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Everything posted by SomeoneE1se

  1. The former of course however I don't yet have the time for it so it might be a while...
  2. I'm not trying to be a smart ass when I read that it looked like he's asking something totally different. Most of the time I could care less about grammar and the such so long as I can understand it, and I had to read that three times before I was able to understand it. And still I didn't get no-cd cracks until you reminded me that there was such a thing.
  3. From what I understand you want to know if you'll get into legal trouble if you use no cd cracks for you're IPTV show, well 'no cd cracks' are legal because you're not cracking the cd. So I'd say you're good... But if you want to try again and use some spelling/grammar and a touch of proof reading I'd be happy to have you a second opinion.
  4. I'd love to find a geeky girlfriend... anyone know where I can find one?
  5. yes the edit button will always be on all you're posts and the delete button will be there for a little while
  6. It's Karma he was bitten by the set.. so he won't get eaten by another car.
  7. Does it have to be live can it be prerecorded?
  8. ....actually that's not even close to being true I used a program called IPMaster Pro. Check it out for yourself :D i still stand by what i said: when messaging on a one to one basis - directly, sniffing the connection reveals the other person's IP Thats not what you said you said there's nothing in there about one to one, and in the context you add it seemed like you said just firing up a sniffer will tell you the IP but you need to know ehere to look and what IP are not the one's your are looking for... Just to let you know.
  9. ....actually that's not even close to being true
  10. did you not see me say fashion accessory?
  11. They no longer do this for Edgy onwards. http://www.nubuntu.org is good too :) I've had nothing but problems with nubuntu however backtrack2 had been gold for me
  12. best way earn some money and buy you're own computer
  13. http://www.google.com/search?q=VNC http://www.google.com/search?q=TightVNC http://www.google.com/search?q=UltraVNC http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/vnc that should start you out if you don't under something ask a detailed question and I'll help you out if I can.
  14. Maybe because with Windows you can do things like play games, and with an Ipod you can listen to music on your fashion accessory.
  15. SomeoneE1se


    No this is just hakgipc he does it a lot, I'm sure he has no short term memory... it's kinda sad really.
  16. "I want to but osx on my windows".... LMFAO
  17. SomeoneE1se


  18. well with the info I have it might be because you're using 'patched' software to change the look of windows..
  19. Ok... first NOT ME Second it totally looks like you guys... ditto where was this found/taken
  20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/bittorrent
  21. <nVidia Fanboy> nVidia FTW!!!!111one </nVidia Fanboy>
  22. I think that's more on you that you got jumped by three guys...
  23. If someone tries hard enough and can think outside the box they will get past you.. I remember when I was still in school EVERYTHING was locked and hidden... Everything but Help, I used the Help menu to get into the sound manager and turn the sound back on so I could listen to music with my headphones... I don't remember how but I got a working command prompt from the help menu one time too..
  24. MAD PROPS Duelus I've been looking for that from the start of this thread but couldn't find it now it will stop bugging me thx dude..
  25. oh my god there are so many things wrong with that... first i think you mean letters not words second IT'S ONE MORE FUCKING LETTER and it makes you NOT look like a dumb ass third you can not compile batch files... can NOT... NOT fourth and the idea is that it is hidden if someone finds it they will delete it because knowing someone's fake e-mail address will not help you..
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