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Everything posted by Mr-Protocol

  1. Not to mention all the good bits are protected by root access on Android now. It would have to be a side load ipk which means ADB would have to be on and again, no root, not much data.
  2. Make sure you don't have adblock or script blocking extensions running and see if that makes a difference.
  3. Easier option with Ubuntu: lsblk Will list block devices and associated partitions if they are recognized. Example of output: protocol@Zion-VM:~$ lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0 0 80G 0 disk ├─sda1 8:1 0 78G 0 part / ├─sda2 8:2 0 1K 0 part └─sda5 8:5 0 2G 0 part [SWAP] sr0 11:0 1 1024M 0 rom protocol@Zion-VM:~$ Find your sd[X] for the one matching thumb drive. Make sure to use the name of the type "disk" and not "part". Wiping out the partitions will not help you. If I wanted to wipe out my hard disk with the above output, I would use sda instead of sd[X] below. Chances are your USB drive will be /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc. sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd[X] count=5 It will default to 512 block size, and you really only need count=1, but a few extra won't hurt. Make sure to wait until the program returns "Records In" and "Records Out". It tends to hang a bit when writing to removable media due to the "lazy write"/write cache. Then just reboot the computer just to make sure it actually wrote the data, and format with whatever OS you want. Should do the trick. If that doesn't fix it, I would begin to think there are hardware issues with it.
  4. Maybe, but wipe it with Ubuntu first to blast out any partition table or MBR that may be on there. Then use the formatting tool on whatever OS you want.
  5. Windows does not see multiple partitions on USB thumb drives. To the OP: Hook it up to a linux box and wipe it with dd at least the first few sectors. Then you should be able to reformat it and have all the space available.
  6. I'm not sure what is going on. Give me a bit and I'll factory reset mine and see if I can re-create the issue.
  7. Ah yes, DerbyCon. Where I continue to make Barry LMFAO year after year haha.
  8. Illegal activities including "borrowing" WiFi is not permitted here.
  9. Due to the illegal nature of that request. You won't be getting any help from here.
  10. Hmm.. Looks like a possible feature request for Seb. Sort infusions by most popular on top in the pineapple bar :D.
  11. Hashcat supports NVidia and AMD GPUs. The program without the GPU part should run on any supported architecture. http://hashcat.net/hashcat/
  12. I wouldn't think so. It's been a few years since I've played with metasploit. Check out this resource: http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/Main_Page
  13. Ah, I didn't understand it was for pentesting purposes. I thought you just wanted to connect the networks. Port forwarding the ports the tunnel uses should work in theory. It all depends if you have a direct IP to the internet or if you get internet that is behind another NAT that is sub leased in a way. I have seen people that live in apartments behind a NAT they do not control that plugs in as the internet source for their NAT Router. In that situation, forwarding the ports on your router would not work since there is another NAT layer preventing incoming connections. A simple way to check is to pick your favorite show your IP website and see if that matches the external IP address your router is detecting.
  14. You can do a point-to-point VPN with your two routers. That way the PCs dont need to be configured at all and it would be connected as long as both routers are online.
  15. You could just setup a VPN between them. VPN may be easier depending on the firmware of your devices.
  16. https://www.wifipineapple.com/?flashing Follow the unbricking guide.
  17. Well, the pineapple should be broadcasting a wireless access point. Connect to it and connect like you usually would.
  18. Have you tried connecting over the management wireless?
  19. I think I hit one post before anyone saw it around Midnight EST. But much less.
  20. Always is. Just hit that one. When I decide to go out, they will be very limited. I am going to see if I can add some features later to help the spam issue even more. Baby steps to see if it is worth it though.
  21. I have made a change that should help for now. I guess time will tell.
  22. Typically right now myself and one other mod almost step on eachother's toes trying to get spam reports handled when they come in haha. I will say though you only need 1 report per account that is spamming. So the recent one that had lots of threads of spam using the same account, we only need 1 report instead of reporting all the threads. It is a one button push from their account profile to crush it all at once.
  23. We have enough moderators to handle the spam in a timely fashion spread across multiple countries and time zones. I am just waking up but I believe the spam monitor is already implemented. I will look into some things when I get some time to see if this can be fixed up a bit. Spam like this happens in waves and eventually the monitor will catch up.
  24. Since the rubber ducky uses the same connector as, well, damn near EVERYTHING. I doubt it will be going away soon. Adapters and hubs will be common with USB-C.
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