your IT department. They will usually have a documentation or procedure in place on how to install the VPN client.
  2. Its very easy to do, there are plenty of how to's on the web, as well as videos on youtube and specially securitytube.net Here is a hint, head over to Google type "sniffing/capturing passwords on a LAN" or "man in the middle attacks" That's all I can say!
  3. I have to agree with Digininja, if you don't know something or you are looking for some piece of information, the first thing you should try is a Google Search. 99% of the time, you will find what you are looking for, just by searching in Google. See it only took me a few seconds, to find the tool you are after. Here is the link, http://steghide.sourceforge.net/
  4. I am glad you fixed the problem!
  5. Just some updates: What's really weird is that, yesterday I was able to access the Hidden Wiki, now I can't access it all. However, I can access other onion sites. I have a feeling that, that could be something to do with the TOR network or the web server hosting the Hidden wiki, since I tried resetting my modem, as well as TOR client and even tried using a new identity but all the attempts have failed.
  6. Here's how I have set mine up. I currently have the installed version of TOR, Firefox as well as the TOR FF add-on and it works fine.
  7. What package of TOR did you download, the portable version or the installed version?
  8. I don't see, why that wouldn't work. Plus, I am also buying two switches with SFP ports to do the same thing as you are going to do.
  9. The commands should be as the following: Command line: ./hydra -l muts -P pass.txt my.pop3.mail pop3 bash-2.05b# ./hydra -l muts -P pass.txt my.pop3.mail pop3 Hydra v2.2 (c) 2002 by van Hauser / THC - use allowed only for legal purposes. Hydra is starting! [parallel tasks: 4, login tries: 19 (l:1/p:19)] [110][pop3] login: muts password: mypassword Hydra finished. bash-2.05b#
  10. If you are going to do a RAID configuration, might as well go with RAID 0 or RAID 10 for performance and redundancy.
  11. Could you tell me what, settings you have enabled under the Network and Advanced tabs? Reason I ask, because I don't seem to have any issues accessing .onion sites. Edit: Here is the actual link to the hidden wiki, http://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
  12. It must be the command usage, you may not be entering right. Are you able to post the commends you are entering?
  13. What exactly happens, when you run Hydra? Do you get any errors? Does it report what your password is?
  14. You should get one of these http://www.itsdirect.com.au/products/OCZ-RevoDrive-3-X2-480GB-PCI-Express-Solid-State-Hard-Drive-RVD3X2-FHPX4-480G/view/detail/category_id/30/Product_ID/16665/sub_category/92/
  15. Here is an example, of how you can change a picture with PHP Demo: http://demo.marcofolio.net/php_random_image_rotation/ Source code: http://downloads.marcofolio.net/programming/webdesign/rotate/rotate.zip This PHP script, works by rotating the images every time the page is refreshed. In order to get the images, rotated by date/time the script will need to be slightly modified.
  16. Personally I would take the 3 course3 for knowledge base purposes. But from a career point of view, a combination of Security and Ethical Hacking would be beneficial, if you want to get a job in the field of pen-testing or security. Forensics on the other hand, will serve you better, if you are interested in working for a LAW government agency like FBI or some kind of agency dealing with Anti-Cyber-criminology.
  17. Don't know if you read this documentation, but it would be worth a shot. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation
  18. Infiltrator


    I haven't considered Jumbo frames as the OP was only asking about MTU. However depending on your internet service, I think the maximum MTU you can transmit is 1500 bytes or less, over that will need to be fragmented. It would be a good test to try out and see what happens.
  19. No offense, they do look nice but what's the point of tattooing your body?
  20. Infiltrator


    MTU maximum transmission rate is 1500 bytes. Whereas the largest data payload of an IP packet that conforms to TCP/IP standards is 65,515 bytes.
  21. ARP poisoning can potentially slow down things down, since the traffic of the computers your poisoning is going through your computer. If your computer is not able to handle all that traffic, users will experience slowness on the network. The worse case scenario would be that things will stop responding and eventually break down. Secondly, when you perform an ARP attack you become the default gateway for the victims, any traffic coming from the victims will flow through your computer and then passed on the the real default gateway. Furthermore, the moment you stop ARP poisoning all the victims traffic will flow through the real gateway.
  22. @Matt, just wondering are you ever going to do an appearance in the Hak5 show?
  23. You might want to do a bit of reading, can I recommend these articles for you. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=how%20arp%20poisoning%20with%20ettercap
  24. Why don't you watch the securitytube.net and IronGeek.com videos, there are plenty of infoSec information there.
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