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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Damn, won't work on my atrix... Also doesn't work on a HTC Flyer.
  2. Try setting your laptop's dns to google, Like I said I'm not sure what they changed in Lion, the "laptop" I'm using for the demo pictures is really just the mobo stuck to the back of the display. I use it as a digital picture frame. It's a single core intel, so the Lion installer refuses that one. My other macbook will install Lion, but the fan runs at 100% all the time, so I went back to snow leopard.
  3. They're both cool phones, got my dad the razor over thanksgiving holiday. The stylus is just too cool to pass up though, and besides, motorola likes to release new phones every other month instead of software updates..
  4. I missed out on getting a ticket to Shmoocon, so the only con this year will be Derbycon. Went to Defcon once, that was enough. Too many damn people, couldn't get into half the talks I wanted to. Shmoocon and Derbycon are the ones to try to go to. They're both smallish, so not too crowded. The cool part for me is I can drive to Derby the day of and still get there when they open. Though I might go the day before this time, the line all the way around the mezzanine sucked.
  5. The autonuke script can be edited. I used to use a dban boot floppy for wiping servers when we decommissioned them that did a single zero pass automagically. I wish I still had that disk, it was a Windows 3.11 for work groups install disk 1.
  6. Damn it!! Robin mentioned that a week or so ago on twitter!
  7. Sure. I'll edit this post tonight when I get home. Your settings look right, make sure your sharing prefs look like this, turned on of course... https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-SaqY-W-iKdM/TxCybPDzvrI/AAAAAAAAC80/erl8cLPbM1E/s1024/inetshar.jpg
  8. Nope, needs to be blank. https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-drd3d9Il9_A/Tw-OTlMyKFI/AAAAAAAAC7M/1r_qTh5vGCU/s1024/pineapple.jpg !!! If you make any changes to your network settings, you have to go to sharing and re-enable it. Any changes turns it off. At least that's how it works in 10.6. I can't run 10.7 on anything, my shit is too old.
  9. I haven't looked around too much yet, but are there any sd card mods for these guys? I have a linksys wrt54gs with a 2Gb sd card in it for extra storage.
  10. Probably not going to work the way you want it to. It's in a chrooted environment, so you won't get a lot of use out of it.
  11. Pretty sure he was right. Thetra's lappy is probably pushing out the same voltage either way. Yea, just took one of mine apart, same voltage as a single.
  12. Electrical tape is evil. Heat shrink works much better, and doesn't get sticky after a week or so.
  13. Pretty sure it doesn't have the correct connections in the dock port. I know it has video, audio, serial, power, and usb pins. Pretty sure there are no Ethernet pins.
  14. Console cables are serial cables, not ethernet, they just use the same plug.
  15. http://www.beowulf.org/overview/howto.html They work pretty well as garage heaters. Given how powerful graphics adapters have become getting a beefy mobo and a half dozen high end nvidia cards work much better, and usually use less power.
  16. You're missing the point completely. You create your own table. You use your own dictionary file, or use the one from the chruch of wifi, it's a pretty good one. So for your aaa_home ssid you'd run, ./genpmk -f /path/to/your/dictionary/file -d aaa_home -s aaa_home Let that grind away for a while, probably a couple hours depending on the dict file size and the speed of your computer. When it's done you'll have a new rainbow table made just for aaa_home. Then to try out your newly created file set your aaa_home access point to have a passphrase that is in your dictionary file, then fire up airplay to get your four way handshake, then run it against the table. ./cowpatty -r wpa-test-01.cap -d aaa_home -s aaa_home
  17. Depending on where you live, Frys or Microcenter have them.
  18. http://www.ebay.com/itm/PASSPORT-ESCORT-SRX-REMOTE-RADAR-DETECTOR-LASER-SHIFTER-JAMMER-NT-ZR4-SR7-9500CI-/270874267514?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f115d4f7a#ht_1899wt_1397
  19. Whoops, sorry, got the ap51's. Didn't notice the raspberry pi conversation start... :D Side note, I got the wifipineapple to almost work with my atrix on a lapdock. Haven't figured out the network redirect yet, but it's probably something I haven't configured correctly yet.
  20. Videos are for wussies. Here's how to make your own. http://wirelessdefence.org/Contents/coWPAttyMain.htm
  21. Looks like a pain in the ass.... https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=18279&p=1
  22. I'm actually going to use the second one as a real access point!
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