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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Yea, I don't think I'd mess with your power over there. I've been bitten by 110 more times than I can count. 240 just sounds dangerous.
  2. Didn't say it was cheap, just the cheapest I could find in 5 minutes on Google. ;) If you do eventually find a good one, make sure it's a resistive touch screen. Water does all kinds of fun things with capacitive screens.
  3. We didn't allow personal computers on the school network. Too much of a virus/exploit risk.
  4. St. Bernard has an awesome filtering service. We used it in out school district to limit access. The cool part is when kids find new and exciting sites, you can add it to the filter list, which gets synced back to the main iPrisim site and pushed to all it's subscribers. Not sure how much the subscription is, wasn't part of my job at the time. http://www.stbernard.com/products/iprism/default.asp If it's a windows domain, you can set the computers to automount their networked drive at login. Takes a couple days training to get them to remember to put their work in that drive and not leave it at the classroom workstation. The teachers will give you more grief than the students on this one. Don't forget to set the computer's bios to not allow usb boot.
  5. Heh, we didn't have computers when I was in elementary school....
  6. I used to run Angstom on my Sharp Zaurus years ago. It's still not gotten very far since then. It's buggy, slow as hell, and the devs are asses. I'd wait for x86 based tablets to get a little better, or pick up a cheap tablet off fleabay to play with.
  7. You never see Kirk open mouth kiss his sister.....
  8. I still think adding a random timer to one would be awesome, and a magnet. Pop one under a shelf pointing at the TV wall at random big box store and let it do it's thing. Go back and pick it up after a week or so.
  9. Cheapest one I could find. http://www.planaronline.com/product/?id=997-4350-01lf
  10. +1000 We would unblock sites if there was an educational reason for it. "Just because" isn't a good reason, and a good reason to have IT watch your account a little more than normal for a while as well. Oh, and if we did find a student bypassing the firewall, they'd lose all computer access for the rest of the school year. If they did it again, they'd lose all computer access for the rest of their school carrier.
  11. No, that's not why America has a high rate of crime. You've been watching too many movies.
  12. If the system is set up properly, proxy sites are blocked, so are vpn connections out of the network.
  13. My wife's old office used to be down the street from a Remax. They had wifi, oddly enough called ReMax. Open to the world. If for some reason someone was to connect to their wifi they would find that ever computer in their office (about 10) had file sharing turned on for drive c. After the fifth time I logged into their wifi router, a linksys wrt54g and shut down the wireless connection, which didn't help, I left txt files on every desktop telling them that all their customer data was open to the world. It also stated that there was a school right across the street where the kids that were on in school suspension went to class. Oddly enough a day later they had encryption enabled! It was wep, but hey, at least they were trying....
  14. You've never tried doing command line stuff with an on screen keyboard before have you? It's a pain in the ass.
  15. I've got some old class2 cards that boot. Could be a formatting problem.
  16. There's really no reason to mess with your laptop while wardriving.
  17. Use the command line, WICD sucks dead donkey balls. iwlist scan <-- Shows what is in the area. iwconfig wlan0 essid "Your ESSID here" iwconfig wlan0 key xxxxxxx iwconfig wlan0 key open dhcpcd wlan0
  18. Nice! I might have to start playing again!
  19. barry99705


    Can DOS even use usb devices?
  20. Heh, this is exactly why we tell people not to use BackTrack as their first linux. It's not as user friendly as say Ubuntu, or even Gentoo. I'd actually say start with stock Ubuntu, if you're missing an application then build it from source, that's how you learn. There's the problem right there. Wicd is a pos. You'll have better luck connecting from the command line.
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