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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. I've probably washed every thumb drive I own. As long as they are dry before you plug them in(trip through the dryer fixes that) they'll work.
  2. Build a passive tap. http://www.sun.com/bigadmin/content/submit...thernet_tap.jsp You can see a slightly convoluted thread about them here. http://www.netstumbler.org/f17/humble-request-22694/
  3. That's really not what netstumbler was created for, and it's still supported. http://stumbler.net/index.php?m=201002 Mac filtering is useless, and provides the same false sense of security as a deadbolt on a screen door.
  4. According to the handheld linux guys, it's not compatible.
  5. So far the Android devices on At&t are just about as locked down as the iPhone, without the rooting capability. I've had winmo phones, they're okay. Had the first gen iPhone, it's okay. Have the Droid now, it's okay. They all have their shortcomings. WinMo is getting long in the tooth, maybe WinPhone7 will be better. The iPhone's store is it's biggest problem, the hardware is pretty nice. The Droid's biggest problem is Verizon, and the keyboard. Why they decided on this thing they call a keyboard I don't know. I've had pda's older than windows ce with better keyboards..... Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!! :lol:
  6. That's weird, I use it all the time. Works in linux(comes in BackTrack) and on my MacBook Pro.
  7. Remember back in the mid to late 90's and those things called "Handheld PC's"? Yea, that's what this thing is. It's a glorified pda.
  8. As long as they don't end up looking like this. Luckily you can't post more images than this.
  9. Gaming and netbook go together like honest and politician.
  10. $1200.00 will get you a developer model.... I really hope they are cheaper when they come out.
  11. They're also a waste of space in my opinion....
  12. Nice! Playing around with Windows Home Server in one of my storage server boxes. http://twitpic.com/19b5ll
  13. Actually that's the corner of our server room. To the right is the giant ass ups system that doesn't work. The box on top is the spare Nortel phones. What's funny, or sad, depends on how you look at it, is that Alpha is serving a service that's used world wide for our company! It's going to be a really bad day when it and it's spare kicks the bucket. @BuckoA51, This system is running a customized version of VMS, since our companies hardware used to run on VAX systems. Like I said before, there's only three or four people in the world that know the system real well, and two of them work in my office. Both of them are old enough to be my dad.
  14. Have you gotten the autowep plugin to actually crack a key yet? I set up a machine streaming radio for packets and gave up after a couple days.
  15. We got rid of our last VAX a few years ago. My company used to create video cards for SGI. I've got an old SGI O2 at home with one in it. How about an Alpha powered system running a custom OS that almost nobody still knows? Oh, it's also still in use. We have a back up machine sitting in a box just in case this one takes a crap.
  16. Now you need to do one for Ubuntu 10.4. ;)
  17. I've added my thought in line in blue.
  18. You just wanted to gloat.... ;) 10Mb at home and 10Mb, with a separate 6Mb vpn tunnel back to hq at work.
  19. VMWare is currently working on something like this for cell phones. I guess somebody there is tired of carrying around multiple phones.
  20. Put this script in the crontab. Every 5 minutes should do. osascript -e "set volume output volume 100" ; say -v Xarvox "This is my password. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My password is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I master my life. My password, without me, is useless. Without my password, I am useless."
  21. Should probably ask those kinds of questions on a zimbra forum.
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