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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. Yes it is possible, I saw a video on irongeek.com, that showed this guys redirecting one of his victims from google.com to hotmail.com. He wasn't using Ethercap but Cain instead, but you can still use Ethercap to do DNS spoofing.
  2. I guess there could be some Lan Party standards put in place to only allow wireless N clients instead of a mixture of A, B and G. That way the wireless performance shouldn't heavily be degraded.
  3. I think you should start off with a few employees with experience in some areas, that should help you get some momentum into your business going. And if that works well, you could slowly expend your business. Edit: Most companies start up as a small company and over time they grow bigger and bigger. But again it all depends on how the company gets successful over the years.
  4. Hahhah what a crazy law.
  5. Hi Singh763173, Might want to take a look at Untangle, its a linux firewall that also has Captive Portal functionality. It does not run on a router, but it requires a standalone machine in order to be set up. http://www.untangle.com/Captive-Portal
  6. Here in Australia the ISPs, charge premium prices for using the internet and the speed is so shit, so why not make money off their network.
  7. Just going off topic for a moment, that's why America has a high rate or criminality, everyone has a gun and shoot who they think they should, which is wrong. But yeh that's America.
  8. Wifi is not a bad option, its just doesn't have enough juice to keep a lan party going.
  9. I think you misread the OPs reply, he wants to be able to monitor servers and get a real-time notification when a service or server is about to die.
  10. You can buy a really cheap scanner for $200 to $300, that comes with 200 channels and you can listen to Air, Marine, Fire and Police frequencies. I am going to get myself a scanner so I can listen to the airplanes talking, since I am gonna be getting my PPLs, so I should learn something from listening to the pilots when they talk to the ATC.
  11. We could design an open source service, especially for cracking passwords. That could be used by anyone who wishes to recover their password. It doesn't have to be for a particular user or target.
  12. You pretty much answered your question, you will need to create a filter specifically for filtering HTTP traffic. http://wiki.wireshark.org/Hyper_Text_Transfer_Protocol
  13. Since I am not sure what type of monitoring software you are after. You may be able to find what you are looking for in this website, it has a long list of network monitoring software, its worth a look. http://www.slac.stanford.edu/xorg/nmtf/nmtf-tools.html
  14. Its a funny thing, anyone that comes from these countries, are always a target or a suspect even though they haven't done anything wrong. I hate the media...... Always putting the people lives in misery.
  15. I would't use wireless for playing games in lan party, the speeds are not as quick as a gigabit switch. Also very important to consider is latency make sure the switch is of a non-blocking type switch, you want a switch that is always delivering the speeds and not blocking the speeds. In addition, if you want to have good ping responses, look into upgrading your NIC to a Killer-Nic-k1 http://www.bigfootnetworks.com/killer-nic-k1/ Just some options to consider.
  16. Whenever someone hears the term BotNet, they instantly assume its for doing something evil or causing harm. But I don't see it that way. What gives them the bad image, are the people controlling them on the background. If I were to create my one Botnet, it would be put for good use. Scientific, medical research and so forth.
  17. That looks awesome, now you can hide your encryption keys on that ROM chip and no one will ever notice.
  18. I think what you are after is a Captive Portal, it redirects the user to a logon screen, where you can charge the user to access internet for a period of time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captive_portal Edit: Don't know if it will be that useful to you.
  19. I don't know if you've heard of TomHardware, but he wrote a very good article on how to set up a Lan Party. I would recommend you reading that, to get some general ideas, of what is behind setting up a lan party. http://www.tomsguide.com/us/lan-party-how-to,review-496.html Edit: By the way, I wouldn't want to leave my wireless unprotected. So make sure encryption is enabled.
  20. After you created the image, comes the hard part decrypting the hard drive itself.
  21. Apparently, its been proven that you can break Quantum encryption, the flaw does not lie in the software itself but in the hardware itself. http://events.ccc.de/congress/2009/Fahrpla...ts/3576.en.html
  22. If Quantum computing existed, most encryption nowadays would be easily broken. However I found this very interesting article about Quantum Encryption, which claims to be 100% uncrackable. http://spectrum.ieee.org/computing/it/quan...ography-cracked
  23. I plan on doing the same, but more on the retail side. Selling IT products, as well as offering some of the services you mentioned, like software/ hardware installation and troubleshooting, network and server installation for home and small business. Good luck bro...
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