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Everything posted by Netshroud

  1. Netshroud

    Tf2 Ninjas ?

    Reporting in! <-- see avatar
  2. Sure, but how consumer-friendly are they? iPhone OS 4.0 will be announced this Thursday (Friday morning my time), almost confirmed to have multitasking. I'm betting on the same outcome as the iPhone - no real competition for a few years.
  3. While I'm no expert on passwords, I will often pick something (anything) then make it l33t or inverse l33t with numbers and letters and symbols etc. So for example, "Full of fail" could become "FU|10Ff41|_". I'll then screw around on http://www.passwordmeter.com/ trying to make it stronger, so I can end up with something like "Fu1|0V f4|1_" (of became ov due to phonetics) Although my password will usually be quite a bit longer than that.
  4. why not just: wget http://www.metasploit.com/releases/framework-3.3.3-linux-i686.run chmod +x framework-3.3.3-linux-i686.run ./framework-3.3.3-linux-i686.run and then run msfupdate?
  5. AppleCommandRun("/Applications/TextEdit.app/Contents/TextEdit"); Isn't it /Applications/TextEdit.app/Contents/MacOS/TextEdit ?
  6. What about some things which run on both? Would we need a fourth cross-platform category? Where would Jasager/Interceptor go, or the yet-to-be-released USB ducky?
  7. Can't you do a DNS lookup, rather than just ping it? Some websites don't reply to pings, and some sites have multiple IP addresses.
  8. Can you browse the web from the fon? (wget or lynx)
  9. http://wiki.x-wrt.org/index.php/Kamikaze_Installation echo "src X-Wrt http://downloads.x-wrt.org/xwrt/kamikaze/8.09/atheros/packages" &gt;&gt; /etc/opkg.conf opkg update opkg install webif
  10. That's why Linux is more commonly used for wifi hacking.
  11. Use Pyrit in conjunction with CUDA and a NVIDIA card, or (and I haven't tested this) Stream with an ATi card.
  12. You can make them yourself, but IME it's painful to get it looking decent.
  13. Could it be that no-one has connected?
  14. Home machine + Laptop. Mint is running full-screen in a VM.
  15. I got a Fon+ shipped from Mexico to Australia via eBay, but I needed to splice the power connector on to an Australian power brick.
  16. http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?showtopic...mp;#entry149506 is how I got it all working nicely.
  17. WINE is pretty shonky IMO.
  18. After some constructive criticism from Steam Forum members...
  19. TF2 team confirmed on their blog: http://www.teamfortress.com/
  20. Looks like they implemented Steam Cloud.. finally.
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